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Everything posted by igotout

  1. Thanks for those tips, Flay. I have a few of my own opinions to follow if I may. Do not disable UPnP if you are on a network or if you are sharing printers. It does not take and expert to mess with Services because they can be turned on and off at will. But it may take an expert to mess with the Registry. I do NOT recommend uninstalling a Service. Why do that? If it is stopped and on disabled or manual it is ineffective anyway, not working. I do not recommend setting a service to disabled except with probelmatic ones like Nvidia Driver helper service and Messenger. If you set a Service on disabled it will NEVER start. Yet you might need that Service some day for another application or change of your environment. If it is turned off but on MANUAL it is like saying it is on stanby and ready if it is ever needed again.
  2. The Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over The World Auditorium hosts this years Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over The World Advance for the Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over The World Ambassadors to the Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over The World Cop-Outs ... Anyone here care to go ??? _________________________________ Tom - I was just there for a pre-game meeting because I will be in charge of ushering. It will be an exciting event. This is the front door to the VPWWOWA, which will be my ushering spot. Come one come all:
  3. RB, I don't really know. I just know that Win 2003 Server will be taking the place of Windows 2000 Server. There are a lot of articles about it. Just Google it. And read MSFT's site about it. They have a whole site devoted to it obviously. From what I understand it is hot. some are switching from Linux servers and other OS's to Windows 2003 Server. I have an opportunity to get it real cheap so I am going for it. My alternative is Windws 2000 Server or Linux(which I don't know anything about) or to just use an OS as a server which is not really recommended. So what the heck. I am going for it. I'll let you know what issues I have if any. It is probably way overkill for me but I like overkill. You should see the dream machine I am building to install it on! Hint... it has 8 fans. John R. [This message was edited by igotout on August 29, 2003 at 23:07.]
  4. Happy Ann iver sa ry, Happy Ann iver sa ry, Happy Ann iver sa ry, Haaaaapy Ann iver sa ry! John R.
  5. Anyone using Windows Server 2003? It was released recently. I ordered it and will be using it soon. Looking forward to it. Anyone know of any good or bad comments or reviews?
  6. Hello 9th Corps boys and girls. How are you? I have been out of fellowship with you. But have been fellowshipping with vacations instead. Wanna see a couple of boring pictures? Are these threads cross denominational? Can other Corps's,'es post or just 9th? (I'll be back here this weekend unless I am banned.) John R. PS - Tom Strange... who are you and how did you get your screen name. [This message was edited by igotout on August 28, 2003 at 22:51.]
  7. Joe Guarini, Hope and Joe Maestri 1982.
  8. God bless you Joe. Rest in peace. Thank you for all the good you did to many people. John & Hope
  9. Go to Start / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services. Open up your services, At the bottom, select the tab that says Standard. (it is easier to view). The list is alphabetical. Look for one called Messenger. Stop that service!! Put the startup type on disable, not manual. Be sure to Stop this service. While you are there, look for one called NVidia Driver helper service. Stop that service!! Put the startup type on disable, not manual. Be sure to Stop this service. You will have less popups by disabling and stopping Messenger. Your computer will definitely start faster by disabling the buggy NVidia thing which seems to serve no practical purpose anyway. If you have NVidia Driver helper service listed that means you have a graphics card based on the popular Nvidia chipset.
  10. When doing tests on start up speed, be sure to have a watch or clock nearby so you can write down the speeds to compare differences. Once again Zixar's advice is good. Ditch (uninstall) Zone Alarm and go out and purchase a router which has built in firewall protection. FIrewall protection is built into the device itself so that responsibility is taken away from your computer resources. No more starting up with your computer either. Try uninstalling Zone Alarm and see if it makes any difference in your computer start up time. Now concerning Services. Go to Start / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services. Open up your services, At the bottom, select the tab that says Standard. (it is easier to view). The list is alphabetical. Look for one called Messenger. Stop that service!! Put the startup type on disable, not manual. Be sure to Stop this service. Look for one called NVidia Driver helper service. Stop that service!! Put the startup type on disable, not manual. Be sure to Stop this service. You will have less popups by disabling and stopping Messenger. Your computer will definitely start faster by disabling the buggy NVidia thing which seems to serve no practical purpose anyway. If you have NVidia Driver helper service listed that means you have a graphics card based on the popular Nvidia chipset. Right click on the desktop area. Click on properties, select the Settings Tab at the top, click on the Advanced button at the bottom. (While here make sure your monitor refresh rate is set to 75 not 60. It is much easier on the eyes.) Look for a tab at the top that indicates what kind of graphics card you have. For example mine says GeForce4 Ti4800 SE You can also go to Device Manager to find out what brand products you have. Let me know if this is helpful. More to come. John R. PS - if you ever install newer or updated drivers for your Nvidia based card, even if it is through Windows Updates, you will have to disable the Driver Helper Service again. NVidia sneaks in there and turns that service back on again even if it is on disabled! Curse them! [This message was edited by igotout on August 28, 2003 at 22:58.]
