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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. chiller theatre!!!!! ha !!!! now i understand your fragile mind now danny, do you remember the movie, "the attack of the crab monster" ? i was sure it lived in my closet
  2. was HE the zodiac killer ? ohmygod i am heartly sorry for having offended thee and i detest all my sins because of thy just punishment...... ;) ;) ;) ;)
  3. holy smokes !!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  4. my boy told me A-Rod did it !!!!! sowwy if this was covered already :)
  5. http://www.weighdown.com/ has anyone taken the class ??? :)
  6. sorry again you don't have to crawl back anywhere
  7. did i attack someone ? never mind i'm taking things personally sorry
  8. what was the topic again ? very funny someone said on here that there's like 12 layers of garbage on this thread or something like that the reason i like my garbage story layered - instead of starting a thread about vpw and his ways - is because it makes me feel like garbage - and it takes a lot for me to put it out there so go on and laugh and now if someone says "oh poor excie, dah dah dah" then i will be accused of being an attention-getter and the like - garbage again i've been honest and i've tried not to get personal or mad at anyone it's hard for you to understand, i know, but derailing a thread, in my case, is so different than playing golf i'm not bitter, i'm not going nuts, i'm not mad at anyone -- and doreen, if you're mad or upset, feel free to private message me
  9. i really like your screen name, handle thingy, "rosestoyou" very nice
  10. i guess you think it's funny how this thread got off topic was talking to larry
  11. seriously !!!!!!! it doesn't take a "christian" to recognize this stuff it only takes a culthead not to recognize it
  12. excathedra


    hi outfield i can't find your post from somewhere else i'm so happy you didn't do what you thought about when you were a sweet young 12-year-old
  13. and what an actor !!!! except when that dang temper got the best of him oops i mean spiritual anger
  14. happy birthday, raf much love,ex
  15. i'm glad it happened for lingo's dad, i thank god
  16. i thank god and my lord jesus christ for things i learned in pfal that brought be closer to them i'm also very sorry i ever met vpw and i think our lord understands me (same with you, of course) -- (i don't agree that he, vp, was a man like any other with his good points and bad ones ~ what i mean is that minimalizes "regular" guys ~ i believe he had a responsibility when he decided to speak for god) hope that makes sense
  17. i can vouch for that -- ps. (i know i signed off with a "peace out" damn forgive me) but when you tell things that happened and are true, it doesn't make you a judge or a jury, at all
  18. this is one of the funniest threads i've read in a long time thanks, all !!!!! geo. did you say he was sitting around with his homies ? ohmygod i'm dying
  19. what a pretty name (handle)

  20. i went to my regular doctor not too long ago and this young guy walks in and says he's doing whatever they do when they're training he said, can i ask you a few questions i said NO so he left my regular doctor laughed her a$$ off even though she's the one providing them the experience
  21. as long as no one starts those goddang back rubs
  22. dear bumpy, i hope i didn't trash you. you are correct about living here and having no clue about what was going on. -- i don't trust everyone, but i haven't given up trust, or hope...... -- but then again look at what's under my avatar ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... :) hey d. :wub:
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