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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. that lady looks too nice :) also, we need an updated christmas card from the boring trustees
  2. great post, my friend seth
  3. my great grandparents were chemists and they dyed PT's elephant. i'm not sure if we still have the letter between them. my mom may have given to the museum or whatever. but we still have a beautiful elephant statue in our family from him.
  4. two jobs? child support? welcome to the way..... real life is
  5. thank you for your post, lifted up, and i really meant no disrespect to taz or anyone
  6. where's the shout box ? anyone know ?
  7. i also (sort of kind of) remember the founding president of the way international (ooh ahh) going to the presidential inaugural ball or something. can't remember if it was a bunch of nonsense (ohmygod, could that be?) or if he threw a tantrum about it -- anyone else not as foggy as i ?
  8. excathedra


    how silly. people are adults aren't they guests or not -- my kid could easily handle the invisible forum
  9. I'm really "moved" by this recent honesty discussion -- I'm thinking about christianity and my regular old "five-senses" ;) job.... and just about everything else in life. thanks ALSO i'm simply astounded by people's ability to be dishonest and convince themselves that they are honest not to say that i don't do it either, but some people are so over the top
  10. thank you everyone so much and for the pm's you people are so nice he's done proactive he is religious in washing his face and doing the products it's on his face, not anywhere else, except maybe a bit on his head his regular doctor gave him a prescription that didn't really work i guess maybe he should go to the skin doctor (don't feel like spelling) i feel so bad for him
  11. i can't remember much about simon the sorcerer, but that thing groucho said about "some great one" sounds good to me i don't like many bible-preaching men -- mostly because of their agendas, which usually include power, sex, money i've always wondered how a "man of god" -- a "father in the word" -- could work so hard to try to screw me -- even to the point of using "the word" WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT GOD AND JESUS CHRIST -- you know, "you've been so abused as a child -- you need to be taught how to be loved with the love of god by a real man of god" -- yuck -- what a line of horse sh_t
  12. i've been thinking about you a lot (((((( mstar ))))))
  13. where are the mods when you need them the motorcoach visited our all-girl college way home frequently
  14. excathedra

    teenage acne

    i'm going broke and nothing works my son -- 14, fair skin, miserable anyone have advice? home remedies? thanks so much
  15. happy birthday dearest linzee. i love you.
  16. i don't think there are any moderators needed here ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  17. my people (one million times) father (one million times) i just (two million times)
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