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Everything posted by igotout
Concerning the Geerite spinoffs I have a pressing question. Why no websites or Internet presence by CG and some of the other CG affiliates? Something to hide perhaps? Afraid of what might be posted about you? It's very telling in my opinion.
Hold The Presses - TWI IS A Research Ministry Again!
igotout replied to Patriot's topic in About The Way
Yeah, I wonder if it was Joe who edited and put on VHS the Bestiality Porn doggie movie that VPW showed us in the Corps. Porn research...... ha! I wonder...... is porn even discussed in the new Way Sex Christian class (or whatever it is called) that they teach? Personally, I think some of the teachers are unqualified and could cause more harm than good. What is their background anyway, holed up there all those years observing the obvious doctrinal and practical errors that were prevalent regarding sex in TWI. It could cause a lawsuit. -
Quote by LCM often: "The Jews of today are no more Jews than the Apachee Indians are." This was often stated in context that the Jews today are in control of much of our society such as Hollywood, the media, etc. It was always sort of a cutting jab at the Jews of today. It was derogatory. It was stated that the whole Holocaust thing was a trick of the devil, totally exagerrated, to empower the Jews of today and cause society to feel sorry for them. And if you believe that I have a small one bedroom condo in Miami I would like to sell you for a mere $4million.
Hold The Presses - TWI IS A Research Ministry Again!
igotout replied to Patriot's topic in About The Way
Funny story comes to my mind here. True or not I do not know but this is what was told to me & my wife in person by a couple who I sincerely believe was telling the truth who was on staff for years in a leadership position. A tape came from HQ (VHS at the time). Can't remember what it was....some class or tape for his area at the time. Tape came from Joe Couxxer. who apparently was the one who put it on tape. This couple played the tape and at the end there was still some dead space so they left the tape running. It turned out to be a few minutes of some very graphic porn. Oops! -
Belle, Orlando is hot! So is here in Tampa. We bought 17 years ago. Thank God we refused to sell even when Moneyhands (a math major who does not know how to do the math apparently) and Giles were on our case to sell in 1998 to get out of our evil debt. Dummies. Losers (of equity)
How much does it pay? What is the average pay for a staff worker at The Way? An electrician or HVAC guy ought to get paid more that a maintenance man or janitor. Sounds like they can't keep good help. I worked there one year and it was one of the hardest working years of my life. And they paid us $30 a month. And as a young person there was really nothin to do. Here are a few questions I would ask before working waaaay out there in the boonies: And will they allow you to buy some of that cheap real estate in the area and have a mortgage or will you be penalized for doing so? Will you be able to afford your mortgate? Is it a good investment to buy in that sleepy area? Will your home appreciate much? Will it be hard to sell? How far do you need to drive to get to the nearest Home Depot, Lowes, Super Target, Sams Club or Concert venue? What are the working hours....exactly. What is the pay exactly. Are the weekends yours? And most importanlty do they offer wired or wireless braodband Internet access in the shared living facilities on grounds? If there is no Internet in your dorm or living quarters I would refuse to work there. Stone Ages!
Owe No Man And they say they do Biblical research? I say not. This pastor or seems to have done his homework. Doesn't look like Rocket Science to me. Maybe they are afraid of what might happen if they dare admit they were wrong. And in my opinion they definitely were. Or could it be a case of extreme stubbornness. Lots of people sold house and home to comply. Lots of people lost big bucks as a result. Search other discussions on greasespot to read more.
Yeah, it was a strange epitah. Didn't make sense. Indicitaive of a troubled man. You would have thought that he would have had John 10:10 on there or something similar as representative of his infamous PFAL class or somethng. Or maybe one of those verses from Ephesians he was so fond of. But to have put "I wish I were the man I knew to be" seems like a guilt trip, and as others have said an admission of sorts. He should have just said on there "I'm sorry" and got it over with. On mine I think I'll try for more of a sense of huimor: "Here lies an atheist, All dressed up and, No place to go" or "I TOLD you I was sick!" or "Elvis Live with it!" or "Once I wasn't Then I was Now I ain't again" or "To Read More Go to www.johnsdead.com" or "Ctrl, Alt, Del"
As with a lot of these kinds of things I suggest letting professionals do it for you. They do it for a living. There are probably many but here is one I found on Google. Seems reasonable. Tape to Digital Rates: For regular cassette tapes, our basic rate is $15 to convert the first tape to digital and $5 for each additional tape. For microcassettes, the rate is $15 for the first tape and $10 for each additional tape. Creating an audio CD is an additional $5. Most audio enhancement projects range from $20 to $75, depending on the task.
