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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. progressively titled okay see post below
  2. excathedra


    was it something i said ?
  3. hi phil. nice to have you here
  4. excathedra


    so will there be an amazon search button at the top all the time ? and since it knows me when i log into amazon, will it know me when i do the search ? am i making sense ? ps. this is a good idea, much moreso than all different links to things
  5. see now there's the thing ! the personal commitment
  6. excathedra


    um did i post on here already ? NO you should not get involved
  7. my favorite thing about paw is he's not corps !!!!!!
  8. 20% of my life screwed up 80% of it ????????? i'm not good in math ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  9. now you're talking WORTHLESS anyway, mike, where did you get this new steam ?
  10. i don't regret that i regret a lot of it
  11. oh for goodness sake how the hell did he know anyway ?
  12. i understood this post -- i know i'm obnoxious but this is more like a doctrinal thingy..... there are so many verses quoted i'm lost what do you want to know i'm a way corps vet no bible allowed i'm a proud quitter too
  13. thanks rottie i'm getting better and better at changing the channel in the middle of the night
  14. thank you roy i love you many hugs
  15. i was thinking about clove oil too !!!!
  16. the ONLY thing that worked for me over a weekend (before i could get to the dentist) was swishing whiskey in my mouth i'm serious numbed it completely i think maybe i started swallowing it after a while and d then finally got some sleep seriously i hate whiskey or bourbon but i did it -- -- -- -- oh when i had gum surgery i put that allo (sp? i know is wrong) plant on my gums -- -- -- oh are you saying you're okay now ? mwah i hope so
  17. oh what the helli want to dedicate this to the veepster....................
  18. dearest groucho,my friend, you obviously had a healthy upbringingand didn't spend much time on the motorcoachlove,ex
  19. who in the bible is just like me ?
  20. you're so lucky imagine, i'm happy for you
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