  11. Windows Updates would have prevented this. Keep em installed regularly. It only takes a little while.
  12. Rafael - what are you using 98 or XP? I am adept at this issue. There are many variables, not all Microsofts fault. My goal these days on a powerfuls system is a 30 seconnd reboot. It is available! That means from the time you click on Restart to the time you are back logged on, ready to open a program. Currently I have mine down to about 45 seconds but that is due to the tons of stuff I am using such as a TV card. Let me know which OS. The starting point is what Zixar said. Get rid of everything in your Startup menu. And disable the snnoying default preference in AIM which says "Start AIM when my computer starts" Damn AOL for their invasiveness. They are one of the worst. MSN Messesnger runs a close second. We are the victims of their stupid Messenger war. More startup tips to come. John R. PS also let me know which Model and Make video card you have and what kind of mouse as well.
  13. I agree with Zixar's assesment. It's just not worth it to salvage old ( in computer years) stuff like that. One of your specs says: Memory: 88.0 MB (100% Utilized) A clue that you are at risk of extreme slowdown or a lock up. Believe it or not this may not be from your memory or system as much as it is that I would guess that you have tons of things running in the background including what is known as Spyware. PRess Ctrl, Alt, DEL to see some of them. The others can be found by going to Start / Run / MSCONFIG and go to the start up section. Surprise! All those items are starting up and running when your computer starts. First remove all items from your Programs / Startup. Then uninstall any applications that you have not used for a very long time and do not need. But do not put too much effort into that old system. Look for a new one. It will be a huge leap in technology for you. As I type this I have Word 2002 open, a database, a family website open, and am watching TV on a 2nd attached monitor. My CPU usage is at 10% Windows XP and 2000 handle memory much better. But I have also seen powerful XP systems that were trashed (sluggish and very buggy) due to sloppy computing habits and irresponisbility. Unfortunately, these things take a lot of work and dilligence, but not as much as they used to. JR
  14. ChasUFarley - If possible do this to your computer: Back up all your files and data on a CD or some other form or removable dissk. My favorite these days is a USB keychain typy drive. THey are very samll and plug right into the USB port on your computer. They can hold hundreds of MB of data these days, more than enough for all your data. If your hard drive is less than 40GB, go out and purchase a new hard drive such as an 80GB 7200 RPM drive. Pretty cheap. (You can also use the smaller hard drive as a second drive for storage and back up, maybe transform it into an external USB drive). Add more memory to your computer. Such as at least 256MB of memory. It is also cheap. Remove your old graphics card and purchase a new one that is at least 32MB if there are any left over. IF not, you can still get yesterdays 64MB graphics cards for $50. Make sure you have at least a 17' monitor. Revove your 56k dial up modem and install a network card for $15. Purchase Windows XP Home edition for around $100. If it is still within budget, remove your old sound card and get a new Sound Blaster Live card for $40. along with a 50 to 200 watt speaker system consisting of 2 satellites and one subwoofer. Finally, and most importantly of all, cancel your current Internet service provider and get a high speed DSL connection for $35 a month. This will come with 5 - 7 free email addresses. Put all the pieces together, install the latest drivers for each component, install the latest versions of all the programs you have, making sure that you do not install old stuff from years ago, and you are good to go. When you are finished you will have an awesome system for a cheap price. You will not recognize it compared to the old one because it will blow it away in comparison. If your system is not at least a Pentium III do not do the above overhaul. In my opinion if you have a Pentium II or below it is time for you to throw it away and purchase a new Pentium 4 computer. I apologize in advance if you already have some of these components. This is also to help show others how they can perform simple upgrades that will make tremendous difference. One thing I do not recommend is to install XP over 98. It is best to reformat the hard drive and perform a clean install. Do not use XP without at LEAST 256 MB RAM. I also do not recommend using Windows 98 anymore. It sucks compared to XP or 2000. John R. PS - don't give the kids that "old compouter" while you buy the new one. Kids need more processing power that the adults usually do because of gaming, CD burning, chatting, downloading songs, blasting music, adding digital pictures and 2 or three other things they will be wanting to do simultaneously. Us adults are more passive in our computing tasks. [This message was edited by igotout on August 16, 2003 at 23:08.] [This message was edited by igotout on August 16, 2003 at 23:27.]
