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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i saw the movie. sad i don't know what the way thinks now and sorry i don't care but thanks for posting
  2. i found what i was thinking about..... that's kind of my point about comparing precious people
  3. that was funny about your cat and the bug, pond okay jonny (sorry for calling you lingo) well maybe you shouldn't dismiss people even if they allude to the way cult being something like jim jones.... a suicide is a suicide, don't you think ? i believe the bible says something about one little person (you know, as opposed to 900....) did i say my life was miserable ? and did i state over and over my life is miserable because of my involvement with the way ? again, as far as who fared better than whomever, ask maybe one suicide victim when you see them (when they are living and breathing again, that is) count my blessing, girl ? thank you jonny peace be with you :)
  4. okay i get you but don't you think you should be a little more considerate or kind ?
  5. i don't know who you are, man, but the fact that you discredited someone (the kansas wow poster) makes me have less respect for what you have to say ps. i'm drunk so i may have misunderstood the whole thing if so, forgive me
  6. okay here's a really CRAZY scary idea we might all be wrong ohmyfrikkingod !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. stop it ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  8. ps. waysider (i respect that poster a lot) mentioned 1972
  9. never thought it was in jest and lingo, the part about "a retarded child and all" was really silly (sorry) thanks OCW for you honesty
  10. -- ok read that -- how does anyone KNOW what evil one sees or what "revelation" someone gets i happen to believe people so i'm not saying lingo that you in your own little world weren't helping people (and i mean that) just don't dismiss everyone, ok ? -- and whitedove, the spider comment is not relevant --
  11. ok i want to thank keith and waysider now i'll go read lingo's post
  12. ok haven't read the thread yet, but i didn't see anytihing awful about the opening post thank you
  13. then i suggest you write: the teacher box 328 new knoxville oh 45871
  14. SPOUSE corps ? i didn't know you could marry outside the household within the household
  15. i was holding all my questions, but by then i was so lovingly embraced, i didn't want to ask.... i don't even think i wrote the teacher box 328 new knoxville oh 45871
  16. sounds familiar but that could be my familiar (familia ?) spirit
  17. don't know about that one.....
  18. i'm getting mad is there such a thing as being at a place in awareness or compassion to understand your child getting murdered ? jesus christ did that one for me i can't EVER see going there myself oh yeah i forgot it's christ in me pffffftttttt i'll tell you the same thing on my damn deathbed
  19. can you tell us how you really feel, waysider ?
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