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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. wow i liked what mstar said you should think loving thoughts about all the bitter crazy people here :)
  2. protocol i'll give you a protocol lesson don't jump on the pope's popemobile or wiewille's harley
  3. ha ! make a dollar off of someone's guilt ? i hope you realize you followed that comment after a CATHOLIC's comment ha ha NO guilt there :)
  4. the only thing i can think of now to help is tons of love and communication
  5. wierwille did not come up with the "afterglow" ha !
  6. i gotta watch it just to see then i have to rent or buy the 6 years worth
  7. there better be something better for me after this frucking life
  8. when i saw this onein the paper, i laughed
  9. it's more blessed to give than to receive
  10. i'll tell you what a new york minute is
  11. uh oh was that babel comment something i should worry about spiritually ? ps. as for me, i've given up worrying up "what's / where's the profit ?" a long time ago ;)
  12. excathedra

    Pirate 2011

    CONGRADS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and what a handsome pirate he is ~ same with pirate jr. and ALL OF YOU !!!!!!!! so happy for you no he can't possibly be that old already !
  13. oh wow !!!!!!!!!!! tremendous !!!!!!!! wish i could see her, i'll be at work already
  14. first i gotta find her ;) to get back to her
  15. (((((((((((( mini ))))))))))) you are an amazing individual
  16. hi joe i don't think i treated you poorly forgiving the "catholic church" not a chance i'm sorry you took it so personally
  17. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA of course, no surprise about john and hope
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