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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i agree, lucy and i'm sorry. i'm glad you're better well, no one could ever be "better" after having gone through what you did with your mom i'm just so sorry. and i didn't mean to sound trite at all
  2. is there room in that analysis for someone who is just lonely? not just talking about myself either
  3. john knapp, there is an argument going on here lately victim tells story about abuse from the man of god (vp) another poster says you can't prove it (in a court of law kind of way) veepee is dead -- ever come across such an argument?
  4. don't worry, chas pokemon was BIG here, even pickachu for halloween we had the cards, the tv show, the little video game thingy you mentioned, etc., etc. it's definitely a phase i didn't get into it, but i was glad when it was over :)
  5. was that a compliment or an insult ? :)
  6. I'm -- I don't know what -- about all of this I think I'm coming into my own lol. I'm only 52 by the way. I'm thankful for all the discussion even if I still can't read long posts. Love
  7. GEO. !!!!!!!! Happy birthday to one of my best friends here. Thank you for always being such a good guy. Much love,ex
  8. lucy, what's a fubar ? it's taken me a lot of pages to remember that question. but i did save this one quote from you: That wasn't very nice. Were you just trying to make a point? -- Shaz, thank you for that post. I had saved it to copy here, but then I overrode it with the above. -- As far as firsthand testimony, I really do believe Kris's book falls into that category.
  9. when i get my law degree, i'll be back, damn it, to tell you what happened to me
  10. okay vp got me on the coach and did things against my will reply this has never been proven in a court of law, it's just opinion
  11. it's been weird, right ? for the most part, we're all exwayfers i was just thinking about this because that other guy came on here so like my mom has been yelling at me for years WHY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR HELP FROM PEOPLE WHO WERE IN IT WITH YOU ????? lol -- but mom, i find it comforting, no one knows me like they do
  12. i'm thinking when you hear that other side of the story -- it helps you realize how sad you used to be on that other side
  13. plus one REALLY good thing happening here is a firsthand testimony (although so is mine) but this is IN PRINT by a beautiful girl with a real name not that i'm not, but i could never have done what she did
  14. "you guys" are cracking me up and i love you
  15. thank you john knapp for your reply, i appreciate it ps. to John Knapp when you have a problem, it's an "opportunity" to believe God there are no negatives, you see ? not in The Way :)
  16. thanks, i must have had a waybrain scare there
  17. wow, that's crazy -- is john knapp here any longer? question, if so: why do you call problems "challenges" -- that such a wayfer thing -- no offense intended
  18. I'm very very thankful for Kris and her book She has told a story for many many ladies (and of course men, but you know what I mean) I haven't read it yet, but I'm still saying this -- a huge thank you. -- oh, not a "story" a real account of what happened
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