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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. excathedra


    i don't think the person i'm not speaking to is a troll
  2. it's been tossed sowwy ! i don't know why i can't put the picture here thank you all
  3. jpg file 455 kb i don't know what i'm doing wrong
  4. excathedra


    would those be neru jackets ?
  5. excathedra


    i'm not talking to you
  6. thank you kit love you, ex
  7. ha !!!! i'm in total shock. she never laid an egg before. she comes home sunday after 7-8 months away and on monday she lays an egg !!!!!!!! i just read this on the internet : do you think that's the case ? or was it love at first sight with bugaboo ???? i still can't get over this ! -- ps. i'll post a picture soon
  8. rascal laid an egg on top of her cage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. i'll miss you too. you've been so nice to me ---- and as my dear friend's father said f the fing fers
  10. thank you everyone. i really appreciate it. yes pond, i remember !!! and everyone else.... and you're right, geo..... i always kept her clipped and this one time i let it go because i was having this big family holiday party, and was cleaning and preparing, dah dah dah..... she did leave in the dead of winter, and since she doesn't talk, i have no idea where she spent january through august. the reunion wasn't as magical as i wished i'll try to sum up good stuff and not-so-good stuff i put my finger right in the cage and said "step up." she immediately stepped up and went to my shoulder and kind of nuzzled my hair (she used to groom me all the time ha !!) my son's voice has gotten so much deeper since she left and she didn't respond to him like she used to (he was hurt) and wondered if it was really her as soon as we put her in her own cage, she did hang upside down like she used to when she came home and we gave her one of her favorite treats (cheese doodles), she went for them like crazy ! but she also is afraid of the dogs and she never used to be ummmm what else ? there's a new bird here, bugaboo, and they don't know each other. any advice bikerbabe ? they have separate cages but rascal is now trying to take over bugaboo's cage rascal will sit on my shoulder but not ready to be pet like she always loved the bird farm lady told me all this is normal i do wonder how much memory they have. rascal was hand raised since a baby. she's still like herself but not..... i'm know she's been through A LOT and has only been home for one day --- i wrote the above a while ago. since then, both birds have been sitting on me bugaboo is more affectionate than EVER rascal is pooping on me like she always did ! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha -- like i said, it's only been a day it's great but kind of wearing...... -- now they are both sitting on the top of the same cage. that's good, eh ?
  11. thank you ! it is beyond amazing !!!!! i told dot about all this recently when my hope / heart was in my throat and then yesterday i told rascal (her namesake ;)) kit was not very happy with me back in january when i asked her to take it off the prayer thread. i felt like there were so many more important people / things to pray for ! -- i can't wait 'til bikerbabe sees this !!!! mwah
  12. ahhhhh how i love the internet !!!!! i had posted all over when she first went away (and did flyers and newspaper ads, etc.) and then i would always check through the months a few weeks ago, i decided to post again with a really good picture of rascal my sister sent me from a family party we had here at the end of december / beginning of january anyway, this other gal who is looking for her bird, saw my post, and then saw the post of the "found cockatiel" she got in touch with me and hooked me up with the family who found rascal
  13. my cockatiel "rascal" flew away in mid-january today we drove almost two hours away to another state SHE IS BACK HOME !!!!!!!!! can you believe it ? these wonderful people (kids, actually) just found her around the first week in august !!!!!
  14. do you think i should move this ? i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings
  15. ohmygodiamheartlysorryforhavingoffended theeandidetestallmysinsbecauseofthyjustpunishment
  16. excathedra


    even if everything was wiped out, i would still come visit
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