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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. excathedra

    Happy Feats

    shaz, i CANNOT believe that 84 year old beautiful lady !!!!!!!! OHMYGOD !!!!!!! -- remember that movie, when the girl works construction in pittsburgh i believe ? "i'm dancing for my life.... i have rhythm now.... " i loved THAT . i cry every time i see it -- satori, is your darling daughter taking ballet, tap, both, what ? thanks for this thread you tube is awesome
  2. excathedra

    Age difference

    well sometimes people do it both ways and neither work ha
  3. DrWearWord just THINK for once in your life, damn it !!!!!!
  4. excathedra

    Happy Feats

    okay before i go on, i LOVED it !!!!! did pedro have snow boots on ?
  5. next weekend we're going to my mom's and her husband's 75th birthday party (he turned 75 in march, she in june) and they're getting their wedding vows blessed by a priest in the catholic church one of our songs that all nine of us kids are going to sing to her, is this..... (we've changed the words a little, and ps. this is a song she asked to be played at her funeral, but why would we wait? it's from goodbye mr. chips, petula clark and peter o'toole, GREAT movie)...... -- the original song is asking God these questions and she doesn't know we're doing this :) sudo, got a clip ? -- pps. she doesn't just fill her kids' worlds with love, this is how she is everywhere with everyone thanks
  6. i think he was !!!!! and his wife's name laura !!!!!!!!!! ((((((( SATORI ))))))) great poem love you
  7. are you Dave Bailey of the 11th?

  8. oh damn. i didn't read the thread, but i just can't stand not chiming in one christmas i brought home gifts for my huge roman catholic family "a jesus christ is not god" yellow red and black book wrapped beautifully for everyone hey they still love me !!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. and his wife's name is randi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. dear joe, i'm against your beliefs but i love you and cathy very much love, ex and i wish you the the best always and forever
  11. :) you have one more brain cell than i do ;) ;) ;)
  12. it's a law that which you're afraid of..... guess he was afraid of cancer ppphhhtttttt outieaboutie ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and sudo..... i can only speak for myself and the motorcoach it was not my idea ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha gross puke help ohmygod
  13. and the drummer was dave garibaldi..... not sure of the spelling.... but SO THERE !!!!!!!!!!! was skip miskeet (phoenetic) the sax player ? damn it
  14. thanks i had heard about this but wanted to see it please tell me you didn't transcribe that from memory
  15. in my humble opinion, dear god will have to answer that one.....
  16. excathedra

    I soloed today

    YOUR dream just gave me a panic attack !!!!!! but CONGRADS anway !!!!!!! love,ex
  17. excathedra


    lillie looks just like you !!!!!!! i absolutely love YOUR (no smoke) pic !!!!!!! stay safe, you're in my prayers love,ex
  18. -- and when he gives it up, i'll be very sad some might feel they got their way but i don't think so ha
  19. i feel paw does the frikkin best he can i honestly do think that
  20. this account is crazy and i know crazy
  21. having been in a cult and / or abusive "stuff" might explain some of this
  22. my deepest condolences your dear sister i'm so sorry no words
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