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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. excathedra

    Another Poll

    i'm in agreement with satori and socks and also want to send my love to (((((((((((satori and JesseJoe)))))))))))))) socks of course too but you're actually here still one thing that really bothered me oakspear is when you quoted something i wrote IMMEDIATELY but made no comment. i still figure you did that because you knew i could still go back and edit it, but your quote would always be there. when i PM'd you, you said it was because you had to leave the site and go somewhere..... but you were still on-line as far as i could see. and even if not, why make sure i couldn't edit something in 12 hrs or whatever it is if i wanted to? i don't like being micromanaged i'm very very grateful for you, paw, and all that has happened to help me along the way, but i am the type who stays in things for punishment lol the fellow with a tierra (sp?) says he'll take it on, but i don't know him excpet he likes the opera also refiner (remember him?) has a whole section of his site devoted to TWI why, when we say certain things, does it have to be such a personal overmanaged thing? we had enough, and it looks like you've had enough, paw i will always be grateful
  2. excathedra

    Another Poll

    paw and shellon, you deserve your life and your time together. go for it.
  3. excathedra

    Another Poll

    i'm not quite sure i understand all this, but i hope to god it would be interactive since i have no one to talk to except here i don't want to read, i hardly do that anyway ha but like i said, i don't want you to be hurt anymore paw. i mean that. i'm probably one of the people you wish didn't come here, but i don't know what to say. i just can't jump on the bandwagon. my loyalty to you is love and gratitude beyond words, but not necessarily agreement, and for that i'm sorry
  4. excathedra

    Another Poll

    that is your answer paw i want to thank you with all my heart for all you've done for me and so many others
  5. thank you shaz, but it's all your fault, 3 strikes you're out
  6. this is getting too doctrinally and whatever for me i liked and there was something about if you love god, you abhor evil. was that it? i guess i abhor myself ha jesus christ is my savior and saved me to the uttermost or however that saying goes i don't really care about much else i know i'm not a bible believing fan sorry when it comes to forgiveness, i'm just trying to get along in this life and i'll take what i get in the next i know i'm not explaining myself well, but i see a lot of your points, but i feel I would have to be god or chirst to really speak with authority love, ex
  7. thank you all so much for this discussion and leafy i've been reading your posts on a couple threads and wanted to say i think you're wonderful -- just decided to throw it on this one
  8. my whole damn life i've wanted answers. don't see it happening. at least not in a simple way or a black and white way many hugs to all who've been hurt and that means all of us
  9. oh my seeing shell start a thread is wonderful but not enough to make me read the book :) :) :)
  10. well now geo. what would you say about your involvemetn in the way ? and you know i love you -- i hope you do anyway
  11. that was a really nice post, jj, and i thank you for how you helped me 9 or 10 years agoand thank you all for your responses i'm glad you got me, mark and geisha thanks so much -- i'll have to think about what you said -- part of it
  12. well, there's a point, jim jj, you have to realize that many of us have been doing the "work" of a "minister" for years and years oh gosh, i shouldn't have started this thread my point(s) is/are not coming across i'll try to think about it and let you know -- one thing for certain is that a dear friend of mine (a god-fearing, whatever you call it, lovely human being) was maniputlated by a "minister" and it really p'd me off not to mention many other things about ministers i don't like doesn't mean i don't like and/respect some of them, okay? ----- once one starts saying, one has the corner on the market on helping people, i just can't see it oh and this one from mstar
  13. i love you nikie and pond and cool c. and rocky and garth did i leave anyone out? mwah and cman and ham hugs and cher
  14. maybe just read dianetics -- that would be enough to scare anyone --
  15. i do not believe that "ministers" know anymore about god or what's going on now or in the future than "we" do i resent them, actually, for thinking so and preaching so
  16. tell us what you think (((((( geisha and opera ))))))) loveyou i'm going to say something strange -- i don't think about who i do or not forgive too much i just (just, just, just) thank god he loves me so much and he gave me christ i've felt like that since i was a very little girl. WEIRD -- i shouldn't have to be forgiven for something i didn't do (as a little toddler), but yet guilt followed me -- and still does -- through my life i wonder what that's all about and if that has anything to do with "all have fallen short or something" -- but i still don't really get a 3-or-4 year old's sin nature -- but i'm still thankful ?????? dear god, i hope this gets me a seat in the happy place :)
  17. would i be wrong to say i'm glad he's dead
  18. thank you david and ian. i don't usually listen to christian music, but this song made me -- can't explain -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kdpXlrp9As&NR=1
  19. i can't really use the word "glad" -- but for his parents -- i hope there is some kind of something i don't understand what kind of monsters can exist his dad -
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