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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i think i remember that linzee, because when i asked him how to raise a child, he recommended a dog book thanks
  2. okay okay what does jesus christ have to do with your messy or unmessy house ? oops just saw this was supposed to be a funny thread laughter goes here
  3. linzee, how did veepee feel about spanking children ? anything close to raising dogs ? -- also, my friend, while i appreciate what you were saying up above, it might have been YOU god was taking care of but i don't know if he could "use" veepee ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha what do i know ? nothing love ya
  4. don't know love, reprobate -- dedicated to my gay friends http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtVZdvoGIR0
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK9nt1NF7Nw...feature=related
  6. heartwrenching article, bumpy. i'm speechless
  7. they should have warned me ? they tried to convert me..... i'm not talking names here -- plus i said a long time ago, i'm not going to judge victims, it's all too much
  8. Sarita ????? http://www.biblehelp.org/cow.htm ?????
  9. knew a few gals who were sexually into the mog and they got ordained not sure what gift ministry was chanted over them
  10. thank you. i'm always posting songs

  11. i don't care just tell me what the color of that couch was
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