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Maybe you do not have Administrative rights. I suspect you are using XP home. Try going into Control Panel under Users and make sure you are computer Administrator. If yo are a Limited User you may not have success in removing stuff. (And there is a way to log in as Administrator under XP Home.) I like Pawtuckets idea of removing while in Safe Mode too. (Hi Pawtucket, how are you?) When I battle Spyware I first unplug myself from the Internet until I am done. Otherwise the spyware may try to go out for reinforcements. :D--> If Norton or Spybot does not remove those, try to remove them manually. Both programs should give you and indication of where they are. Couldn't hurt to just go to that place and try DELETE. Now concerning your graphics, I am skeptical that Spyware would interfere with graphics. That is usually hardware related but I do not claim to be an expert. Again without more info it is difficult to diagnose. What is it doing? What kind of graphics card do you have if any? Make sure your refresh rate is set to 75 unless it is a flat monitor. Make sure your Screen Resolution and Color Quality settings are adjusted correctly.
They are too busy to leave. :D--> You know, Skyrider, in some ways I personally believe TWI bred a mental laziness in people when it really cames down to it. Made them close minded. So many opportunities for advancement silently passed them by in favor of "doing the work of the lord". After all we were not to be "entangled with the affairs of theis world." Hide your head in the sand and say it ain't so. As a business owner I was reproved many times for devoting too much time to it. They also wanted me to give it up and go full time Corps. Bill G. even told me I would be more successful if I did. Like he is such an example. "No thank you" was my reply. My business is not failing like theirs. I seem to be getting new people (clients) every day. :D--> Maybe that's why some full timers who left had (have) a difficult time of it. I am sure LCM is attending the true "University of Life" out there working his buns off trying to make ends meet like some of us have been doing for decades while being reproved for not having enough ministry involvement.
Well, unlike a certain religious organization I know, I will admit when I copied something word for word. It made me laugh too. Thank you whoever wrote it a couple years ago. I save old posts. You should too. It is easy to just copy and paste into a Word document. I have a whole file. I should call it "The Junk Table" for some of you old timers. :D-->
Power For Abundant Fibbing Christian Family and Adultery Deals With The Adversary The Way Taking Abundance and Power Christians Should Be Paupers Jesus Christ Is Not God, We Are Jesus Christ is Passed Over Are The Dead Still in TWI? :D-->
I think Ex Way Corp on GSC try to cop a feel once in while their exit TWI only to discover TWI saying "All Your Base Are Belong To Us". Excathedra can you have Tom and others from the wisdom of the 9th Crops thread speak to this important issue?
Are you using XP Home or XP Professional? Sounds like you got infested with a good case of Spyware. Do you have virus protection and is it updated with all the latest downloads from the manufacturer? Do you have SP 2 installed and all other Windows Updates? Need more info.
Likewise, I would be suspect of that too good to be true deal. Try Best Buy. If your budget is a little bigger try Dell. DO NOT UPGRADE. Best thing you can do with your current system is throw it away or give it away. That's how far and fast things have advanced. Long story. Personally I like building a custom one so I get what I want (latest and greatest) instead of generic. Just make sure it is a mainstream brand and you should be ok. As Word Wolf says, it is the XP operating system and the more powerful chip, motherboard and hard drive that will make it like a super computer compared to ancient Windows 98 and ancient hardware.
Sounds like it might not be needed. Click here to read about it. http://www.vantage-software-tech.com/conte...ges/oemsol.html John R.
Waterbuffalo, Seriously consider getting a new computer when you can. Windows 98 is ancient by now if you can believe it along with the hardware that it usually runs on. XP is so far advanced than 98. You are missing out on a lot of goodies not to mention speed and productivity. Todays hardware is much faster too including graphics, processors, USB2 functionality, and multimedia. And talk about cheap prices! You might still be able to use your monitor if it is a good one and at least 17". Everything else is all but obsolete on 98 machines in my opinion when comparing to todays hardware.
Well, I am not sure about each individual person's state of mind concerning worship or idolatry no more than I can be sure about a member of the Catholic Church. I am less critical of others religious choices since being kicked out of TWI in 2000. Who am I to judge? I am sure I have my own personal "idolatries" in life. Perhaps I am a "workaholator" at times. :D--> All I can do is speak of my own experience and let others decide for themselves. But I will say that I have seen leaders and non leaders in TWI who put the "Word" before ANYTHING including their own children and families, before their job, before being able to provide a decent living, even before their own health in some instances. They justified it because they heard the echoes in their minds of such ridiculous statements as "It's The Word!, The Word!, and NOTHING BUT The Word!!" and "We have NO FRIENDS when it comes to The Word." and "The Word is the (Way) Ministry and the (Way) Ministry is The Word." (C'mon, you know darn good and well that the parenthetical "Way Ministry" was implied strongly. No argument is possible there.) Heck, I honestly think that some hard core ones I was around were so "Word brainwashed" that they put the Word before God. Yes, it is possible to do, don't kid yourself. John R Tampa, FL
Yes, JustThinking. Good points YOU made.
