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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. okay that's where i got lost. -- how old is your son ? you're scaring me
  2. dear sudo, i love you, happy birthday
  3. copenhagen you are so funny ---- nice to see you again connerron
  4. no kidding. i couldn't agree more
  5. face meltings so many stories so little time
  6. how would i do my kid's homework ? ha ha haha h ha ha ha ha haha ha
  7. happy birthday cowgirl -- do you know how goey is doing ????
  8. thought this was gonna' be a video clip of when the doctor slapped his hiney (sp?) i mean when the doctor slapped the doctor's just to clarify
  9. it's the only worthwhile time i had in the corps i think
  10. and i wish you all good !!!! happiest birthday dear white dove love,ex
  11. happy happy birthday ! may all your dreams come true !!!! love,ex
  12. yeah, just look up at the top right and click on "Members" (it's like darkish blue, up there between "calendar" and "search"). then go to David Anderson. click on his profile and then down on the left "send email." did you say that belle ?
  13. mark and sigrid are still in new knoxville area. they are probably listed. they are. st. marys
  14. thanks act2.... i was just trying to remember K@thy Federsp!el's name. love her !!! rhino and w&w, i did remember karen l. that was funny about her rolling her eyes on the toilet paper instruction. i can just see her !
  15. that was such a nice bittersweet story, egilkent thank you
  16. look at you, you cutie !!!!! i took the advanced class in '77 i think, but it was a beach picture. i don't have any of my memorabilia.... damn no foreknowledge..... ebay and such.....
  17. well.... what's "vital" is twi got the word over the world (big snort)
  18. oh you delete for "redundant" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha haha ha ha ha h where ya been ?
  19. nah you take it with you your whole life ;)
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