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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. someone on another forum made an effort to discredit me something about my being abused as a young girl by my uncle (well that's true -- i was not a teen however -- i was younger) AND they also said veepee never did such a thing to a teenager i just wanted to say veepee TRIED when i was a teenager (freshman year in college) - he just didn't get his believing up until about 5 years later it's been bugging me and i didn't know where else to share it and my drinking doesn't change the facts thanks
  2. a poll on spiritual abuse might be nice although i have feeling that would fly right over the cuckoo's nest
  3. jyam, most likely she couldn't say much more than the truth i think the villain is vp so you knew tex, me too i'm still trying to think about how to answer your last post i'm thinking that brainwashed f-d up people still tried to help others -- i know i always cared about people and i never would have done to them what vp did to me.... and others....
  4. i think it's a poll on who WAS but you might be right about it being more e representative of this community, since most that i know, who were, are not here, in this community -- i get you waysider and thanks for the bit about your name
  5. do you think that would have helped veepee ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ah ah ah ah
  6. hi waysider you bring up a really good point love,ex
  7. great thread ???? -----------------
  8. and some of us could vote more than once in more than once box
  9. okay okay who was the youngest linda kazee or wrds and wrks ?????
  10. THANKYOU !!!!now was this song really from 1966 ? i was 10 !!! i believe it was on the B side of my 45 !!!!!!--------
  11. ohmygosh please please please give dooj my love and tell her i miss her (meatballs and all ;) ;) ;)) that is just a funny because i tease her but i love her a lot. please tell her i'm really sorry and dumbfounded. i wish she didn't have to get deleted over this come back hurry when everything is sorted out on your computer love,ex
  12. happy happy birthday dear wrds and wrks love,ex http://youtube.com/watch?v=5uaVi1dpIl4
  13. how did i miss this important thread, dear bulwinkfor you--------
  14. alfie, i love yousome words don't apply but you know what i mean------
  15. excathedra

    8th Corps

  16. excathedra

    8th Corps

    there was me (i'm 9th) and i know many many more much love, ex
  17. welcome tex ! i didn't see your post here. i wish i could get your book now but i see i can preorder it on amazon. i also really really appreciate your blog. thank you. love,ex
  18. thank you everyone you are really good people mo, i don't what free fall mode is but it sounds like you might feel like going over the edge DON'T i love you
  19. could we make it our new year's resolution to get waysider in chat ?
  20. i can't tell you how much your writing means to me. let me or us or .... know about your book please

    thank you

  21. hey shell, from what you said on the thread i started -- not trying to be a jerk but when you said that, i thought you meant i was an electronic non-entity i've been looking for you in chat to tell you, which i will do again love,ex well maybe i misunderstood since you said the "outside edges" if so, i'm sorry
  22. a very happy birthday frank !!!! love,ex
  23. happy birthday !!!!!!!!
  24. happy new year !!!!!! i hope it's good for all of us ps. bumpy we can't create ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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