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Everything posted by igotout
Well, Zixar, Hope is coming to your city soon so send back a shiny new server with her and bill me. But it better have some pretty lights in it. Thanks for the tips. But these processors are so dirt cheap now anyway. It's kind of like a 64 meg graphics card. Who really uses that power day to day? Few. But there they are all over the place with prices plumetting more and more. They are standard in all computers now. 128 is next up. I already have one and it is ridiculously powerful. Someday maybe they will make a game that touches its power. Ha! Hard drives as a bottleneck. Yes, I was aware of that fact. Therefore I am going RAID and using today's popular 8MB cache drives. They are the fasest IDE and almost equal to SCSI in speed but much cheaper. I'm considering a few of these for the RAID array: Fast Hard drives I have one at home and it is nice. The network bottleneck shouldn't be a problem but I will be asking you more about that later. By the way I can get a gig of PC800 RDRAM for around $400. Again...dirt cheap, so why not? [This message was edited by igotout on April 06, 2003 at 23:32.]
Pretty power :)--> 480 Watts Should Do It
Zixar, will you just come here and build it for me? Now I feel intimidated. Nah, really, I'll be fine. Being a business owner I have everything backed up and up and up and off site. In fact I have sort of a mirror image of all my business data on my home computers. I like to think of what I would do if I came in one morning and everything was burned to the ground. We could run business by driving 3 miles away, almost seamlessly. First off, this is not a big business location. You should see what we are using now for a "Server" and it actually works OK. It is a PIII with Window 20OO with 256 meeg of ram and one hard drive. Maybe I should say this will be a "File Server", might be more accurate. With todays powerful processors I am not even sure I need dual processors. And I am certain I will not need more than a gig of RAM. After looking into it I think I will really only need a single powerful processor, probably Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz See this article: Pentium 4 & Xeon: What's the difference. One of their conclusions: But you should be aware of the fact that it makes no sense to build uni-processor systems on the Xeon. Performance of uni-processor computers on the Xeon and Pentium 4 is the same, while the Xeon+i860 platform is much more expensive. At the same time, a dual-processor system based on the Xeon is almost twice faster as compared with the Pentium 4 "Northwood" of the same frequency. Zixar I am a little concerned about AMD and how they are prone to overheating problems. I have heard they can run much hotter than Intel. Just what I have heard from a couple of different sources. See this very technical article: PEntium 4 & Athlon Thermal Conditions The article lost me but one of their conclusions was this bold statement: At present Athlon XP based systems DO have thermal problems and are not protected from serious failures of cooling systems. However, systems with the thermal diode support still have a minimal thermal protection. The Intel Pentium 4 has a great reliability reserve as there is catastrophic overheating protection and Thermal Monitor support. But optimal reliability/performance ratio for Pentium 4 based systems requires the most effective cooling means. [This message was edited by igotout on March 11, 2003 at 21:54.]
What would you say in a letter to an innie?
igotout replied to Mocha Tree Girl's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Mocha Tree - I am not sure how to search for it in the archives but this exact topic was posted here a year or so back. There were some awesome responses. You could also consider calling them or visiting them in person. Sadly, some will just briefly look at a letter such as yours and throw it away. Or they might do like my old and dear friend, Rev. Bill Green, did and return it unopened. Rev. Bob Moynihan did the same thing. Some friends they turned out to be! I would never have done that when I was in the Corps in TWI. I was not as mean and stubborn as that. John Richeson Tampa, FL -
Mike - now you've done it! Now I am going to start a whole website called "Mikewille". Be warned. You will be outed and exposed. Where did you claim your degree came from? Hmmmmm ... we must look into that for starters.
What about dual processing? I note that lots of boards offer that these days. Do I really need it for a small business of say 8 computers connected and a remote site connected once in a while? Or will this be overkill (which I sometimes like.) I have no experience with dual processors. With today's speedy processors is dual really needed? We just do day to day office stuff, laser printing, broadand, nothing really graphics intensive. Paw, I don't like the all acrylic cases either and dust becomes an eyesore after a while. I currently have (at my home) a case with a big side glass window and sound activated lighting. I like that concept too as you suggest. But my power supply is going to be one of those that are lit up inside. Just gotta have that!
