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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i never really liked witnessing
  2. i don't hold a grudge i also don't think it's wrong to talk about what i've been through and how i feel about it does that make any sense ?
  3. i have always wondered about that which jonny brought up i prayed an unbelievable prayer of despair and someone came and witnessed to me also, i got so hurt by veepee that it still hurts me to this day but i do think god was there with me, i really do but i don't know how to explain it i'm hoping he can someday
  4. yes very bad guilt jesus christ saves to the uttermost i think i heard that
  5. searching always searching
  6. i believe in love is there any logic to that
  7. so funny you should say that that was my plan before i got witnessed to
  8. i go to st. patrick's cathedral and send my mom holy water
  9. excathedra


    i'm lucky enough to say my family has always loved me
  10. dear shell, happy birthday you are so special to me thank you for everything of course that means thank you for being you love, ex
  11. happy birthday dear seth, you youngster !!!!!!!! much love, ex you're a wonderful guy and i'm glad to see you here xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxox
  12. i just wanted to say i like you all, that's why i stop in and visit thanks baseball is really nice
  13. don39, i'm glad you commented here i thought about you during the game more than once knowing how much both teams mean to you
  14. i'm sorry if i was rude sometimes my head spins no please don't think of regan :)
  15. thanks all you honest people i'm sorry jonny but two years is not up !!!!!!!!!
  16. dear waysider, i love you i didn't want to look at this thread because it gave me such a yucky pit in my stomach and now having glanced at it, i remember why
  17. dear a la i couldn't find what you're talking about ? thanks can you point in the right direction
  18. ohmygod is this another religious teaching or argument thread ? i just got off the forgiveness thread everyone seems to be into proving their beliefs maybe it's me maybe it's late
  19. ohmygod, you all should join a church, not a discussion forum
  20. sniff a song that they sing when they take to the highway sniff sniff
  21. does anyone really know who has forgiven whom ? i don't and i don't think it's my business nor do i think anyone owes me an explanation about it i also get tired of hearing teachings
  22. there are good nuns and there are bad nuns (my aunts come to mind) there are good priest and there are bad priests (my uncles and parish priests come to mind) there are good cultists and bad cultists (oh not in the mood to get into that) life is interesting eh ? take care i'm tired
  23. came to down to one game now how is that like life, i ask you ?
  24. oh thank you mark sometimes i do get extremely emotional about things in life
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