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i want to build a computer like i want to build a ministry
igotout replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
Excathedra - if you give me a budget number, I would be glad to put a system together for you from Dell with their online configurator. I could email it to you and then you could order it. Do yo want one of the flat screens? They are more expensive and actually not as good quality as a nice high end monitor. Only advantage is how cool they look and how they take up a small space on your desk. If space is not a problem then save some money and get a regular CRT with aperture grill technology. Better quality. They all come with DVD players and CD burner/players these days. You can even go a step further and get a DVD BURNER. But that is only if you forsee wanting to make COPIES of DVD's. This will be the next headache for the movie industry because it makes digital quality copies, as good as the original! Oh, and one other thing, get nice speakers with a sub. Dell's speakers usually suck but you could always get their cheapest ones and throw them away and go to Best Buy and get some decent ones. Unfortunately Dell doesn't let you order a computer without certain components like speakers or a monitor. That's where they make their money. JR jricheso@tampabay.rr.com [This message was edited by igotout on April 03, 2003 at 23:19.] -
Thanks Cobalt. Your info enabled me to find this layout of The former Way "College" of Emporia campus. Click here: Emporia today Ahh, the memories I have of some of these buildings. Some good, some insane. John R.
More 9th Corps for your thread. I saw them last summer in OH. They're super nice. JR
And here is Anderson Library still listed. (Click on Anderson Library under Emporia attractions). It says "located on the former College of Emporia Campus" They don't even want to mention the name of The Way. Ha! But hell, we are the ones with all our workday hours in res who really refurbished that place from top to bottom. "Your Abundant Sharing at Work" http://www.lasr.net/leisure/kansas/lyon/em...ttractions.html
Yeah, Vista was the place where we soothed our craving for sweets. Iowa Beef! Does it still smell so bad? I have a foggy memory about going on a tour of that place when we were in res. Not sure why. I guess they had to figure out something for us to do. Is Emporia considered a college town because of ESU? I would guess it might be a quaint place to live and may have reasonable housing prices. Click here: http://www.emporia.com/index.html http://www.emporia.edu/ http://www.lasr.net/leisure/kansas/lyon/emporia/
Cobalt - to answer your question, I started washing windows when I came here when we graduated in 1979. Today.... www.bayareawindow.com
Cobalt - thanks for the email. I'll answer soon. That's interesting about your child attending ESU. We used to go witnesing there once in a while. But I think they were getting kind of tired of The Way. C'mon! Please go by Emporia and take some digital pictures and email them to me so we can see what that place looks like now. Don't forget to include Sonic if it is still there now. I'll post them here. Some of us may never get to see that place again. (Some may never want to, ha!) Tell you husband I said hi. I remember you guys. Love to the family. John R. Oh, and watch out for those tornadoes. I always wanted to see one while out there but never got to. Remember when we went the Way Texas Farm? Where was that place anyway? The drive was fantastic because of the beauty of those wide open Kansas spaces. I wish I had taken more pictures.
Ok - Cobalt. I will get their contact info for you. What part of Kansas do you live in. That was the windiest state I have ever been in. And those winters were brutal. I have lived here in FL for over 20 years so my blood is thin as they say. You have no email in your profile. Email me via my address in profile, so I have a way to reach you. Thanks, John Richeson
DTA Brown card #25 It is directed at YOU Mr. Tuttle Gossip Leviticus 19:16a Thou shalt not go up and down as a tail. Bearer among thy people. Leviticus 19:16a _______________________________________ "We've a story to tell to the nations, that shall turn their heart to the right. A story of truth and meeercy, a story of of peace and liiii-iii-ight. A story of of peace and light." FOR the darkeness shall turn to the daaaawning, and the dawning to noon day bright. And God's great kingdom shall come to eaarth, the kingdom of love and light." [This message was edited by igotout on March 19, 2003 at 20:04.]
THat's because Peggy was briefly married to a WOW named Dan McMullen, no relation to Doug. Later she married Steve. When I was witnessed to by her in Feb 1974 she was Peggy Hundley. Her Mom took the class with us too. Stevie, Jr is older too, early 20's I think. They came here to Tampa and visited us a few years ago! It was a treat. Realize, I left O'boro in 1974 and have not lived there since. I do not recognize the names you mentioned. We were in the 1st class ever in O'boro and I left the following year. But My brother Mike stayed behind a couple of year. He took the class too and stood there in O'boro. Executive Inn was pretty new at that time, never worked there. But we always stay there in one of the suites overlooking the water when we visit Owensboro. Hre is a name from the past from Owensboro. Jeff Richards. We were talking at length today. He has worked for me for 15 years! We are in constant contact. Been thru a lot togehter. He has lived here in Tampa for years. Do you know him? HE spent his interim year in O'boro. We were in 7th Corps together. John Richeson
Peggy and Claudia witnessed to me and my brother Mike. Steve and I took the class together, the one just before the one the right Rev. Bill Green took. Nature is now in her thirties. Her full name is Nature Love... her real name. She was truly a child of the 60's hippie days. Long story. I believe I know those other guys but would have to see their last names. I love the Moonlite BBQ. Go there every time we visit. MAry Lou Shroyer and John (from CFF) visit O'boro frequently because her dad lives there. John R.
