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Everything posted by LG

  1. I think we should sacrifice a virgin. Isn't that what folks used to do to appease the volcano gods?
  2. I wasn't nearly as harsh as I thought about being, Linda. People who call in and tie up overburdened communication lines can cause people to die!
  3. It doesn't matter whether it's about a single person, a group of people, a parish, or whatever. Those people don't need to be bothered with calls from outside the area, unless they're offers of real help. Calling them because you're worried is selfish, at best, and could possibly indirectly cause people to die, because they can't get through to people who could rescue them.
  4. Now I do have a suggestion: Don't call any government offices seeking information about people. They need to concentrate on helping people and coordinating recovery efforts, not on fielding calls from concerned people across the country.
  5. I don't mind if people try to recruit others. Whatever they post will be met with plenty of other opposing ideas, which not only allows for people to make informed choices, but also makes for some interesting and sometimes amusing discussion.
  6. No suggestions, but perhaps a word of comfort. The vast majority of people who stayed in New Orleans, though facing extreme discomfort, inconvenience, and property loss, will be safe.
  7. No guessing here, Allan. You leave a clear trail. It's your site. No big deal, but your response seems pretty hypocritical, given your stated desire to "unmask" others.
  8. I figured you did, Linda. I had the same curiosity a few months ago, and did just what you did.
  9. There are plenty of valid things for which to criticize Wierwille, but this isn't one of them. If four brothers were to sell a farm they inherited and one of them lost his share of the proceeds in a failed business venture, would you say that he "forever took the farm away from the family?"
  10. Just for the sake of the facts, B.G. Leonard didn't make up those charcter names, either. Maggie Muggins, for example, was a character in a popular children's book...I think they made a radio or TV show about it in Canada, which was where B.G. Leonard lived. If you Google her name, you see people seraching for the Maggie Muggins doll. You do recognize the difference, right?
  11. It's definitely Allan's site, Lindy.
  12. Allan, you seem to revel in proclaiming your ignorance. I doubt that you know much about the many different Christian views or thoughts about Satan, much less non-Christian ones.
  13. The link below is to Michael Yon's online magazine. The August 25 article, "Gates of Fire," is fascinating reading. It's a detailed story of a patrol and firefight, with pictures. I haven't yet read his other articles, but I will. http://www.michaelyon.blogspot.com/?BMIDS=...-ccee7d64-76337
  14. mj, Mean little people like you are not worth bothering with.
  15. I have seen what a small conspiracy of good liars and manipulators can do to people. [story deleted because even though it didn't contain anything that would likely identify them, I'm not comfortable with posting anything about other people's lives.] So, you know what, mj? You don’t know what you’re talking about and you should shut the hell up!
  16. I've been dealt plenty of lemons, and gathered plenty more on my own. I've made lemonade from some of them, but because most of the lemons didn’t come from TWI or my TWI experience, my lemonade doesn’t seem to belong in this particular lemonade stand.More straightforwardly, I neither blame TWI for the negatives I've experienced, nor credit it for the positives, so it's hard to relate them to TWI.
  17. I hadn't intended to post to this thread, because I have little, if any, to say about the topic. But I do have something to say about what you're doing on this thread, Rascal. You are doing the same thing, from the opposite direction, that you accuse (often rightly) oldiesman of doing on abuse threads.
  18. Plagiarism is not only stealing. Plagiarism is fraud. Wierwille was a fraud. Plagiarism is lying. Wierwille was a serial liar. Wierwille's purported personal ministry was based on and almost completely composed of lies. TWI was and is based on those lies and has continued in them and added to them. That doesn't mean that nothing Wierwille ever said was true or that nothing TWI ever taught or promoted or currently teaches and promotes is true. What it means is that none of it can be trusted to be true or even honest. (There is such a thing as an honest mistake.) That is important, not in order to trash Wierwille or TWI, as such, but because many people based much of their lives, and many decisions in their lives, on other people's fraudulent claims and dishonest, self-serving pretentions of godliness. Many people still do. In order to make honest, enlightened decisions now, they need to at least understand the dishonesty upon which some of their previous decisions were based. Although I have "chucked the whole thing," I'm not advocating that others do that. I do advocate that they look at cold, hard facts and realize that much of what they believe or believed is based on fraud. What they do after that is up to them.
  19. What the heck is a Zixar, anyway? :)--> Hi, Zix. I wish you all the best.
  20. LG

    Love in TWI

    I'll grant that the illusion of unconditional love attracted and motivated a lot of people. The problem (at least one of them) was that it was an illusion (delusion?) but not a reality.
  21. Have gun, will travel. (JK)
  22. LG

    Peter Jennings is Dead

    I am shocked and saddened myself, but I suspect that my reaction pales in comparison to yours. He seemed like a decent man and was a very good anchorman.
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