  15. We are heartbroken over the sudden passing of Rev. Joe Guarini. Yes, Joe & Ruthie were with us in the 7th Corps. He was one of the great ones. Meaning, he was kind and thoughtful and not legalistic or mean. We were on the painting crew for a brief time in residence in our first year. He was the coordinator. With the pressures I was going through that first year, it was always a refreshing and lighthearted time to go to work with him. The whole crew laughed a lot. Which is exactly what we needed. It was years later that Hope and I decided to ask him to officiate at our wedding, which he did in New York 21 years ago. He was a blessing to us both. He will be missed by many until that day when we can see him again. Our prayers go out to Ruthie and her children.
  16. Any of you live in the Las Vegas area? We are going there and Grand Canyon on vacation in a few weeks and would like to see you if possible. I am going to be doing this for my 50th birthday while there: Bungee jump in Vegas Only 170 feet
  17. Oh, and while we are on the subject. In TWI II I would have been kicked out immediately if they had known that I employed "cop outs". But we hid it from them for years :D-->. They kicked out so many people through the years that they did not remember who was who. ;)--> In fact TIW II leadership frowned on the hiring of unbelievers as well. If one of the "household believers" that were working for me were kicked out or left TWI, it was expected of me to get rid of that person. Rev. Paul Gixxx here in Tampa, the branch coordinator, 6th Corps grad, who is still in TWI, came right out and told me that I should fire Jeff Richarxx. Jeff had been a valued employee for 15 years when Paul kicked him out for having a very messy apartment upon several surprise unannounced visits to Jeff's place. Paul was mad when I said I would have to think about it. Of course I did not follow his stupid and unethical advice. Jeff is still a valued employee to this day. John Richeson Tampa, FL
  18. Kaylene, As an employer who has hired a variety of believers, Corps, Reverends, unbelievers, and non-twi christians, WOW's, etc. I could speak with authority about some of this. Bottom line is, it really did not matter how much of the "word" they knew or even how much they "applied" by TWI standards. Bottom line is those who worked hard and were dilligent and applied themselves to the task at hand were successful. Those who did not, sucked at their jobs, made little money and were a pain in the axx. I've learned that talk is cheap. I want to see real life results. God does not get the job done. He's busy doing His own job. Lets put it this way. I have had a lot of lousy workers who prayed a lot, read the bible a lot and were successful in their TWI world. But they were lousy workers and poor with making a living and managing their finances. On the other hand, some of the most outstanding and successful workers I have ever had were TWI believers. Some amazed me with their dilligence, attention to detail and unbelievable work ethic. TWI involvement, Corps position, status in TWI, etc. did not really matter. Right now two of my best workers are total oppposites from one another. One has been in prison and is a reformed alchoholic and drug abuser. The other is a Corps grad (who left TWI in 2000 during the LCM scandal.) Both are outstanding. Both make big bucks. Both are my good friends.
  19. "Hail exie, full of grace, the lord is with the. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy .... " Oh, sorry. Drifed back to my 8th grade cult there for a moment.
  20. Some of these guys have waited a long time before realizing that the advice they were given, couched in irrelevant bible verses from another era in another culture, was inappropriate for our day and time. It's a shame that so many followed that lame advice. Untold millions in collective equity has been lost. But "unbelieveing" landlords all over America have enjoyed the benefits. Another case of "Your Abundant Sharing at Work"
  21. Paid $xxx,xxx. originally Current value is $90k more than we originally paid (and rising) Fixed interest rate is 5.5% Monthly payment right at $1,000. Will be paid for in 10 years or less. We were called ?foolish? by our region leadership, Rev Bob M., a few years ago for refusing to sell so that we could rid ourselves of this horrible debt? Can someone again please explain TWI?s twisted logic to me?? Bob and his wife still rent to this very day. I am sure their rent on their much smaller "attatched townhouse" is about the same or more than our mortgage payment. We were told "the borrower is slave to the lender". But our lender has not enlaved us in the least. Yet they are slave to the whims of the landlord. He has the right to raise the rent each year. He will one day sell and they will have to move again. They have more than paid for the landlords mortgage payments and repairs, but they own no interest in the property they have lived in for years. Will they still be paying rent through their fast approaching retirement years? Who is the good steward and who is the foolish steward? I be confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!! John Richeson Tampa, FL
  22. Tom - I did not drive a Monte Carlo. I had an old used Ford Galaxy, Yellow. I drove that thing all over the country, even to NYC with Frank Piluso, finally to Florida where I have been ever since. I guess you could say I retired here. :D--> Lifted Up - I am not sure what became of John & Nicha or where they are. If they are stil married they will have celebrated a lot of anniversaries by now because I think they had been married for a few years when we were in residence 26 years ago. John Richeson
  23. Pawtucket - sounds like a reasonable request. I am all for having fun and testing stuff. But annnouncing it is fair I think. Or just do it real late at night and then go back and undo the damage. I did not know that could be done. Could some of you smart computer guys please hijack TWI's site and direct people to Greasespot? (As a test of course) :D-->
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