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Everything posted by igotout
Manual removal of Surf Sidekick did not work for me. It just came back. It will not even let you manually remove the folder under Program files because it says the program is in use. Even in Safe Mode. It's a tough one. But I was able to successfully remove it using the program I described above which is a free downoad. I personally do not like Norton Products because I think they are too invasive and slow your computer down. I prefer EZ Antivirus made by Computer Associates. What this appears to be is not a virus but Malware. Antivirus progs are not in that game but they will be of necessity. Just so you are clear, I had the same Malware as Ex, SurfSidekick and the one that is the name of this topic Win32 somethng. I was able to remove mine here. But she lives far away from me so I couldn't do too much. Just some basics across PC Anywhere. But she has not yet tried my methods mentioned above. Hopefully it will work for her like it did for me.
CC Cleaner and Clean Up both look good. But her problem is not really in those issues of deleting clutter. It is with a couple of stubborn pieces of malware which keep reappearing. But those tools are good to aid in fighting malware and should be used at the beginning of your exorcism. Ewido did not permanently remove SurfSidekick. Nor did AdAware, Adaware Alert or Spybot! They will find it and delete what they find but it reappears, even when unplugged from the Internet and in Safe Mode. I think SurfSidekick is a top ranking devil spirit. My link above gives a specific exorcism made for Surf Sidekick. It worked for me. NOTHING else did. Thank you Jesus!
As one who did NOT leave in that time peried (stayed until 2000) I can say in retrospect, it was the BEST time to leave. You did not miss much after that except grief and frustration. But some of you guys who left back then would have nothing to do with some of us who stayed in. We were sort of "marked and avoided in reverse" by a few people, especially Geerites who seem to shun just about everybody anyway. I found that rather strange. I wanted to talk and share but some of ya'll were mean about it...like "What gives you the right to stay in and condone the board of trustees, etc. etc. yada, yada." Heck one reason I stayed was to try and affect reform from within. That job clearly became hopeless over time. But I felt at least I was trying.
I vote for the Henderson location. But only because I can drive back and forth to my hometown of Owensboro nearby and there are other activites.
Her system Restore IS turned off because I turned it off. This site will help I believe. Just follow step by step, best you can. Basically running the CCleaner program and the SurfSidekick Program in Safe mode may do it for you. Afterwared, run a virus scan and latest Adaware again, all while in Safe Mode. Here is the link. http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=74266
In the material or what TWI called "the senses world" I can not even remember the untold blessings that have come our way since we were kicked out in 2000. Why has my business tripled since then? Why do my children seem to be thriving? Why have our evil,debt laden real estate holdings doubled or more. How did we find ourselves mortgage free at 50 in a big home? Spiritually I am still trying to figure things out and unlearn bad things I believed from my 26 years of involvement. But I am having the time of my life being uncertain that I have all the answers. I find freedom in NOT knowing exactly doctrinally every "jot and tittle" and every accurate word. It has made me a better man. I find I am more kind and tolerant of my fellow man. I believe in God and I believe He helps us when we get honest and do our best and truly help others along the way. You guys in TWI ought to have the guts to dare to swim on your own without the stale spiritual life jacket you are used to having all these years. You might find some Cool Waters and Fresh Air. I only have one word to describe it. AWESOME! John Richeson Tampa, FL
I apologize for that dude's, ckmkeon's, dumb signature. You can only laugh. Always a "Mike" to be found in these circles. Anyway, Skyrider, when I heard some of the lies that were circulated about you and your wife and how you were so evil and all, we knew it was false. You were 'salt of the earth' type people. Everyone knew it. Of course they needed to discredit you. You guys knew too much. I knew when they started marking and avoiding the likes of you guys, there was little hope for the rest of us. I was right. I thought to myself, if they can't make it, nobody can. But there is always a bright side. Had that not happened to you guys, tens of thousands of people would never been able to read your insightful posts through the years and make up their minds to leave in your path if they were still in. Plus, the BOD has most certainly enjoyed your comments. You both were involved in TWI on most levels some of us never experienced. You have a lot to say. Thanks! Love to your family.
Pressing F8 during the boot process allows you to boot into Safe Mode. Are you able to log in while in safe Mode? Run your Adware program while in Safe Mode. Also run your virus scan program while in safe mode. Delete all the nasties it finds. And be careful with MSCONFIG. Some things are absolutely needed to be checked in there for the computer to run properly. Let us know the results.