I am going to build a server for our small business. I think I am going to use Win2kServer. I have heard good things about Linux but I am too chicken (or lazy or both) to switch to learning about it. But speaking of Win2k...what's next? Anybody know? My luck, the minute I install Windows 2000 server they will come out with Windows 2003 or something like that. Any Beta's coming up soon?
MIke - you got me. I now believe that every word of Dr. is of God. Where do I sign up. What class do I take? WHere is the nearest fellowship or should I just start one and hold forth this Word even if no one believes it. The reason I am converted is because this thread liveth and abideth forever. Indeed a notable miracle! What was that verse in Acts.... if it be of God it can not be overthrown.
You said this on another tread, Ex: "our father who art in fountain hollow be thy name" Ha! :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> I am going to write Tricia B**** from Germany a letter. I am just now getting around to answering her Christmas newsy letter she sent me about all her and Hildegard's travels and business. She is one of my sponsors and yet I am not faithful in writing. Please do not kick me out of here. I promise I still keep my Corps Budget book, balancing my $30. to the penny. I use Quicken.
I am going to finally just build one. Due to time constraints, I usually buy off the shelf or custom made. But for this purpose, I think I am better off just doing it myself. It's because I need a new server and I need all kinds of unique things that I can't seem to find through Dell, Gateway or elsewhere. They either have too much or too little or the wrong combinations. This should be fun. For those few who may be interested I'll keep you posted on what I run into building my first computer. Also I will tally the cost. I'm sure I will need help along the way. In fact I have two questions already. Suggestion on brand of motherboard: (I want Intel 3.0GHz or above, USB2.0 and RAID capability and RDRAM or it may be called RAMBUS RAM. Onboard LAN and Audio is OK with me in ths situation.) Suggestion on a cool case: There are so many out there. I need several bays in front, huge power supply, see thru window, several fans. Noise is not an issue. Anybody have any suggestions or links? Thanks, John R.
Well, lets be real. Windows 98 and Window Millenium Edition are basically the same thing. No real improvement. It was just a holdover until XP came out. You might as well add those two together. This gives you about 38% Windows 98 users. Say good bye to Windows 98. It is fading as fast as yesterday's biblical research and teaching center.
Jesse - for the everyday user I believe Dell is the best brand out today. Steve - Dell has wised up. They do not have proprietary components any more. You can mix and match a lot. In fact you can FIANLLY order a Dell with no monitor if you want. Dell's are lame for most power modders and "hot rodders" but they are actually real nice for most everyday users. And they have excellent return policies and warranties. Jesse - that 4550 looks nice! Very powerful for everyday use. Get no less than 512 meg of ram. Make sure you are getting USB2.0 support on your motherboard. I think those Dells have it in front which is nice. Save $120.on that high end 128MB Radeon graphics card they are pushing on you. Most programs or even games do not require such a monster. Not long ago the GForce 4 was the worlds best. Get it. Hard drive. Why get anything less than 100 gigs of storage? Don't cheap out on your speakers. Just go out and get your own from Best Buy. Dell's speakers are lousy. Choose the NO SPEAKER option. Go with their standard SoundBlaster live 5.1 sound card. Excellent choice. Second best in the world. Why not get a 19" monitor? I would go with their 19" M992 Flat CRT Monitor [add $100.00]. Thse are some basics. Have fun with your new computer. By the way, the new Dells are almost silent! Yeah I think there will be a surge of computers being sold soon too. But they are so cheap these days. I am wondering if the profit margins are too low. [This message was edited by igotout on March 03, 2003 at 21:25.]
Nolongerlurking I was in the same dorm as Dennis for a while. He was writing a book at the time, spent every waking moment on it so he could have it out by ROA that year. I forgot what it was called. It was interesting. I lost touch with him long ago. Wonder how he is and what he is doing these days. HE really wanted top be a writer. If you find him tell him I said hi.
