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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. haven't read the thread but can't stop thinking about the poor horse put to sleep right after finish line because of broken ankles been very sad every time i hear on the radio
  2. hi baseball fans friends mac is on the senior field this year - that's a real size field i think he is first in the batting order ((the age range is 13-15 years old and he's 13 so i think that's good) and he is doing really good. he hit one to the fence so maybe he'll get one over ? anyway he is consistent in his hitting and starting things off - as in getting on base so far he has been catching, but there is another catcher who is supposed to be real good who is injured at the moment also he steals bases really well and he stole home we've had 4 games so far love, me he's really happy playing that's what coutns
  3. i liked that last post, don, even though i just scanned it, too long kinda like scripture ha but what hit me is who can define jesus christ with a mathematical exactness and scientific precision not me and i'm so glad i love him i mean i'm so glad..... i love him..... and actually i am so glad i love him
  4. damn it damn it damn it damn it i know what went on behind the scenes bastuds those losers must have felt like they hit the lottery
  5. now that was a totally useless post -- oldies, in all these years, this is the first time i'm going to say it, i'm done with you i'm sorry and i'm more than "probably" sorry for dear sandra sullivan i'm sick with this discussion that's it -- ps. ITS form not it is form, you azz
  6. "probably" ? oldiesman, how are you so sure wierwille and allen would "probably" feel very sorry as you would probably ?
  7. i want to apologize for saying my "corps buddy" i don't know why i did that. he was really a very special friend at that time period in my life sorry
  8. having scrolled through this thread i see i am not up to the task so i have replied on sandy sullivan (poor thing) thread
  9. bowti and watered garden, i'm really sorry saddened many hugs i've told on here through the years that my "corps buddy" left a suicide note saying "i wish i were the man i knew to be...." before he blew his brains out. yes he suffered from great depression, etc., but boy !!!!! -- i met wierwille and allen not too long after poor sandra's suicide (i didn't know her or anything about this heartbreaking tragedy) -- also i was thinking about something rascal said about her wow sister, i think, having come from a very horrifying background i remember (like i said it was shortly after poor sandy) when wierwille would counsel be about my past (incest, abuse, that kind of thing) and he felt he could be a healing presence for my troubled soul.... the more i think about it, the more i believe he really did not care.... at all..... i had a dream (nightmare) about him last night, believe it or not, and it's just too degrading to repeat
  10. thank you jeffsjoe that was really nice of you
  11. 'tis true i think once the one-eyed bandit bit the dust, a lot of people woke up, got some courage, etc. (like me) sad, eh ? or maybe not so sad ha
  12. i agree. ralph is real, like socks and penworks, and thank god for that - "earlier people" who are genuine not to say that there aren't more it's just nice thanks sorry veepee could hoodwink so many and geer pfffftttt
  13. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha best laugh i had all day ;)
  14. just wanted to mention, i don't think veepee, trustee, yakling, etc., etc., had anymore spiritual savvy than ANYONE that's MY cutting through the fog hugs
  15. arizona i just posted this on the comments section of your profile i wanted to thank you for that
  16. i saw something you said "big debt of "I'm sorry" for knowningly dragging these folks into a very dark journey."

    thank you for that

  17. oh crap getting all weird again i am
  18. excathedra

    8 Years

    let me know when it's no longer available ;) to come here so i can increase my meds thank you paw i don't have the words love always,ex
  19. i dont know ask veepee -- kevlar you funny !!! mstar love you -- at the moment i can't bring myself to discuss either fathers sowwy....... love you too kev and groucho and everybody (sniff)
  20. (personal) i have not had a full-blown panic attack in a long time, but i did after listening to this radio interview. i'm not sure why really ??? (i'm tempted to listen again, but i'll wait a while). bad nightmares last night, to boot some reasons (maybe i think): -- just listening and remembering how crazy and real it was -- hearing about PSYCHOgeer and his devil spirit accusations (having been very familiar with it before) -- knowing just how insane it all was and how it affected my life -- realizing i still have somewhat of a deepseated belief that there should be a "man of god" who knows everything (big blush goes here) -- realizing ralph was a victim of a cult -- knowing no "man" could / can save me from cult -- more thoughts but that's enough for now many thanks. happy anniversary greasespot thank you ralph thank you paw you're good people and i'm sorry for your pain as well love,ex ps. i just saw what i wrote i'm already saved from a cult but i get by with a little help from my friends :)
  21. i love ralph it's been a tough road
  22. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha how many more posts should be deleted ????
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