Oh, I am not trying to hang in anywhere really. Just curious. They (TWI) are so slow to move in any direction. Therefore they get moved and run over and left behind in the dust many times. Do u mean Joesph & Paula? I doubt they'll be on My Space or any forum. But what they ought to have done is NEVER left Orlando. That city is hot right now. I love em. John R.
Keep in mind, there are three other TWI My Space Groups that appear to be open to ANYONE. I have posted on two of them and no one was mean so far. These are started by way Ministry believers on their own. You have to be a member of My Space in order to join and post on these groups. It's probably a good idea for you to join My Space anyway if you want to see what all the fuss is about concernng this wildly popular site. It is especially important for you to be knowledgeable of it if you have kids. They probably are or most likely will be on there anyway. Here are the groups: The Way International Biblical Research Ministry Open Forum On Way International The Way Florida The two that tried to be open at first but are now closed tighter than a drum are: The Family Tables The moderator John Brownxn a member of the early Family Corps and lives here in Tampa Bay, emailed me and refused to allow me to join and said basically "Not a chance, get over it." The Way International That one allowed me to join. And my 16 year old daughter even joined. After I pposted a few things they deleted my posts and all replies to my posts and deleted our names from the group membership. Now it has gone totally private. Dummies.
Excellent post, Rascal. I am beginning to slowly reevaluate (spell check? ) EVERYTHING I was taught in TWI. This is not easy because we were brainwashed with the "doctrine", especially in the Corps. I am proud to say that I am not really sure I know what I believe in other than just some very basic Christian things. But I also find freedom in that. I am not afraid of NOT knowing all the answers and I do not feel lost. But I have a long way to go. Obviously there were huge doctrinal errors. And most certainly there were errors in the way people were treated. To me that is far worse and more damaging than the doctrinal error. It reminds me of an abusive and disfunctional family always with problems surfacing right and left.
Yeah, battelfield promotions is not the appropriate term at all. It is an insult to all true battles that have been fought as well as to soldiers. I think they are really desperation promotions. last resort promotions, "scrape the bottom of the barrell" promotions, failure promotions, "nobody else wants the job" promotions, scapegoat promotions and in some cases demotions.
Aww, ex-cathedra. They are old "has beens".
One memory hit me real hard – VPW having a pajama party at our campus. He shows us a porn movie [a dog and a woman]. He invites one young lady up to the front to show her a porn pen he has . What do you think of that?!?! How appropriate is that? Imagine your local pastor having a sleepover and doing things like that? Kind of scary – okay make it an uncle or a neighbor – yeccchhh – still creepy. Oh – wait I forgot one more little sordid detail – I neglected to tell you this was the Indiana Campus – the Family Corps! There were teenagers in this pajama party. Oooops – I'm sorry another little detail – the young lady VPW was showing the porn pen to – I think she was 16. TBone - I bet our "still in" former coordinators were there as well, the Moyxxxhans? Correct me if I am wrong. They should be ashamed and should be man enough to admit it. I bet they were right up front with VPW duuring this whole scene. Let me know. I would be curious. We were also shown this disgusting porn in Emporia in a casual open floor seating context with the light dimmed very low. It was in a 7th Corps meeting. Most of us were in our early 20's and single. It was very uncomfortable watching it and there was no real point in it. We did not ask to be subjected to this material and yet it was a mandatory meeting were had to attend. I believe Howard was there too up front and of course Craig and Donna. VPW and others who set up these things could have easily gone to prison and been sued abundantly in my opinion. Especially for the Rome city thing.
No vacation. The shades were because of the bright sun. It was taken of me standing on the edge of a 32 story building. (See horizon in background). Need sure footing you know, no glare wanted.
