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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. speaking of 45's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCdGqed6Ajg -- and, this one was on the back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCdGqed6Ajg -- there were good songs on the back
  2. dear finally, hang in there. hey, at least your girl has good grades!!!! i don't have a girl; i have a boy but i have to agree with you -- getting involved with the other parents - no! unless it's absolutely necessary. i've done it once or twice and realized it made things worse. i've also gone crazy and told my son how much i hate whoever he hates (so to speak) -- to find out things had changed the following week -- what is happening exactly? kids seem to work things out in their own way, i am finding. i realize more and more my main job is to get dumped on LOL LOL i don't mind a bit. i listen a lot and give hugs, chuckles, grunts, snorts..... and it seems to be working :) love,ex
  3. drugs legal drugs ;) or listen to music like what you recently posted on "songs of the moment" thread lots of luck in your new job!
  4. Thank you!!! Geo. if I find it, I'll make you a believer lol. Hell, I'll make me a believer!!!! This little park sits in the middle of an apartment complex where this girl lives. So I was just hoping all the kids that live over there weren't awake yet!!!! When I was growing up, my family called me "the finder". I used to find things all the time. Honest.
  5. excathedra

    Can I share?

    Today around 11 a.m. I went grocery shopping and the young teen who was bagging my groceries was really sad. So I asked her about what was the matter, etc. Last night around midnight she lost $100. It fell out of her pocket. So I asked her where this happened, etc., and she told me she thinks it was at or by this park. (When she realized, she couldn't go look because she had to get to work at the store.) So I told her I would go look. I went to the park -- nothing. But then I decided to walk along a few different streets that led away from the park because I knew she had walked away from the park and also there was a breeze. Guess what! I found her money -- five $20 bills folded up -- on the street. I brought it back to her at the store. She was so happy. That's a lot of money for that kid and she worked so hard for it. Happy ending. Made my day! :)
  6. and wrds and wrks for that matter and a few others :)
  7. yeah that's very cool, seth hi kit i was wondering what invisible dan was thinking
  8. hi, keith vp weirwille himself said "things are to be used. people are to be loved." but he did not practice that sad
  9. i'm glad i got out. i'm also glad i've been able to take up a new obsession ;)
  10. excathedra

    Casey Anthony

    this case this poor baby has been bothering me so very much seems like they're going to get to the answer but i wish the same could be said for madeline mccann may their sweet little angelic souls rest in peace
  11. I didn't know there was a chat room for that purpose. My mom raised nine of us with a f-wad for a husband/father What do you want to know ? LOL But she always said she should be able to give them to the State until they reach a certain age -- I forget what age that was -- and then they give them back I doubt I'll be much in reality :) But I hope you're doing okay, really, I do.
  12. in my opinion, my research paper NEVER should have passed muster
  13. see that's your problem you listen to choices or options ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  14. one more thing. not too long ago i met up with sue and went to their childhood home (their parents retired in flordia but joey kept and lives in the house) we had to drop something off for him. guess what he was doing as we walked in? what else DRUMS lol we all went to st. marys in south amboy nj and i remember his devotion to father fox
  15. yes too true on the 45's don -- way too true!!!! and waysider, oh man, here's the wonderful guy i grew up with. my sister and he were in love for years. i still have their prom pictures. and i was best friends with his sister through HS and listened to those drums ALL THE TIME i stayed over. http://www.southsidejohnny.com/theband/joebellia/index.htm
  16. well, if you're not used by one, you're probably used by the other
  17. forgive me, i'll try to be a little more humble but i do want to share one more song written for me thank you. i apologize.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJdKIOKuSw
  18. i agree i think lol i wish the kid the best that's all
  19. bruce called me mary so as not to embarrass me he's a good boy
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIrJJEVCP6M
  21. --- oh, here's another love of my life. he tried to warn me about veepee. oh, i'm so sorr gary
  22. you all better be gone now !!!!!! you really outdid yourself this time don i was all ready to comment on every single song but when you brought frankie into the picture...... he wrote "rag doll" for me, don't you realize that??? and many other songs -- were you able to see jersey boys when john lloyd young was in it? it was something else -- but anyway, i called the real frankie in CA after i saw the show lol hang on, i'll tell you what he wrote for me after rag doll and opus 17 -- by the way, i feel like you've posted all my 45's !!!! ---- oh here's one of the other ones frankie wrote for me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLjDAB9dBCs
  23. a heartfelt happy birthday to you, dear Priscie lots of love, ex
  24. mine was a little different, but i respect your point of view i didn't care for victor paul wierwille because he wouldn't leave me alone (sexually), and i thought of him as a "man of god" and a father figure but hey i was young and stupid and already abused so i was ripe for the picking as far at this boy goes ??? he must have great natural ability
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