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I do not mean offense to anyone who was on staff who was NOT lazy or did NOT suffer from low self esteem. That was not the case for all. Furthermore, the staff experience in past decades was far different than it is today. In fact I know of two people from our area who went on staff who were neither lazy nor had low self esteem. They went on staff and were exxpected to make a commitment to stay for a few years. But as soon as they could possibly get the hell out of there they did. I believe they both feel that the two years they spent there was a waste of their time. They moved on to bigger and better things including owning their own businesses. But to do as the older Corps couples did in Skyriders examples, in this day and time, is indicicative of a problem in my opinion. What were they thinking indeed!
Fire Engine Red!! :D-->
Kit, good points. Staff kinda reminds me of the Monks lifestyle.
A la, it was not years before. The Corps were made to go full time in 1995. And you know LCM had to plan ahead for his "if you teach it they will come" scheme concerning his answer to PFAL, the Way of Abundance and Power series. It was a bad, bad move on his part and he probably felt it in his bones. Heck he spent $2 million just on the cameras to film WAP on. But he had no corporate business experience to speak of. It was a gamble to spend all that money and then to make the Corps be on full time salary to boot. In my opinion, the stop the flow of the potential red ink from happening, he had to come up with a way to increase revenue. It ALL backfired and failed miserably. The gamble did not pay off. But heck, it was not his money that he gambled with, it was yours. HE still had luxuries. And correct me if I am, wrong, but the current President of TWI, Rosie, was a part of it all, as well as Donna, Howard, Don, Mr. Reynolds and all the other Region and Limb guys. How dumb are they? Just as inexperienced in my opinion.
In my personal opinion from having been in TWI for 25 years (until 2000), having gone through every program and class including WC, and having been on staff my interim year, a lot of those who go on staff like that suffer from low self esteem, especially the men. At the time in their lives when they just begin building something for themselves they sabotage their own success. They feel they do not deserve it or that somehow they must be wrong to accumulate things of this world. Then there are the others..... the ones who were downright lazy. They drift along in an easy path without trying to make their own way. I saw so many, many leaders in TWI, including Limb and Region, who were some of the laziest men I have ever been around. I am not saying they did not work hard and put in some dedicated hours. But lets not confuse being lazy with being a hard worker. I once knew a man with a masters degree who worked as a bag boy at Publix for a while. He was not lazy when he was bagging groceries, but he was extremely lazy and unproductive in his own personal life. I consider it foolish and downright reckless. Better that they should do other charitable works in their local community. They could do more to help in real terms while still maintaining their future security. It is better than sitting in the cornfields of Ohio pretending to make a difference. TWI has millions of dollars. Let them hire people out of the local communities to do the staff busy work. They would be helping the community by providing some jobs and they might be surprised when those non-believers do a much better job than certain lazy assed middle-aged spiritual drifters.
Well, it can be done, Jason but for the everyday user it might be problematic. The main points we agree on are: Clean install is good Partitioning is good And it appears that SP 2 is good when installed clean with a clean XP install. I am not certain about installing SP2 an older computer like the one I am using which is couple years old already. By now this one needs "cobwebs" removed from registry due to all my experiments and tweaks. Heck, I might just pop in another motherboard and power supply as well, they are so cheap these days.
My 3 I think it is best to allow programs to install where they are designed to such as in C:Program files instead of on a separate partition. For example, install Microsoft Word where it wants to go by default. But save all Word documents on a separate partition or even another hard drive. I am not sure, but I think if you do a clean XP install as described in the great advice Jason gave, you are going to have to install all your programs again anyway. But the results will be a smoother running machine. I am soon going to be doing that very thing on an older computer I have, just to get the cobwebs out. I might add, that is a good time to add a better and faster hard drive. Also more memory or a better soundcard or optical drive. Do all those hardware changes then do a fresh install.
Ha! :D--> Of course, it all makes sense now! Moneyhand IS the cause of all these hurricanes. They are his friends. He is testing us, trying to get us to leave our assignemnet, to see if we are true Corps or not. "I rebuke thee and command that you move away from the East coast, away from our sacred Tuttle, and go to Moneyhands little townhouse duplex here on our West coast so that he can be forced into a new assignment". Amen.