I mean their stock, not their computers. Goey - would you still buy it? I owned it for years, never made any money on it and sold it off recently at a slight loss. Probably bought at the wrong time. Hot computer sales seem to have slowed for some reason. And they are so dirt cheap now. Remember when it was hard to find anything decent for less than about $1,800 or so off the shelf? And I think I paid over $200 for an extra 64 meg of ram once. Dell has had a stellar past but sometimes I wonder about their future. But I suppose the same can be said of most companies these days.
Don't Throw the Baby Out With The Bathwater
igotout replied to Pavlov's God's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Baby was stillborn at best. -
Don't Throw the Baby Out With The Bathwater
igotout replied to Pavlov's God's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
I agree with Evan's insight, which I have seen him say before when this topic comes up. His viepoint is my favorite. There was no Baby in the first place. The only thing I can add is that at times we had fun. I have fond memories of some of you wonderful people. But I am sure some of us would have managed to have fun even in in Jonestown. I think I would have survived, because I would have probably rebelliously drank beer instead of kool-aid. (God working in me to will and do of His good pleasure.) John R. -
Well, Pawtucket. Isn't Linux an alternative to Windows? What about Mac? They are listed as 1% and 4% of users. As I thought, Windows 98 is still the majority. But that will change to XP rapidly.
Most games are fine on Windows 2000. It wasn't that way at first but it is now.
Roxio Easy CD Creator 6 Does it all. Getting good reviews. I have version 5 and it can do this. I transferred stuff from vinyl to CD. I had to buy a device that enabled me to hook up a turntable to my sound card. The quality did not sound very good. I probably did not have the best equipment to do this professionally but at least I got it. With a cassette it mugh be a better quality than vinyl but don't expect excellence. If it is somethng really special and if you can afford it, find a studio or business that can do this for you with their high end equipment. Mark Gluckin, for example, has taken old Sunday nite teaching services and has painstakingly converted them over to professional quality CD's and nice artwork, labling, etc. He probably knows MUCH about how to do this. He has done thousands of them.
I wonder if Dixie went back to being a Mormon? She really was before TWI.
RB I use Windows2k and XP Pro every day. I am torn as to which is the really the best. But my conclusion is that Win2k is a bit more stable, more of a workhorse and a bit faster. But XP has lots of toys, bells and whistles that 2000 does not have. Such as support for digital cameras, integrated CD Burning, fast user switching, and a more user friendly interface. But along with that are some bugs that have yet to work themselves out. Both are miles ahead of 98. And unlike 98, both play well together on a network. I am looking forward to the next version of Windows 2000. It is about due for a major overhaul.
If you use 2 different operating systems just include the one you use most. (Sorry Linux, Apple or other non-Microsoft OS users. Not enough room.)I didn't include Windows 95 either because of its obsolescence. Does anyone know what the statistics say? What operating system are most Americans using these days. I am guessing the majority are still on Windows 98.
"Verily, Verily I say unto thee...." Ya'll finish the rest, you are so damn funny. I always come to this thread to read when I need a break from the pressures of the day.
Dan Moran, Kevin McCave, Vicki Allen, Deborah Sleeper (still in!), Doug Coyle (for a while), Don Graniero, and Paul Cooper and I believe his wife Anna. Yeah, those were some really great times now that I look back on it. But can I make a small confession....??? I got sick of hearing Glad Tidings music!! 3 solid years of this was enough, already. But I never grew tired of all the other things you mentioned, tomtittilation. There is a lifetime commitment when it comes to beer drinking, gossip, missing meetings where possible, hanging out with friends at times when you are expected to be elsewhere, more beer, laughing about stupid leaders, etc. It's always a great way to shrug off opression. Don't you know that beer and Doritos have salt in them? We are salted....a salt covenant should not be broken.
Excathedra, I hope you do phone one of these days. I won't bite. (Well maybe I do bite ...I dunno anymore). "Glad Tidings" will be the answer I'll give you when you call. JR (813) 920-4720