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Everything posted by igotout

  1. Last time I was there was 2002 Check out the tee shirt And yes, we did visit places on grounds.
  2. They seem VERY out of touch on most of these subjects. Do they even have a clue what Google is and its awesome power? The "University of Google" will most certainly leave their articles in the dust. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of an automobile. Articles from all over the world from experts as well as everyday folk. Thousands of articles to choose from. Same with housecleaning. Ha! They can NOT compete with Google. Do they even reference any "Internet Links" as most writers do today? Highly doubtful! It is getting a little embarrasing.
  3. Tom, be thankful. My Way Corps (scum) grad wife is always trying to get rid of me. The other day she told me to take the garbage out. I told her I already did. She told me to go an keep an eye on it. Badumpa! I went to look for a used car. I found her dress in the back seat. She made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday. We were happy for twenty years. Then we met. Last night she met me at the front door wearing a sexy negligee. The only trouble was, she was coming home. Badumpa, badumpa!
  4. Yawn!! Those kids are missing out on so much offered by other more lively and exciting Christian groups. Their network of friends and life experiences as well as opportunities would be greatly expanded OUTSIDE the confines of limiting themselves ONLY to TWI.
  5. That's what I now look back on and find strange in TWI. No explanation. As if we had no right to know and we dared not ask. Did they think we were stupid? I guess we were for a while. All they had to do was be honest and perhaps APOLOGIZE. Ha! Never saw happen that in my decades of involvement. Reminds me of that book by Al Franken of the title: "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them." Thank God the Internet came along allowing freedom of expression. Had these technologies been around then I am sure things would have been different. In fact I feel that VPW would have feared its power over his own.
  6. Hey Tuttle, My marriage is on the rocks again. Yeah, my wife just broke up with her boyfriend. During sex my wife always wants to talk to me. Just the other night she called me from a hotel. I'm a bad lover. I once caught a peeping Tom booing me. SCUM indeed!
  7. You wanna know what killed that little boy??!!! I'll tell you what killed that little boy!!!! SCUM.
  8. I think ur right about Barbie. Kinda hard to tell.
  9. Leave us alone...we like it here being scumble and meek, admitting our past scumness.
  10. His bitch in other words. Kinda like when we were Steve Armxxstroxx's bitches on those workdays when we were WOW's. We hear that phrase a lot here in the deep South. Depends on the trades you work in I guess. It may or may not be derogatory. I find it very appropriate at times. (Correction: I, too, made $75 a month back then, not $30 as I previously posted. Just about enough for cigarettes, a little beer, a little fun and a few necessities, bitches that we were.)
  11. And way back there....isn't that Debra Sleeper, now Debra Olthouse? She was in our 7th gang. Gawd! She's still in and still there! I'm gonna puke my Guiness I just drank! POPE, fetch me another one.
  12. Bo's house? You mean the one he and his dad paid for with their own money and for which he never received a penny in reimbursement or resale or rent? Not sure. I can ask him next time I see him. He might know, but maybe not. They still hear from innies on staff, ha. I thought I remember hearing Nik Maxsxon and his wife lived there? Not sure. Does Nik still play the great organ?
  13. ".........and then tried to teach them the manifestation of tongues and gifts of feelings,....." Simon "Buddy Curries bitch...." I was several people's bitch on my interin year in WB, couple years before you I think. It was fun, though, because it was so pathetic. Cheap beer was my friend that year.
  14. Another scum graduates with an "footociate in THEology"degree. Here I am going forth as a leader and worker........ to wash windows. Gradgeeashun Day!
  15. Chatty - who knows. Probably too close to burial area too. Seems like anything cool was dismantled as an "old wineskin". Remember when that was drilled in our brains in TWI2? I needed lots of wine in those days.
  16. Grand Lake Log Homes is who put up the main structure. But most of the finishng work was done by Way Builders (including me and dozens of others). My pay at the time was $30 a month for working 10 hour days, some Saturdays too. Others know lots more about it. Grand Lake Log Homes
  17. Here's one. Is that a 9th Corps guy in the background? Sorry to some of u if this brings back repressed memories. Ted Singing 1979 Most of us were probably faaaar away from the stage anyway, likely in the back smoking cigarettes or skipping the meeting for a beer instead. Oh, and Ted if u hate this I'll remove it.
