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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. far away i hope. he could be one nasty scary dude up close and personal. if vp really gave a damn about people, he would never have made him an "overseer" of anyone (except himself, i guess). he did make a good bus driver for him. but what i said still applies (just fewer people)..... when it comes to discussions about vp and trustees and geer and poo poo paper, the only thing that comes to mind is, i don't know which one flew the highest over the cuckoo's nest well that's not excactly the right way to say it, since mc murphy was a good guy
  2. well i can't right now sis, i'm lo shanta malakeseto, lo shantai
  3. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: ductape :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  4. oh man another thread i can and it's not slander why is that so hard to believe ? -- and how would anyone know if i forgive him or not ? i don't understand -- ps. sorry i screwed up that quote
  5. ohmy this thread is still alive !!!!!! well let's see, oldies, i honestly quit going near any church or moggie but i still drive :)
  6. sowwy kryssie i love you so much when i think of something funny, i will post it mwah
  7. kryssie, i love you so much, on your birthday ~ and every day
  8. i hope it's okay just to hope and pray i'm scared of guns
  9. sowwy my thanks to that adorable sow sow-wy you're a boy i think thank you dear piggly wiggly
  10. i wish your dad could have seen you then, too but he'll know at that time "even as we're known" you're a good son
  11. yup he was tempted in everything yet without sin smoking is AOK mwah
  12. you ALL are so great eyes, thank you for starting a thread like this, it shows what you are all about, one awesome human being
  13. yeah kinda what white dove said (i think, not trying to put words in your post) probably thought they were doing the will of god
  14. waysider, i can't remember that, and we were the poorest people we ever met !!!!!!! i do remember that my brothers would say ~ "let's play FBI in living color"
  15. and having your dad say how proud he is of his son must be one of the greatest greatest blessings in the entire world
  16. there isn't enough bandwidth to give you all the hugs (((((((((((((((((((((((((( ophelia ))))))))))))))))))) i want to give you
  17. ohmygod my dear adios, your heart i don't even know what to say all my love,ex
  18. help me help me oh i can hear the squeaky little man right now !!!! scary !!!! -- THEM -- that giant lady !!!!!! calling her husband, what was his name ? -- later roy thinnes - the invaders. can everyone please post their fingers !!!!!!! -- the tingler.... stop trying to scare me danny
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