I have not been banned from the other My Space group yet. The Way International Here is what I posted there: I was a member of Way Believers but apparently they banned me after I posted a couple of times. They also removed my posts which were harmless and not crtitical. Probably because I used to be in The Way for over 25 years and also am a Corps grad. Incidentally I never left the ministry voluntarily. No one has ever invited us back or even thanked us for our many years of faithful service. And yes, I have asked about coming back but it has fallen on deaf ears. Too bad the other forum is so closed minded and such. Interestingly my 16 year daughter is still a member. But I think when they catch wind who she is they will "mark and avoid" her too. But she has not posted yet. I was trying to get her involved but when I tell her what happened I believe she will not be pleased and will lose interest. Thank you for being a little more tolerant on this forum. I hope you do not ban me for insignificant reasons. John Richeson Tampa, FL
Well here is one from yesterday when I was confronted by a "kinder and gentler" Way Believer. I guess you caould say it is a pretty dumb confrontation: Looking over the website, it says in the mission statement, the forum was made so believers in The Way ministry could share the Word with each other. If you aren't a part of this particular ministry, then you're not supposed to post! (psst, that means you John) I do not doubt you are a believer sir, however, it is clear by the miscommunication (about the website) and dishonesty (by failing to follow guidelines), that you, John, are a little lost. These are attributes that belong to the Adversary, and not God. If you truly believe, then please recognize where you stand and where you should be standing. Renew your mind, change your thinking, stand on the truth, stand on the Word - only with God will can anyone find peace, love, and victory. Bless ya, (again) Jeff
Yes, that post was removed. The topic was about believeing and the law of believeing. I posted somethng like this: "Here is an interesting article with some though provoking information about the law of believing. I do not agree with all of it but other parts I think are true and may help shed some light: (Inserted link to Raf's PDF on errors in the Law of Believing). " They responded to my post but removed my post and the link. And now I appear to be banned. Sheesh! How boring.
Well, that lasted about 5 minutes. My posts were deleted and I am no longer a member and not allowed to post. It appears this forum is closed minded after all and in its own little world. How boring.
Who said anything about going on there to argue and be a stumbling block. I do not aim to make them change their minds or their beliefs. As long as they are not harming anyone why should I? They have rights too you know. You must not have read my posts. Not me. I wish them well. Maybe I would even go back and be in a fellowship under the right circumstances.
I was wrong about the Way Believers Message Board. Way Believers They did in fact allow me to join and have allowed me to post. That's a good thing. It's the one run by young people. Maybe they are being more open and kind. The old guy still has not allowed me in.
I tried to join both The Way Family Tables and Way Believers My Space. After hearing nothing back and my posts not showing up I wrote somethng like the following to both moderators. One is an old guy, John Brxwm, 58 years old, a friend I have known for years here in Tampa Bay. The other is a young person, the "future of the ministry", the hope of any positive change, a young lady probably in her teens or early 20's. I doubt if I will ever hear anything back from either of these forums. Their problems are so very evident and so very sad. "Hi John, I tried to join the Way Family Tables forum and have not heard back from you regarding that. I also noticed that my posts have not shown up. Am I going to be able to join? I do not see what the problem would be. Is the ministry ever going to be open to the public in our lifetimes again? I believe it is a big mistake to remain so closed and reclusive. Can you let me know something?" John Richeson (813) 404-9795 jrich7@verizon.net
I do not want to be the bad guy here but I just have to say this. If you are using dial up you are being counter productive and wasting hours of your life. The timeyou save will more than pay for the extra cost. The ONLY reason not to switch to braodband is that you are STRUGGLING to pay your bills and you simply can not afford another dime. Find the money. Make the switch and never look back. 56k is dead.
The Best Things Since Sliced Bread - Share Your Tech Findings...
igotout replied to ChasUFarley's topic in Computer Questions
Winfixer 2000 is malicious spyware and is extremely difficult to remove in my experience. If you have that infection you need more than the usual Spyware fighting programs to get rid of it. Never click on pop ups that come on your screen. And try to block spyware before it can even get to you. Use a prevention approach rather than a scanning approach. (Or both) One I like that does this is the free Spywareblaster. With all these programs you have to keep them updated.