I saw the above deposition in another thread. It made me laugh :D--> Maybe this is how ROSALIE got her nickname. But it is not funny for those who sold their assets including real estate, which has since soared in value, and their businesses. One person told me that he lost over a million dollars because of the "get out of debt" pressure that he caved in to. I have no proof this is true. But I know the man and where he lives and that he used to have a huge business and nice home at that time. Regardless of what Rosie says under oath, my experience was that everyday followers WERE in fact required to get out of debt or else. It was strongly implied if not enforced. Everyone was interviewed and had to tell all their debts. If you didn't make real, trackable efforts to get out of debt, then you were ousted one way or the other, eventually. One respected couple we remember bought a house secretly and told our leader that they were renting. Later it was found out they in fact had a mortgage and were kicked out. Another lady in our fellowship bought a car on credit and was reprimanded for it and I believe would have been forced out of the fellowship. But she put the car in her husband’s name, a person who was not a follower at the time as an acceptable workaround. Another person in our branch regrets selling his home because it has gone up in value so much. When I asked him (a couple of weeks ago)why he sold it he said he was told he needed to get out of debt. This man is an accountant and very educated. He knew the numbers but did it anyway. It is because of the strenuous pressure that was put on the followers to either get out of debt or else. Personally, I believe it was at a crisis time in The Way when they wanted to raise a lot of cash due to the Way Corps being made to go on full time salary. Less debt meant more money to give to The Way. Also sales of real estate meant a large windfall of abundant sharing in the coffers of The Way from the equity. Most I knew who sold their houses gave at least 10% of their equity and then went and rented a place. Others may have their own experiences but ours are quite different than what Rosalie says under oath. John R. Tampa, FL
Question: “So what is the teaching communicated based on that various biblical references you gave us” (of Owe No Man Anything, and Old Testament references)? Question: “Well, that we should not be in debt.” Question: “Now, is that a requirement to be a follower of the Way, that you not be in debt?” Answer: “ No, a lot of our followers are in debt. But we teach the teachings to help them get out.” Question: “Ok. And if you do, is being out of debt a requirement for anything?” Answer: “No.” Question: “How about if you want to be a leader? Is there a requirement there?” Answer: “Yes, there is.”
I think one of the main reasons they do not witness anymore is because there are no results. It appears that no one comes. In our area we witnessed incessantly, and some of us were very good at it. Oddly, no one would show. If they did it was short lived. I think it is a combination of our culture has changed and the how easily information can be accessed about a group on the Internet. By now, everybody with a computer has heard of the famous Google search technology. Go ahead, type in The Way International. At the top of the list is The Way's very green web site. Good job, Mr. Way webmaster. You meta-tagged yourself to the top of the list! All your problems are solved. NOT! Look over the right at the sponsored link, a letter from John Lynn exposing all the problems of The Way. Letter from John Lynn Look at the 4th, 5th, 6, and 7th links down. All detailed articles exposing The Way as a cult and very destructive. Here they are respectively: Google search The Way International 1 Google search The Way International 2 Google search The Way International 3 Google search The Way International 4 Look at the 9th article down: Google search The Way International 5 And that's just page 1.... where are the positive articles?. Where is anything good to be found about The Way International? Hmmmm says the new recruit! Maybe on page 2....... here is the 2nd article down. Desperate Google search page 2 And to the right in plain view is that letter from John again as a sponsored link. By the time the new recruit get to the 6th article Desperate Google search 2 she is running away from this group as fast as she can! In my opinion all they can do at this point is live in luxury off the millions they have and continue to be supported by the hard earned money of the few who still justify giving them a dime. The God business is good for those at the top.
Has anyone installed Service Pack 2 and all the other associated downloads from Windows Updates yet? I am just beginning to do this on my computers. On two so far (XP Pro)...... I can't swear to it yet, but they seem slower in some ways such as restarting and shutting down and with some programs. I hope not. It is a huge download, I think it was 75 MB or something like that. I disabled a few of its "features" which I do not need. I kinda like its pop-up blocker, though. If it causes sluggishness I am sure we will eventually hear all about it all over the place. I don't know. Any other experiences out there yet?
:D--> Yes, Biongi Niki Simba and his beauuuutiful wives have to go back in cuz they need to be trained and he is to be their teacher. They would need a larger room than what the dorm provides. Or several rooms and Biongo could be in a different room each night. (Lucky dog) Sneak off campus, guzzle down a 6 pack? Now who in their right minds would do such a thing. I am not sure it would be enough to go around. Jesus would have to multiply that 6 pack.
Who are they gonna marry? Maybe they can all marry someone outside the Corps household. Then they will all be forced to go back through the Corps like so maaaaaany others did in TWI2. Suddenly the size of the Corps has doubled. Now that's growth.! Or maybe Simbi could abundantly share some of his wives. :D--> :D-->
Well, I guess if I ever need Ebooks, snapshoot tool, or send mail I will put them back in. I can do without all the so called features. If I want a new folder created in My Documents called "Ebooks" (which reappears even after you delete the thing), I would prefer to create it myself. I just want to be able to read and print a PDF and not for it to take all day to open. Other users may need some of these but not me. And it seems easy to just use them when needed. How to find out what the plug ins do People complaining about Slow 6 Maybe Adobe should leave them all out so it opens faster. They could prompt the user to install a plug-in either temporarily or permanently as needed. But what can we expect for free. Can't complain either way. How about this, Goey? I haven't tried it yet because its too much work for lazy me. "To disable loading of Plugins in Acrobat 6 press sihft key immediatly after starting Acrobat."
:D--> Ha! John R. We miss you. You are the opposite of Spyware. Love to your family. John R.
