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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. ohmygod i'm not even going to tell you my dreams. i wouldn't believe them myself
  2. oh, thank you geisha and thank you so much rainbow i've gotten as far as your hearts, and i want you to know how much i appreciate you and my dear al a. i hope they do okay. that's a long time to think one way i never went near an offshoot and in fact i moved away from all wayfers and came back to my mommy and sibs the hardest thing for me recently is that i totally totally trusted some friends, and they hurt me badly. I had this skewed idea that it wouldn't happen to me in my new world lol
  3. And why don't some of you take yourselves less seriously?
  4. happy birthday to the poster with the nicest butt socks i love you!!!!!!
  5. i would never feel it's right to compare people's hell and if i've done so, i'm sorry
  6. excathedra

    The WAG of Ike

    I really didn't mean it that way, dooj. I'm sorry.
  7. excathedra

    The WAG of Ike

    I was just listening on the news here about the gas prices going up
  8. I personally cannot fathom how deprogramming could be any better or different than whateverthehell you're involved in
  9. that's so great, kimberly and i too hope all is well after the accident hugs, ex
  10. what a beautiful calling, newlife and mstar, i've always loved an empty church -- since i was really young (maybe 7 or 8 - they didn't lock mine) -- felt so connected to God forgive me everyone else, i still have to read also, sunesis has awesome, lovely thoughts about gifts and callings since we were children
  11. i'm thinking this thread is calling me to sadness :) haven't read it yet. later
  12. it hits me in the "gut" in the heart like it did that very day
  13. lol see, these people have to figure out how to appeal to wayfers -- i mean, ex-wayfers, but they're not sure who hates veepee or how adores him lol
  14. oh wow, i'm trying to read the purple now. vince is an azz. in my own azz opinion, so is everyone who starts a "ministry" and then tries to figure out how to justify it.
  15. okay, who edited this? so i can ask about the previous personal attack. this is weird. -- it should really be edited because i called vince a sheet ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  16. i can't help it -- a song that always makes me cry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_JOmEIGGdE also the movie -- when i fell in love with Sir (Arthur) John Gielgud not knowing he was the great Shakespearean actor
  17. thank you mstar and happy birthday dad you are so lucky to have him and vice versa all my love, ex
  18. I'm so happy this thread was started so I didnt' have to start it. I can't do a white background. thank you. blue beige whatever we had before but not white i'm too old
  19. **** That's not really fair. I'm not here to make anything up, and I certainly could not care less about being in any good ole boy club. -- ps. I knew Vince and he was a sheet. pps. I'm not interested in any offshoot, but then again I'm not interested in any church either.
  20. oh, this isn't a good fight -- it's boring ;) hey lindy !!!!! i love you little bro :) -- something was said about a letter versus a rant !!!! good one. lol lol hey is the bible a letter or a rant !!! lol let's get to the truth lol
  21. one of my all-time favorites ohmy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UlQVhMAbwg
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEwm_8LGGW4...feature=related sigh
  23. I see at the bottom it's your birthday. Happy birthday !!! And all my love to you, Jerry and my little Margie and Andy !!!! mwah mwah mwah
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