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Everything posted by igotout
Yeah, Tom. You can upgrade from 98 to xp. You can install it over the top of XP. But I highly recommend NOT doing that, even though it might be a little more expensive. Those upgrades are not good in my opinion. Better to format the hard drive. Better yet, just buy a newer, faster, hard drive for $50 - $100. Do a clean install of XP on the new drive. Throw the other one away. Personally, I would not install XP on anything other than a Pentium 4 (or equivalent Athlon, whatever that is) along with no less than 512MB ram and absolutely no less than a 7200 RPM hard drive and no less than a 32MB graphics card (64mb is preferred). Anything less than those are ready for the dumpster in my opinion.
Hotmail is pretty good, so is Yahoo. I think it would be a rare thing for Microsoft to lose a person's email and folders. But I guess it could happen. Sounds like you may be having some computer probs. But Hotmail is separate from your computer. It is Web Mail. If you are using Windows 98 it is past time to upgrade to XP and maybe even a new computer. I am in the process of upgrading an old one I have. It is worthless. Can't even give it away. Yet I originally paid $1800. for it a few years back. Replacing it with a Pentium 4 made by Dell, with XP Professional and 512MB Ram and 120GB hard drive. It is at least 5 times faster than my old one. It was around $1000. But if you already have newer equioment you might have to make some adjustments and tweaks. There are MANY.
To the top, for a friend who has never visited this site. Hi Chuck!
Sudo, I bet they have designed those tunes such that you can not save them. I am not sure if this is the solution but have you tried File, Copy to CD in Media Player? If you find out how let me know.
Not only am I sorry I ever gave them a dime, I would passionately like my money refunded so that I could give it to some other organization that was not deceitful to us. Catcup, you should knock on Larry's door and confront him face to face and demand an apology and tell him how much his lies and deceit harmed you and others. Apparently he is trying to start some kind of ministry in your area...Ha! I am almost embarrased for that article and its author. Honestly, I have seen high schoolers who were better writers. It appears to miss so much.
"I remember a second letter Craig wrote a month later" "I think that second letter expounds the biblical justification for Craig's decision." ______________________________________ Oldies, let me call you aside privately for a moment. I have noticed that you are living in the past too much. The fact that you call Rev. Martindale Craig shows that you are spiritually and mentally contaminated. In today's household we are to refer to him as Rev. Martindale. :D--> :D--> The above is what you would have heard in TWI II as I did when I slipped and called him Craig. We dared not do so even in private conversations with others in the household or you would be ratted out and next thing you know you were getting a call or confrontation from leadership. If you did not change, you would have eventually been kicked out on this infraction alone. Yes, it got even worse after the loyalty "letter bomb" was sent out.
sceery geery... ha! :D--> :D--> Some things I still have not yet dealt with. I can only imagine what some have had to deal with. I always kept low key and not too involved at top levels but I used to get yelled at for not being MORE involved or rising up in leadership. Now I am glad I laid low all those years.
If he had not sent the letter in the first place and had continued to run things with the help of others and simply carried on, a lot of the problems would have eventually dissapated, I believe. Some who willingly left during those days of confusion, returned later cuz they thought maybe things were getting straightened out. But the ones whoe were fired or kicked out were ....ed so much they would NEVER consider working with him again. The big mistake he made was sending that letter and then firing taleneted people of great ability right and left simply because they were not loyal to him at that time. If he had been more loving, most of them would have eventually come around. He was too impatient and thought he had to "clean house" of all the evil before the cancer spread further. Ha! Sound familiar TWI2'ers?
It was during this period of time and maybe a few years after this that we believe LCM had a continuing mental breakdown. I believe he cracked under the pressure of all this. It was not a sudden "snap" but one that happened over time. It took a while to see it and it took even longer to come to grips with it. But basically LCM was in a self destructive mode at that time and in years to follow. Having had no REAL worldly experience prior to this, he made bad decision upon bad decision upon bad decision. He began to tear down himself and everything that was good around him. It almost reminds me of those who go postal and kill fellow workers and even loved ones while turning the gun on themselves. Now LCM is not a killer but I believe some of these same self destructive mannerisms were in place in his life. I believe it was caused by: the burdens that he allowed to be placed on himburdens that he placed on himself wrong teaching and false doctrines by others his wrong teaching and his false doctrines lack of accountability to a board or other members who could "vote him off the Island" lack of REAL managerial experience I wouldn't doubt that he was relieved when he finally crashed and burned. Should have happened 10 years sooner. The wake of destruction left behind him is outstanding. Though we did not have to swear allegience, we stayed in. I just tried to stay out of his way and the way of his cronies to avoid their wrath. That worked for a few years. But really, the right time to leave was when the majority did or should I say when the majority were kicked out of TWI. Because he just kept getting worse if you can believe that. John R.
Valerie, I think some in so called "splinter groups" as you referred to them will be glad to participate if they can make it. Not all ex-way ministry people are snobbish and elitist just like the ministry they were kicked out of or left. In fact, some are quite pleasant. (A few "bad apples" as the saying goes.) For example, Mark & Karen Ann G or Chuck & Margie N, both in vastly differing "splinter groups" but both are awesome folks to this day and I am sure would attend if they can. Concerning those still in TWI, it is certain that they will not attend unless they plan not to return to TWI :D-->. But there are only 3 or 4 still in from our entire group I believe. Lets see.... Joe & Paula W., Bill C., Phyllis G., maybe a couple others.... and stupid me until 3 years ago. Hey, you only live once and we are not getting any younger. We had a cool experience in The Way Corps together. What's wrong with touching base, being friendly and having fun unless you wanna be a boring old "stick in the mud"? John Richeson Tampa, FL
Valerie, I would be glad to stay where everyone else is staying based on what you've said. Count us in if you find a place. We are not particular, really. We'll stay at the Villagio another time. I, too, wonder whether there will be much of a turn out. But to me it doesn't matter. It will be nice to see even a few. Keep us posted .