  18. Here's how to fix it the next time. What I'm gonna do as a solution.
  19. This has been discussed before but for those who may not remember here is a picture of what was originally promoted at "The Way Corps Chalet". It was to be a haven for any Way Corps who wanted to visit HQ freely any time they wanted. For example, if you were traveling in the area you could stop by and have a place to hang out and stay a while. I remember working hard on the plumbing of this building, under construction in 1978 and finished I believe the following year. It shortly after became the Presidents home. No Way Corps were allowed to "chill" on that secured and guarded property as I recall. We all know what happens now if you try to freely visit TWI and hang out. (Just ask Doug McMullan.) I refused to call it by that name in all the 21 years following that I stayed in TWI. I still referred to it as the Corps Chalet because I felt as if we were misled.....again. Does anyone have more details or memories or insight about the Way Corps Chalet Presidents Home? I have also heard it has been a maintenance nightmare.
  20. HEre is why I joined. What is the Ways Corps? Not ancient walls and ivy mantled towers Where dull denominational traditions Rule with heavy hand Believers' deeply springing powers Not spacious pleasure courts Or lofty temples of athletic frame Where devotees of sports mistake a pass-time For life's highest game. Not fashion or renown Or wealthy patronage and rich estate No, none of these can crown the Ways Corps with light And make it truly great. But equipped believers, ambassadors strong and wise Who teach because they love the teacher's task And find their richest prize In eyes that open, and in minds that ask You may PUKE scum now!!
  21. Pope DB I see ur password worked this time. It's about time u started coming to fellowship. We've been faithful on here for years, holding it forth daily, moving it, shaking things up and putting out our best, while the likes of you have been walking to and fro in the hollers of TN seeking no telling what. Study to shew yerself faithful. Go back and read and reread and retemorize all past writings. In return Jesus will turn your 56k into broadband. John R. PS - I finished scanning all Ted's classic pics he gave me. He bought a new comp but has problems with his new fangled gadget. I gotta go help that young man soon. I'll say hi.
  22. For more ministry wisdom and quotations from the likes of Simon, Ex, and Mr. Tuttle you must read the 9th Corps thread from beginning to end. It's the new "class" of our day and time. U'll be healed and blessed. Someone is working on its publication of one liners contained in its red thread.
  23. It's a DISGRACE......!!! For me...... To have been in this meeting today with you scums!!!! Shut up!!!!
  24. With high speed Internet becoming widely used, it is much easier to connect to remote computers in a functional way. With 56k dial up this process was murder. NOT funtional. My favortite way of connectiong to another computer is by using REMOTE DESKTOP which is built into XP. It's awesome. I find it better than PCAnywhere or similar programs. It seem more stable and fast. I have compare the two for years. PC Anywhwere has its place, however, so I use both. Depends on the need. Here are pros and cons to consider: You can only Remotely Desktop into a machine that has XP Pro on it. (Another reason to have Pro instad of Home.) This is not so with PCAnywhere. When you are using Remote Desktop, only YOU can use the machine. You have it locked up. It the other party logs in even under another profile, the connection is cut off. This is not so with PCAnywhere. Remote desktop lets you use all the standard windows funtions between machines like copy and paste from one to the other. with PCA you can do these things but it is way more cumbersome. The other computer (user) can not see what you are doing when you are connected to him with Remote Desktop. PCAnywhere lets both users not only see what is happening but BOTH users can do stuff at the same time, use the mouse, etc. This is a GREAT advantage over Remote Desktop if you need this funtionality. But most times I am connectiong to my work computer or my associates computer when they are not there so it does not matter. Remote Desktop is faster, more stable and easier to use than PCA and uses less resources. Too much to describe here. Just trust me on this one. The exception is remotely restarting or shutting down. PCA is easier. Remote Desktop is free. PCA costs $. If you have a router, both these programs require that you open a port for each computer you are connectiong to. Sometimes I have views of 3 different persons computers on my screen at the same time. These types of programs are becoming vital for business. My accountant for example works on our books remotely when he needs to help us. It's as if he is sitting right there instead of the 60 miles away he is. There are others out there which may be good. GO TO MY PC But I am only familiar with RD and PCA. I use them almost every day. There is a lot of info on Google. Remote Desktop article PC Anywhere
  25. Lets start a new topic on Desktop Sharing The thing about this pesky malware. I would delete the registry key and it simply would come back. Stubborn booger. and yes, there is something I saw somewhere that lets you delete programs which are in use, like in this case it was called sidekick.exe
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