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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. thanks rascal i believe i'm most thankful these men's brains are not dead
  2. dottie, i'm not ignoring you, i just don't want to keep telling it right now
  3. i won't address you anymore lingo. at least i'll try not to okay okay i lied never mind what i said about men did you read my post about what happened to me ? too bad dr. wierwille didn't know that
  4. oh yeah, are wordwolf, oakspear, exwaycorp etc part of the "bunch" who is the bunch so i stop this
  5. hey lingo, alfa and waysider in that bunch ? they are MEN
  6. dear pond, i wanted to thank you for some of the great stuff you said on here the only reason i PM'd you my thanks was because there were other people i wanted to respond the same too
  7. marsha, catcup's sister, many girls i've talked to through the years.... real people.... true devastation peace -- peace (as my son would say ~ that's what they say before they hang up the phone on each other, isn't that nice ?)
  8. ps. please spare me what i could have done differently. i've spent more time on that than anyone here ha i just sounded like the alcoholic in the class
  9. i brought up marsha's story (i hope she's not around) i got into "the way ministry" toward the end of my freshman year in college. i was 18 going on 19 i was very excited and thankful and all that. it was at this time the good doctor was pheasant hunting and came to see "his girls" (i was just a thrilled tag-along newbie) i couldn't wait to meet this special man -- THE TEACHER i went over to the college-wow-all-girl way home because he was actually there IN PERSON !!!!!!! i walked past the bathroom door -- it was open -- glanced to the left -- where he turned and smiled at me and exposed himself. the gal undershepherding me said something like, "isn't he great, he's so spiritual, he doesn't even think about the flesh....." something along those lines.... i won't bore you with the details of how he (over a few years) counseled me about my childhoodm the incest, the heartbreak, dah dah dah fast forward (i'm leaving out so much) to my interim year. i was 23. i believe i turned 23 at advanced class '79 which was the end of my first year in residence (trying to document things here in case there's a judge on this thread). anyway, on my interim year, i desparately wanted a ride from one campus to another to see my fiance. i didn't think dr. would try to heal me anymore since i was engaged. he hadn't been successful at healing me thus far because i told him i just couldn't understand, i wasn't spiritual enough, and ran away in tears (more than once) so then we had a few drinks on the long ride, much to my relief, because i was nervous the next thing i remember is looking into these cold dead eyes and then viewing the incident from up above like i was on the ceiling looking back, i figured it was probably a disassociating mechanism somewhere toward the wee hours of the morning, i was over on another bed (don't remember how i got there) there was this thing being poked in my face - the bed was the perfect level - and i played dead (deader than a door nail) it finally went away. i mean the good dr. finally went away -- so i'm the eyewitness to this one (i'm so sorry for marsha) -- knowing all the books of the bible just ain't cranked up to what it used to be (how does that saying go ?)
  10. i believe it's possible to thank god (and question him) without thanking veepee because of pfal, i met veepee, and that.... well.... just about destroyed me
  11. poor marsha. it's because of how you dissect her that i can't post would it help you to know i woke up in the middle of it happening would you then like to know i never went back you make me sick
  12. -- how embarrassing the queering of america dear act2, happy birthday, i love you
  13. back in the olden days left is right, and right is wrong
  14. ahhhhh i don't know sounds c razy maybe from someone who prays
  15. sounds like heaven bumpy oh yeah about the number of posts. BFD
  16. lingo, was out there in your corps or maybe a year after ? how did YOU miss all the fun ?
  17. well i'm thinkin' doctrine reproof correction
  18. i don't think there are french markets in this neighborhood
  19. can always count on you to be such a
  20. i hate grocery shopping i do it once a week
  21. you don't have to explain that might make you god
  22. excathedra

    In my 'hood

    again, i'm really sorry, because i understand the radio thing so you can talk to people live, i guess
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