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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. came on here because i saw you had posted socks and i love you a lot i've been on and read the recent "forgiveness" thread, what-the-hey totally uncalled for
  2. mike, i love you, but you're being silly
  3. i just be drifting and drifting farther from the collaterals every year.....
  4. i'm simple minded - a thread on forgiveness should not be intense i wasn't saying anything about ralph i can't remember him or any of his teachings excuse me, i do remember him just not any teachings
  5. and you know what i think this whole thread is bullsheet and i do not care if you ever forgive me or not
  6. know for a fact there was not-so-funny-stuff with someone's poor wife
  7. dear waysider thank you simon & garfunkel know how to touch the deepest of our souls don't they -- the above clip from "goodbye mr. chips" doesn't do the song justice. i'm trying to find the whole song love you well it does do it justice but i want you to hear the whole song it's sad that it says "the end" no ? it's not that i feel like dying but it's more about oh i don't know thank you cool chef and everyone else here
  8. my mom's song (she is still alive)--------
  9. faaaaa i just lost my postwaysider that is awesome thank you how lovely i was just over on youtube and wanted to say this could be playing in the background of my cheap service------------
  10. okay okay working on it..... "she did the best she could or was deluded into thinking so" is that too much like "i wish i were the man i knew to be" ??????????????????????????????
  11. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha SETH !!!!! cool chef, you are cool in my book, always.... i will have to give some thought to my obit but definitely on my funeral stuff, go easy, go cheap :)
  12. ohmygod laughing my you-know-what off if jesus christ comes back with an orange book in hand, i'm sure god will grant me drugs in heaven
  13. i meant it's honest what i'm telling you he tried to convince me.... not that HE was honest ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha okay now i'll go back and try to read this thread if there isn't too much scripture posting
  14. he showed porn and chuckled about the dogs having more sense than the lesbians or something along those lines he said A LOT of weird sheet at night owls and "private sit-down-at-his-feet" meetings, but i can't tell you because i already got in trouble about it.... for posting it on here..... aside from the above i can tell you, that his rationale for wanting to "get me" was to heal me that's honest
  15. i still remember a few lines i love jesus christ saves to the uttermost as far as the east is from the west all that stuff i needed and need always (for me personally) god's desire for everyone i think the hurtful unkind devious things that happened to me.... that is not my call i will never say it helped me along "the way" i hope this makes sense thank you
  16. (((((((((((((((((( Jeff Sjolander ))))))))))))))))))))
  17. i'm sorry t-bone that i didn't read all your stuff what you said, socks, and what anyone else said above here.... i hardly ever explain where "i'm at" in all of this nor do i ever expect any of you to do so -- when i talk about the cruelty i witnessed or experienced, i don't think i've ever brought forgiveness into the picture at least i hope i haven't -- my days of explaining are over bye bye twi
  18. hmmmmm maybe just a couple a' heels ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  19. posts too long too much bible :) not in my case....
  20. well as tom tuttle's dad always used to say.... fruck the frucking fruckers
  21. i'd probably see it a lot better if you didn't comment on it :)
  22. jonny, are you so comfortable in your position or "take" on things that you can reply with (what appears to be) ignorance and also such rudeness at the same time ? -- forget about forgiveness and jesus christ for a moment ? did you read the above posts about being a moral person ? can you see that "dr. wierwille" was so far from being morally correct or kind or good ? what does THAT mean ?
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