John 10:10a "The thief cometh not [but for] to steal, kill and to destroy." John 10:10a BUT FOR is in italics....scratch it! I'm going to trip out now. [This message was edited by igotout on March 18, 2003 at 20:23.]
Exodus 20:15 "Thou shalt [not] steal." Exodus 20:15 The word NOT can be scratched. It is NOT in the originals.
Yes s'ter :(--> You have spiritually tricked me into making this thread prevail. By the time I finish this heavy penance, your thread will stay on top for a long time. Harsh taskmaster! You might as well add the Defeating the Adversary browns, the Word in Business whites, and the WAP red and whites while you're at it. Therefore I shall hash the word to pieces. Let me start out with the brown DTA # 6 - Stealing(there are three on each retemory in TWI II now) Ephesians 4:28 "Let him that stole, steal. No more but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may be able to have to give to him that needeth." Ephesians 4:28 Remember there was no punctuation in the original pedangta text [This message was edited by igotout on March 18, 2003 at 20:21.]
(I edited my post cuz I wasn't SIT when I typed it.) "Bless me excathedra for I have sinned, it's been 33 years since my last confession." (Can nuns hear confessions yet?) How many retemories do I have to recite for penance? [This message was edited by igotout on March 18, 2003 at 7:49.]
Tuttle - please contribute your insight on the MOG Trading cards thread on what to say on the back of some of those cards. Revelation is needed.
Well, apparently one Saturday some of the ladies were laying out on the grass with their tops undone, getting some sun. Just like they do around here on the beaches. No big deal. They didn't turn over or anything (dammmit). Well, the next lunch meal he blasted the "lot of us" as the Scottish lass, KM would say. He went ballistic! Something about "that the ministry be not blamed" and it being a parents weekend or some crap. He should talk. That public tirade probably did more harm to the parents than those topless MARRIED beauties did. Now get back to work, working the word, and quit using up your companies bandwidth. John R.
They, like me, stayed in for years after the so-called "fog years" after the downfall years, in hopes of trying to help fix things. Does anyone remember that Chuck was a master plumber? He was responsible for the vast hidden network of plumbing that was installed underground at the ROA grounds in 1978. I worked on that crew for a while. They did awesome work.
Oh, they were just catching some rays there in front of Uncle Harry Hall for a while before going in. Too bad this was not the topless sunning area. Wasn't that over by Emporia Hall some where? Remember how mad Craig got when he saw that? Wonder why? [This message was edited by igotout on March 17, 2003 at 7:22.]
Chuck & Margie 2003. Don't they still look great? I would guess they have been married for going on 40 years, God bless em. We were in Way Builders together. [This message was edited by igotout on March 25, 2003 at 20:08.]
I am from Owensboro, got in the ministry there in 1974. Lived in Louisville in 1975 as a Fellowlaborer with a bunch of people in that program, one of which was the right reverend Bill Green. Anyway, I go to Owensboro at least once or twice a year to visit because my family still resides there. Would be glad to hook up with anyone who is in the area when we visit if it is within reason such as Henderson. John Richeson Tampa, FL
Yeah, sometimes the only way we kept our sanity was to briefly escape reality and just get away and laugh at some of the stupid people who micromanaged our spiritual life. Found this old pic of two 9th Corps ladies, Cindi E. and Eileen D. These two rescued me (their elder) from insanity a few times. They deprogrammed me from my religiosity. Much beer was involved. This was a Saturday afternoon when we came back from some place in town. I forgot where we went that day. They were funny as hell. I bet they still are.
No, I don't really remember much from back in those days except how hard it was to do stuff without a mouse. And I have a fuzzy memory about paying $700 for a hot new item that everyone was getting. It was an internal 20MB (yes MB) hard drive. That was an abundance of storage because most companies had only 10 in the previous generation computers. Ha! Compare for $185 today..... Today's hot drive Of course, along with that I purchased the hottest monitor of the day for a mere $900. It was a 15" NEC MultiSync Monitor. And it was in VGA color as opposed to the green or amber! But the HP Laser printers were just too much for my blood because they were $3,000. Kind of how I feel now about the color laser printers out there. [This message was edited by igotout on April 06, 2003 at 23:31.]
The damn operating system will be nearly as much as the server. No wonder people use Linux. But it looks awesome. Windows 2003 Server