awwww wing....
i've told this story maaaaannnny maaaaannnnnny times here
i called wierwille to tell him something was very very wrong with how psycho geer was treating a person across the pond
he went ape~sheet and starting screaming at me. his words that stay with me to this day were....
"how long do i have to suck your corps assses"?
STOP you're killing me !!!!!!!!!i'm a little bit older than bon jovi (6 years i think) but my friends went to school with himhe and richie are both from this neck of the woods. same with bruceokay there's my claim to fame:)i'm pretty sure this song is about me ;)--------------
thank you socks
i think i'm a bit too emotional tonight
forgive me
oops i should be on that other thread....
also i appreciated your insight in both posts about the minister and his kids
it's very sad that he interjected these stories, somehow it worked
some of them had much more of an impact than his long boring 4 crucified etc.
we (meaning me) were so young and naive expecting this man of god to speak for god