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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Al...0/msg03283.html was he stationed in tucson as a wow?
  2. anyone want to chat ? thank you
  3. i don't know what to say actually about don39's post. i just uh uh uh uh i don't know she's really chairman of the bored
  4. now, you're going to have to explain that one to me, ex70shouston :) do you really think so?
  5. Too long a post lol I do know that having been sexually abused as a child, when i got with wierwille, the man of god, on his motorcoach (what I like to call the bus), i'm not sure what happened. It was either spacing out because of what I had been drinking with him prior to going to the back of the bus (where his bed was), or it was spacing out due to the past. That's all I can add at the moment. oh ps. i never found speaking in tongues put me in a space cadet place
  6. lol thanks for that tidbitas far as asking for suggestions, I've not seen it; maybe I missed it. Here's my suggestion -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw42ho6TnR8
  7. 20 mods isn't a lot? it says at the bottom there are 2500 or so members, but most of them are definitely not active. i'm just saying. ps. i have no contempt for any moderator. if you think i do, please tell me. also, i've only been on another few forums and there the moderators use their posting names with "moderator" under it, and it seems to be fine. that's why i brought it up. on another board there are 2000 "regular" members to each mod.
  8. i thought this had some good points http://www.communityspark.com/the-real-pur...ators-revealed/
  9. i think groucho and rummie have very valid points and i think we should reduce the number of moderators it's crazy plus they should post under their own names what the heck ? no one should be trying to hide anything here please
  10. waybrain could be connected to how much hurt your brain was hurt by the way
  11. hap, want to shout? i mean, chat :) ps. my denim doesn't work
  12. doesn't matter as long as they're parallel
  13. first, GOEY!!!!! HOW ARE YOU???? I LOVE YOU -- now, i never said i had any talent -- this old man, he played numb he played spiritual, oh how dumb with a lunch sack, mally-pack leave the guy alone this old man should run right home -- and i thank you and i thank you and i thank you
  14. waybrain: dr. wierwille = man of god
  15. if anyone wants to chat now or in a little bit, please respond thank you
  16. happy birthday!!!! lot and lots and lots of love, ex
  17. sniff i can't help it. my childhood memories with my brothers since we were little. one of my brothers had his bachelor party there. well, on the bus and then the game. another brother wants his ashes sprinkled there. so many memories, right?
  18. i'm fine with most of this as long as you don't post naked hey, i'm thankful, i'm grateful, beyond words, for greasespot. i want to give you my firstborn -- he'll be 14 on wednesday but just remember we're people, excultheads, for crying out loud. and to be fair, so are the moderators :) lol i just thought of that !!!!! we don't like being micromanaged (we palefaceposters) and we don't like being criticized and not appreciated (we modcowbakercrow) i lost the list of mods sowwy
  19. my mom tells this story that she gets to the pearly gates and st. peter greets her and sweeps her right in she is shocked and asks him why she doesn't have to spend some time in purgatory (hell) for a while ? and he says, "where do you think you just came from?"
  20. i say let jeff be and let him talk if he wants to no one's experience or grip is the same, dude
  21. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  22. that is so cool nottie similar thing happend to sunesis when she went to al-anon i believe when i left the way, i left my life, my marriage, my friends, my home, my job oh it was so horrible. i think i might have had a nervous breakdown for a while
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