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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. for some wierd reason, i have this thing called faith nothing to do with that law of believing
  2. i don't know why it should be fun...... ;) paw
  3. i don't really believe this law of believing
  4. who have you seen raised from the dead, please ?
  5. bump, maybe i'll just believe god and hitch to france to pick him up !!!!!!
  6. shifra, this whole thing makes me sick it's really not about LEAD, it's about the way and how it sucked
  7. excathedra


    dear toppie, nothingi can really say except i admire you and you are so special to me
  8. excathedra


    how did ol' veepee do with his believing up there on the big rock
  9. excathedra


    corps brothers and sisters, what have you.....
  10. why will it be fun ? who the heck is it ?
  11. excathedra


    too bad jesus didn't like your friends
  12. excathedra


    i'm thinking lucky too forget about god blessing anyone guess why i had such a good experience ? i was young, in shape, and i kissed a$$ so there
  13. now THAT is what i call heavy revvy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. rock, rott, dot you guys are funny !!!!
  15. where, please ? -- and yes waytrix's avatar is awesome !!!!!!!
  16. excathedra


    no kidding sky ! -- hey did veepee every leave his hitching partner ?
  17. excathedra


    thank god the sweet girl got help, counseling, etc., when she got back
  18. and of course the thing you said about the king boy, i didn't realize at the time i need protection from veepee
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