MS makes the OS. The best one is XP IMO. Hardware makers including motherboard makers can sometimes be to blame. All the components must be compatible. You can find a brand new computer with XP installed, all new hardware for $300 - $500 today. Check E machines, Sam's Clubs, Wal Mart, etc. Going that route is cheaper in the long run than trying to breathe new life into old compnents. Just be sure to upgrade and keep all drivers current. For example, this cheapo is BETTER than any Windows 2000 machine fully loaded I paid $2500 for years ago. $350 E Machine And for the do it yourselfers, here is an article on how to build a pretty powerful machine which will even handle gaming and other intense processing tasks for a grand total of about $500. There are many such articles today. $500 Gaming Machine
Another very difficult one to remove is SIDEKICk SEARCH. I had troubl removing that one even with a variety of programs. Just look at what you have to do to get rid of that one! Sidekick Removal This stuff is becoming more agressive today.
The kid attached would have to be down a week or so. His gaming buddies will miss him. Try Bluezman's and other suggestions first of course. You can also take it to Best Buy. I am not sure what those Geeks to Go guys charge but they get this all the time. I hear its the most common thing they do, fix spyware and viruses.
I am an avid Microsoft XP fan. I can't speak about a MAC. What exactly is is you do not like about Microsoft? You are using Windows 2000. You may be missing out on many features available in XP. Windows 2000 was originally designed for businesses. I used if for years. It was a hot OS back then. The best! Until XP which left it in the dust by now. 2000 is 6.5 years old. Time to upgrade. Vista is coming out next year. I have a friend who gripes about his Microsoft Office 97 software (which I believe he copied from a buddy free of charge.) Duh! Office of today is light years ahead of 97 or even 2000. Same is true of hardware. To make a loooooong story short, throw away old hardware and get new. Solves lot of problems and is easier and cheaper than trying to breathe life into old systems. Money is no object anymore. My few cents worth.
I, too have doubts about how we were taught concerning all these major doctrinal topics. It will be good to see other viewpoints. Goey, I agree. Annoying indeed and some are downright mean if you are not in "the club" who carries the torch of the accuracy of The word like it has not been known since the First Century. (That's full of holes too.) However, at one time I suppose we may have been that way towards other good and intelligent christians and people who left The Way when we were "believers". Tripped out....remember that awful phrase? So we were no better when we acted accordingly. Glad I have a more sane and open viewpoint now.
Oh, that's easy. As usual, almost all computer help is available in detail on the university of Google. It is up to each person to simply search, think, experiment and learn. Unfortunately most people's eyes glaze over when it comes to this stuff. Can't blame em. It is all in whether or not you like this stuff or not. Only reason I do is because it is sort of my hobby and I have always liked tinkering and solving puzzles. I will bore you no more. Anyway look here and definitely save this site in your favorites. It is awesome. Startups Explanations - what they all mean just type in the name of the item in your startup you are concerned about and this list will tell you what it is. Do not guess and if you are not sure leave it checked. On the other hand be agressive. There is so much crap in there on most people's computers it is pathetic. No wonder performance suffers. Best to uninstall the item first from Control Panels Add Remove Programs. MSCONFIG is to be worked o AFTER you have cleaned up things the easy way. If things return in MSCONFIG after you uncheck them you need to find out why. For example QTTASK is an agresssive littel booger made by APPLE for their Quick Time Viewer. Uninstall Quick time completely. Insead use a nifty little program called Quick Time Alternative. Quick Time Alternative There are dozens of other things to get into to make a computer have PEAK performance and to prevent it from getting any spyware or viruses, even better than they come from the manufacturer, especially bumb Dells and hokey HP's . Have ur eyes glazed over yet. Ok, goodnight.
Her computer has a decent Antivirus program running in the background. In fact it automatically detects this as a virus but it apparently can not or will not delete it. It only gives informational alerts. So it is deleted manually, no problem. Her Temp files were deleted, her System Restore has been turned off as recommended. All is well for a while until the darn thing comes back a bit later and keeps bringing more friends. I suspect the STARTUP section of MSCONFIG. Nobody ever seems to clean that area up. It is vital. Spybot S&D ran and found all kinds of things but removed them all. Therefore I think its time to fight these things in Safe Mode with the computer unplugged. Even then I have seen difficulty. I like the Hijack This tools. A variety of these programs are good. But it is important to find why and how it returns. Critical also is to make sure ALL unneeded things are unchecked from MSCONFIG / Startup. That dumb thing ought to be more accessible and editable to the average user. Open the RUN box and type in MSCONFIG. Malware uses startup items to cause themselves to keep returning. Mail me your hard drive. I will fix it all up for you and mail it back. It's not that hard to remove and reinstall really.
