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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. excathedra

    In my 'hood

    i'm so sorry bumpy
  2. i'm so mad i almost want to tell my story but i wouldn't do it because it would be recorded and it STILL haunts me / shames me
  3. look decide whatever did you read m's story or not ? you too lingo
  4. thanks for all the great replies jyam, sorry, i don't live in chicago
  5. jonny, please don't kill me but how do you feel about veepee and motorcoach and young ladies that didn't know what was going on do you consider that kind of thing damaged goods (i know you apologized) but i still wonder about your perception of him
  6. excathedra

    alcohol rehab

    i don't know, sorry best of luck
  7. more and more difficult to find those groucho
  8. thank you waysider (you're so great) i just remembered my girlfriend at work had to get her doctor to give special permission to the insurance company because a generic drug would not work for her now i'm getting (?) confused again ps. i don't think i'd not the difference regarding generic caviar :)
  9. i agree the odd thing was explaining how "freed" i was from veepee prior to that, i had talked to and written craig and asked him to go a different path that the father in the word
  10. shifra that was really nice i truly love the essential needs
  11. how can you relinquish your will for a purpose, oldies ? where i'm coming from is such a difficult place to explain. being on the motorcoach with the mog.... i just don't see it.... it certainly wasn't a challenge or good learning.... and there was a lot wrong with it.... anyway have a good weekend
  12. mr. rator or mr. decide said (that's a hard handle for me to remember) wish you had known him before 1990
  13. okay, i only read sky's first post i remember when we were called to hush-hush corps meetings at the limb home about problems up above (snort) we were told NOT to tell our twig the first thing we did was go and tell our twi then our nice friends asked us to keep running a fellowship in or out of the way we declined felt bad in an emotional way, but just couldn't buy into it hope that makes sense -- it was more like a branch of a group of twigs (in reference to what was said about starting to blame higher ups)
  14. you're so right john j. about telling people how they've helped us i do want to thank you and i think you should go to bed earlier (((((((((((((( many hugs ))))))))))))))) love,ex
  15. do you think it's okay to buy the generic brand of certain things ? i was buying motrin today and i read that label and then the label of the generic sitting next to it. they were the same. (i know about insurance companies when a swap is available) but i often wonder about a lot of items.... cereal, shampoo, god knows what else what has been your experience ? what do you think ? thanks
  16. my dear rottie (puff puff) please tell us how you feel mwah
  17. i'm not saying i've arrived but the journey is not so painful anymore my neck still hurts
  18. it has taken me a looooooooong time
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