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excathedra last won the day on June 20 2022

excathedra had the most liked content!

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  1. sunesis, want to reach you

  2. excathedra


    I love you all so much human, I adore you
  3. excathedra


    galen my friend and onion eater I know you care and how the hell did you know I would be back? :)
  4. absolutely they are the biggest abusers I've encountered
  5. haven't read thread (I know I suck) -- how about what make it a place of abuse ?
  6. I can't believe this Fwad hasn't been arrested yet "doctor" phil makes me sick (just a side note)
  7. I tell people I was in a cult I also agree with outie
  8. excathedra


    sniffles. I didn't know you cared !!!!! outie I love you sweetie pie
  9. I've always wondered how all this happened as in god got me in and god me out. I actually feel I got closer to god and jesus Christ because of the way and I feel the way or should I say wierwille frikkin destroyed me I think there was a discussion about this years ago and George aar love him so much was a part of it allan, would love to hear your story thanks all haven't been here for a while. dabbling a bit on the way corps site on facebook - nothing earth shattering except getting slammed a bit here and there
  10. i wouldn't know garth also i wouldn't know how much more of my guts i could pour out on the stupid internet
  11. thanks rocky i do have plenty of folks to vouch for me but i guess i don't have the effort...... i've been invited by maybe six people so far
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