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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. alfie, i pray for you every day, to stay in this life i love you so much
  2. excellent pie but should NOT be in the silly section love you so much mwah
  3. do clean feet produce smelly socks ? (i just wanted to sound biblical, damnit)
  4. excellent recent posts here, thank you EXCELLENT
  5. could this be next year's christmas card ?
  6. oh my i thought this was a new thread then i saw i commented here before but here's my new thought bye bye thanks for the memories
  7. jonny i think loving, awesome people like sunesis could help you to get off your path of destruction but i don't know if would give veepee or "the way" the glory i'm not saying you said that i'm just saying how nicely god can come through for us even in a destructive situation ps. glad you want to keep it accurate ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  8. not sure if you mentioned it before either, but you did now !!!!!!!!! :) hi lindy good to see you !!!!!!! ps. in my own little world and mind, he was awful. i don't need any bible to tell me that ha !!!!! hope that makes sense
  9. okay i was scared to read this thread sigh of relief
  10. okay okay i believe you since it's the deerest rottiegirl i've ever seen
  11. beach sounds nice :) patpffftttttpowell
  12. excathedra


    i think i'm more comfy with aliens ;)
  13. laugh ??????? i have tears in my eyes !!!!!! you are both so precious (however, i don't know if that is the real santa)
  14. i'm here mostly because i'm lonely and like to have people to talk to
  15. i really can't remember what scriptures i "used" to help or hinder my life is simple today i mostly just care about people i talk to sometimes a scripture pops into my mind but i can't remember which ones now
  16. i knew him too as harvey. i don't think harve sounds more respectable ?????? -- ps. i don't have anyone to warn. hope i'm not a sinner ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  17. absolutely no doubt my personal background was a contributing factor
  18. dear jeff, could you explain ? thanks
  19. the only really sad thing is, is that veepee played upon my guilt for having been sexually abused as a child not nice
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