Excathedra - here you go http://www.cabsf.org/Home%20Fellowships.htm Capitol Area Bible Fellowship
Rocky, we'll miss you. Not sure what the heck happened! (Not sure I wanna know.) But surely you can come back on some day. Won't you stay in touch? Just email us your posts and we'll copy and paste them here for you. :D--> We'll take turns. Later! Igothope
Mandi - the kitchen remodel is a much better choice than a dumb computer. And less prone to viruses and other headaches. :D--> The stone motiff sounds awesome. John R.
This is me I am The Rock
Well, we were planning on staying here: Bellagio It's the one with those cool fountains out front the one that was in Oceans Eleven. But we can not stay the whole time, either.
I believe you are right, Valerie. I think Deborah and David had a couple of kids before she died. Not sure which ones are which. Possible his second wife had kids from a previous marriage too. She is reachable. We should ask her. They have a good looking family. I'll bet John WIlliam Shreve is still funny as hell. John Richeson Tampa
end program run dll 32 exe or something like that
igotout replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
Any time Frances :D--> I had to work a lot last weekend anyway. -
It takes a long time because it apparently copies it to the hard drive first. I also saw something about compression. I think the files are being compressed so that they fit on to one disc. The burning process does not take very long. Two step process according to the simple menu. Step 1 says "copying files". No activity on the burner but lots of hard drive and processing power going on. Takes a long time. Step 2 says: Writing files to disc. That's when the burn is taking place and it does not take very long. This burner claims 8x speed but I doubt the discs handle that speed at this point. Quality of original vs copy? Not sure but the one I watched so far seemed as good as the original. If the quality sucks very much I will let you know. We'll test it on a good player on 50" HDTV as see if there are differences.
Are you using Windows 98 or Winds XP? If it is 98 then that is the majority of the problem. Time to format and reinstall Windows XP depending on how modern your hardware is. If you are using Windows XP then use the latest version of Norton Antivirus which is 2004. It is not that expensive if you know where to "shop" for it. Older versions of Norton Antivirus such as 2000 and even 2001 sucked. And only install what you need. Just Norton Antivirus. Not all the other stuff they want to sell you along with it. That is unless you think you really need some of it. Antivirus programs can indeed slow your computer down. I like to turn off Auto Protect, for example and undo the Office Plug in option. Those help. You still have instant email protection with Auto Protect off. Just have to check things for viruses manually when you download them from the Internet.
Hmm. Not sure what I am doing right but I have copied 4 movies so far, each on one disc. I even watched one movie to the end. I am using Memorex DVD+ R. They are 4.7GB 120 minute video, 4x. Couple dollars each I think. Maybe its this awesome software. Not real sure.
Stop Abortions!! John R.
No MisterPmosh, X Copy does not require multiple DVD's to my knowledge. My copies were simple duplicates of that which I copied. Zixar, you are right, they were required to take out the part of the software that allows you to encode, rip or whatever the correct term is. They still sell DVD X Copy but it can not do what it did before as of the last week or so. Best Buy even took the old versions off their shelf. And I do believe this was worldwide, not just in Australia. The task can still be accomplished as you described, however, though not as easy as DVD X Copy. I don't think the movie industry needs to worry too much. DVD's are cheap enough to buy at places like Sam's. And you get the case, all the art and print outs and info that comes with the DVD as well as artwork stamped on the DVD itself. I don't know about your area but my Blockbuster is still very crowded. But no doubt, this technology will have some effect on the rental industry and movie industry.
Then why don't they sue Roxio for making software that burns perfect copies of CD's? Music CD's cost about as much as a DVD movie. http://roxio.com/adban/creator_6_microsite/index.jhtml
I just got an external USB2 / Firewire Sony DVD burner and CD burner. It is this one: Sony DRX-530UL It does it all. I prefer external because it takes up fewer resources and can be taken from computer to computer, laptops and also to friend's houses. It is awesome. Especially when coupled with the now banned DVD burning software called DVD X Copy Platinum made by 321 Studios. I'm glad I grabbed this software before it was yanked. I saw the handwriting on the wall in December and sure enough last week it was banned. The movie goliaths attacked them. You won't find it anywhere now. Do a Google search and you can read all about this lawsuit. This is what the founder had to say about it: "Despite today's ruling, 321 stands firm in our vow to fight the Hollywood Studios in their effort to take away our customers' digital rights," said Robert Moore, 321 Studios' founder and president. "There is no difference between making a copy of a music CD for personal use and making a backup of a DVD movie for personal use. We are so firm in our belief in the principle of fair use that we will appeal this ruling immediately. And we will take our fight all the way to the Supreme Court, if that's what it takes to win." I burned my first few DVD's this weekend. I made "back up copies" of commercially produced movies. It copied them flawlessly. I will enjoy it for making perfect copies of my own, purchased, store-bought-with-my-own-money, not rented, not borrowed, not pirated, legally purchased by me for me only, DVD's for backup purposes only..... one and only one (1) copy of course for me myself and I alone, for personal use. :D--> What are your thoughts about DVD burning software? Why don't they also sue Sony and others for making the DVD burning hardware? John R.