658 damn! Not so good. Unplug yourself from the Internet while running it. Also read my 2nd & 6th posts down on this thread about things that start up when your computer starts up. Tips to delete unneeded startups Again, recommended while disconnected from the Internet connection.
Coolwaters - Bibliolatry is the term I use for their mind set. It was John Lyxn who first started with the concept (when he was booted in 1988?) of the "Absent Christ in TWI". He made pretty powerful and valid points. Watch Athletes of the Spirit sometime if you can stomach it to see a prime example of Jesus left out of that whole pathetic production. This revelation by JL was disturbing to those of us who were caught in the middle listening to both sides of the battles in the so called "fog years". It rocked our comfortable world. Though I stayed in TWI for over a decade longer, I have come to believe TWI indeed left Jesus out of TWI in so many ways causing idolatry to ensue. In fact we were taught that to even use the word "Jesus" was wrong. You were reprimanded sharply or thrown out, labled as possessed or an idolator if you dared teach, or speak using Jesus instead of saying "Jesus Christ" or at the very least "Christ". And then there was the teaching that there was a BIG devil spirit named Jesus, the real catalyst behind all the popular Christian religions of the day. Personally I think it was rubbish. I even did a "Research Paper" called "The Names and Titles of Jesus Christ" while in the Corps so I studied this quite a lot back then and even slanted my viewpoint to substantiate TWI's reasoning for not using the name Jesus in our day and time. (It represented the human earthly man who was humiliated and killed rather than the risen Christ Jesus, ya know. Therefore we use Jesus Christ instead of Jesus. Again rubbish.) Since being away from the influence of TWI I believe these are just names when it really comes down to it. What is believed about the man is more important than what name you use for him. For me now using the term Jesus and thinking about him from a gospel viewpoint gives me more of a sense of him as a savior than the risen christ does. (What blasphemy!). I mean, I like the risen "sandals in the sky" dude a whole lot. But I am still human, down here where he once was, dealing with humanity in all our flaws. I think the epistles have been over rated and the gospels under rated in TWI. Today I get more out of reading a real life story about some of the things he did as a human than I do in reading some of the deeeeeeep truths of the structure of Ephesians or Corinthians (Yawn). (Again what blasphemy.) And what to make of this awful statement that was oft quoted in TWI: "The Bible takes the place of the Absent Christ today" How much more clear could it be? As Penn & Teller say...... Bull....*! John Richeson Tampa,FL
Longone- "The truly hardcore headcount therefore is probably less than two thousand total" I do not doubt your accuracy and points. I tend to agree. I can't watch those video clips and really don't want to because its the same old thing. Socks those observations you made are insightful and very telling. Funny, I saw D. Lutz and family singing down the road at CFF couple years ago. That was a surprise. But honestly they (CFF) had nore talent, volunteer musicians and singers who performed at their reunion than I have seen at TWI in a long while. Claudette would have a more receptive audience there for sure.
Well, Happy Anniverasry TWI! http://www.galttech.com/screenshots/titanic2.jpg :D-->
Oh you mean the ones who, when they are of age, will surely NOT follow in their parents "religion"? Heck out of the alleged 5,000 spoken about, how many are kids who may not have much choice in the matter of attendance? Well if 1,000 are unmarried adults then that leaves 4,000 who are married, single parents or kids over 12. Lets not count anyone under 12. Maybe half that number are kids over 12 yet younger than 18? I don't know really......but I am guessing that there are only 3,000 really interested in a serious manner. And some of them are pretty old by now,like in their 60's. Looks pretty dismal from the way I see it.
Socks, you brought back a repressed memory or two. Those showers in the EOB! Year I lived there we had the "I survived the blizzards of 78" year. No showers possible some mornings. Got up one day and snow blocked us in, literally covering the front to the roof. We had to dig ourselves out. (Though VPW asked me to stay, I moved to Florida the following year, thank you very much. :D-->) You guys had it made with only 8 to a trailer. We had 16 of us single guys in trailer 7, mostly all Way Builders, making $30 a month. It was not a pretty site. :D--> I was a maintenance man part of the year in Way Builders. The trailers were trash, believe me. Us Way Builders could have easily built better housing and demolished those things. We even had Randy and Mark on staff who were architects. I think that was the year Way Builders built Rosie's 2 story house with a basement. To my knowledge she paid for it but the labor and costs were certainly cheap. Also Howard's and Dorothy's houses were remodeled very nicely as well as Bo & Stanley's A frame cabin in the woods. And the grandaddy of them all, The Way Corps Chalet, was moving along very nicely too. We had to rush to finish the big green boxy warehouse in the field but got it done in the nick of time. After long 12 hours days we trudged back to our trashed trailers.