It keeps returning. It is a stubborn one. You might have to Unplug from the Internet Scan for spyware and remove it Scan for viruses and note the ones it finds and cannot clean. Try to go to those places and remove them manually. Do all this while unplugged from the Internet. After all this and while still disconnected, you need to boot into SAFE MODE in windows. Mr. Google can tell you how. Once you are in safe mode you must scan for spyware again removing any you find. Scan for viruses again and hopefully your software will remove or clean any you find. Boot up in normal mode and then plug back into the Internet. If that virus returns the problem goes deeper and you will have to find a specific solution. At that point call your priest.
" We're all gone now"
I think I'll have a strong drink this week. (But we really need the rain.) Gawd, how many years can I expect these "things" to stay in our brains? Damn! Ya'll have been out of the household for decades and I, but a few years. Yet these truths remain ingrained in your nouses. How do you keep these things fresh without anyone around to suck your Corps asses anymore?? PS - Cardinal Bailey, I command u to appear now that u have a password. You know u desire the meat. Get off that breast!
Bliss - nothing against you and your loved ones. Really. It is these die hard old timers like JB & Rev. Moneyhands who are to be blamed. You said" "I received all the aggravating emails between the Reg Coord and John B. in light of your "appearance" on Family Tables. You were talked about at length if I recall, mostly about how the devil works in situations like you "leaving the household" and the contamination you were spreading." Ha, ha, ha! I did not leave the household, they kicked me out for speaking up about Rev. Craig M. and writing a letter to Rosie. Ha, ha, ha! What do you expect Rev. Moneyhands and his wife to say!! After all I have sort of inside information on them and they know it. They need to squelch all information about themsealves from the past and to discredit people like me who may choose to tell the truth and reveal a few things which were out and out lies, one of which involved a friend of ours who died after he told us she was faking her illness. She was kicked out because of it. She was discredited to a great degree to us by Moneyhands, our then Reg. Coor here in FL. I will not mention her name on here out of respect for her great life (which he implied to us was in shambles and it was not.) I'll be as clear as I can be. Im my personal opinion and from things I observed, the Revs. Moneyhands hurt people through the years by marking and avoiding them and outright confronting and yelling at them and were very cruel to some who needed God's love instead. This includes some of his best friends. To date I have seem absolutely no remorse. Yet I am the bad guy!! Get real you wimps! Grow a pair! Some people are miserable, have miserable lives, and choose to make others miserable along their journey. Mean bastards is what I like to call them. John Richeson Tampa, FL
Bliss, Oh give me a break! John Browxxxn is an axxhole in my humble opinion!! I was banned from his lame site over a year ago for saying nothng but supportive things and telling the truth I called him about it and was given the same old cold shoulder he has given good Christian born again people who are NOT active in TWI for years. His basic response was "get over it'. He always struck me as a loser so I was not surprised by his inadequate attempt to be cool as believer superhero to the Internet rescue as "YoPhotoman". Ha! I think he ought to be called "YoLoserman". The whole concept of the site reeks of old, stale legalism. He is so yesterday's TWI. Cutting edge! Ha, ha, ha, ha. John R. Tampa, FL PS - Incidentally, I have been banned from almost every other TWI based "My Space" site too. Who says there is no policy of mark and avoid? It still is practiced very loud and clear in TWI, young and OLD. Pathetic. Some local churches are more kind hearted and waaaaay more exciting.
I no prophet. Just a pesron who speaks from or for those who still have 56k dial up and who have not been born again of the seed of the Internet. I hollered and I hollered and I hollered at him but I'm not sure if he hurd me yet.
If they are they seem like a nice and friendly one.
Unfair to compare them to Jm Jones or David Koresh. As someone else has posted, TWI's cult like activities pale in comparison to most. They were sort of like the watered down, 3.2 Bud Lite of cults. Unfortunately this stuff is all too common in many religions. Happens all the time. It is wrong every time. Religion is cruel to people. All done in the name of _____________ . (Fill in your god or idol here, including what some call "The Word").
Was Mark or John your counselor? Tell them both I said hi. I hope they or other believers at Spirit & Truth/ CES / Truth or Tradition/ Biblical Unitarian (or whatever name they are going by now) helped you. There are some good people involved. Personally I have received a lot of counseling from some good posts here on Greasespot among other places and from awesome people like Radar. But for my kind I fear all hope is lost. I am fine with that. John Richeson Tampa, FL