Also Spy Sites is another little free program that adds thousands of known spyware sites into the restricted Zone of your browser. With Steve's suggestions, and maybe a few others including firewall protection and common sense I believe it is possible to eliminate spyware completely. It is a real problem all over America, worse than viruses in my opinion and harder to fight. I am working on a friends spyware laden computer which was rendered unusable. Even with some of the powerful tools mentioned above and unplugging the Internet connection I had a hard time. Some spyware is deeply embedded and deeply hidden. I had to finally resort to searching for and deleting lots of registry keys. One called TVM.exe was particularly vicious and kept recreating itself all over including in msconfig and in C:Progrm Files. I finally got it by deleting registry keys while in Safe Mode! The everyday user has a real hard time with some of this crap. Prevention seems to be the best tool right now. Norton is getting into the game too.
Well, as I said I do not seem to be losing any functionality except the auto download thing and I do not mind that at all. Goey, note, I am not suggesting that a person delete the plug ins. Rather, to move them to a floder that already exists, created by ADOBE that says "Put unused plug-ins in the optional directory." To quote someone else concerning this matter: By moving all the plug-ins to the Optional directory, the "plug-ins will still work, they just won’t be loaded at startup" but rather as Adobe needs them. Therefore I still believe this is an awesome tip, shaving more that just a few seconds off slow poke Adobe opening on some systems.
What functionality (besides downloading ability from their site) does this disable, Goey? I am not getting any error messages and neither do several other people I know who have tried this. In fact they are pleased with saving the seconds. Most people I know are just readers of PDF's and want to print them out sometimes. I am not doubting what your are saying and I am sure you know more about these things than me, having previously been a technician.... I just want to lean more about this. 5 was definitely faster than 6. JR PS - What do you think about the Real and QT alternatives mentioned above?
Nika, not too many years ago I would have been critical of stories like that when I was in TWI. I was wrong then to do so. I think it is a heartfelt and inspiring story. Tom Tuttle - Your hedge of bleving worked for our state! Please run for Governor. You made IVAN go to Lousianna. New Orleans is evil, anyway. I saw it corrupt an entire Word in Business conference one year, as did exie. We stayed up all night (literally) ministering to people from bar, to bar to bar up and down Bourbon Street. We also ran into other top leaders doing the same. But alas, no one followed us to the household. Now they have no hedge about them.
Well here is another one I liked because I hate the invasiveness of Real Player and Quicktime. (qttask.exe is my enemy in msconfig) Just be sure to uninstall the crappy Real and QT before you install these free programs: Real Alternative v1.23 "Many audio and video files are offered only in Real Networks' formats. If you like the files, but you don't like being tied to Real, you may prefer Real Alternative. This player plays RealAudio (.ra and .rpm) and Realmedia (.rm, .ram, .rmvb, .rpx) files just like RealPlayer and RealOne Player do--but without the hassles of dealing with Real. It offers limited support for Real's .smi and .smil formats. Real Alternative's RealMedia browser plug-in supports Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, and Opera." Download here: Real Alternative QuickTime Alternative v1.23 "QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files (.mov, .qt and other extensions) without having to install the official QuickTime Player. It also supports QuickTime content that is embedded in webpages." Download here: QuickTime Alternative
Update on this tip: After doing this I now find that when I go to Help / Updates I get no response from Adobe's auto download feature. It is good to upgrade once in a while. The latest updates can be downloaded manually from their site. The latest patch for 6 can be found here: 6.02 I wonder what plug-in would need to put back for causing update to work automatically? A workaround I suppose is to load all the plug ins back to the plug ins floder, do the updates then move them all back out again except the 3 above. Oh well. Small price to pay for the much faster opening speed.
Are you addressing that to My3 Cents, Steve, or to this topic in general? I am not having any probs with the above original method. But I was not the original author of this tip either.
Hmmmm. My 3, I do not get any error. I can not duplicate your error. In fact it opens real fast like it should. I am no expert but obviously you can move those 3 plug ins bac and see what happens. I am using Reader 6, patched. Try this: Be sure to uninstall any old versions such as 5 or 4. then uninstall your version 6. Then find the Acrobat Reader folders and delete them too in Explorer. Download and install the free version 6. Go to Help / Updates and make sure you have the recent updates for it. Go to Edit / Preferences / Startup and uncheck Splash Screen crap. Now try my method above moving all those plug ins and see if it works. JR.
Make Acrobat Reader 6 load faster Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 loads much too slowly! It is all the plug-ins that are enabled by default which slows Acrobat reader down. After removing all but 3, it loads pretty much instantly. Here's how to do it: Go to C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 6.0Reader Move all files from the plug_ins folder to the Optional folder except EWH32.api, printme.api, and search.api. There should only be these 3 files in the plug_ins folder. You're done.Now Adobe Acrobat 6 will load almost instantly. PS - Go to options in Acrobat and disable the splash screen for even better performance.