Cable internet is putting me in the poor farm!
igotout replied to ChasUFarley's topic in Computer Questions
YEah, I have a friend who went from cable to DSL. It was so slow for him. He went back to cable. It varies of course. I do not experience high and low "busy times" like with cable which is shared by those around you. In my neighborhood I think at least 90% of the homes here have broadband including my neighbors all the way down the street on either side of me. I'm the only one with DSL except an IBM'er who has a T??? something line for his work. We ought to just all network together, run cat5 cable under our lawns and hook up house to house. I wonder how that would set with the DSL or cable companies? :D--> -
Cable internet is putting me in the poor farm!
igotout replied to ChasUFarley's topic in Computer Questions
Switched from Cable to DSL long ago. In our area it was priced about the same at first. But I just found DSL to be more stable day and night. Still do. Just there, and very fast when you need it. Lot of outages with Cable. Now DSL prices are cheaper than cable. I think I pay $30 or $35 per each location I have it at (4 locations). And for you advanced users: I don't like those littel DSL filter things and found a whole house DSL filter online for $35. Had a phone guy install it outside the house at the point of entry. All phones and faxes are covered at any jack anywhere. No more DSL filters. Also, another major reason I swiched to DSL is because for some reason in our area here in Tampa Bay, the IP addresses of the DSL connections rarely changes. I'm talking 3 or 4 months same IP address! With cable it changed almost daily. This is a blessing for us PC Anywhere users. Almost like having a static IP. -
They are probably just mad that they can no longer make people's live miserable who leave. Many years ago when a person was kicked out or left it was very difficult and stressful for them. They were instantly cut off from all their friends and the Word as they knew it. They were no longer welcome. Lots of broken hearts, bitterness, guilt and sleepless nights were the results. All that was possible was the phone (no one would talk much if at all), or letters which were slow and mostly ignored. In my opinion God used the Internet to bridge that gap and stop the hurt and broken heartedness and to reveal the truth about the darker side of TWI. Now people could instantly have a place for healing, sharing their hurt, and discussing alternative belief systems, with a choice of other groups they could belong to if they chose, including some awesome mainstream denominations that put TWI to shame. Today it is all but painless to leave TWI. It is easier than it has even been. In fact once a person leaves they find it is easier to stay in touch and reconnect with wondereful believers and friends from all over the world once again. While in TWI we were limited to our boring little circle of "Household believers". How shallow! They are missing out on soooooo much it is indescribable. It reminds me of someone being in a monastery or convent. John Richeson Tampa Bay, Florida
I bet a lot of them are starting to get that old person smell too :D-->, Socks. Though on the surface it looks like Stepford International, don't be fooled. From what I have heard there is a lot of maintenace required on a place like that, some of which is lagging behind. To make it Stepford through and through like they used to do would require more cash flow. They ought to just sell off about half of it, especially that big green warehouse building. It looks so strange out there. And why do they need it? But come to think of it, even back when they were even more loaded with cash, they were still pretty cheap with living quarters and such. Remeber those trailers? They were so cheap and falling apart. Remineded me of some projects. I often wondered why they didn't just build a nice housing complex. Heck they had millions with which to do it. I guess a couple of motorcoaches and planes took priority.
Sorry to interrupt, but can someone lead me into spanking in tongues? I heard this is the place to learn about it.
For what it is worth, Doug, a graduate of the 3rd Corps, was our Limb Coordinator in 1976 when a whole group of us were in a program called Fellowlaborers. It was sort of a mini in-state Way Corps program. You basically lived and worked with your Limb Coordinator for a whole year, had classes, teachings, witnessing, etc. In our case it was very much like a Way Corps program because we all lived in the same apartment complex and had a whole section of it reserved for our purposes, including a meal room where we even ate together, complete with songs, announcements, the whole works. It was pretty cool. Point is, you get to know a person pretty well when you are around them every day like that at work and play. We all respected him very much. We never saw him hurt or mistreat anyone. He is a man of love and kindness and one who genuiniely believes in God and the Bible and biblical principles. He also does not back down on commitments or promises he makes to people. It is no surprise to me that he left long before the legalism and "Craigisms" of latter years of TWI set in because he was not the type to mistreat people. He is one who has tried to help and love people for years. We all have people who may dislike us at times, but I have yet to meet anyone who disliked or even spoke negatively about Doug.... except current TWI leadership.
:D--> Socks! What a great idea. I would enjoy being one of those temps. Count me in. Problen is most of the groups (not all) want you exclusively and can't stand the idea of non-commitment. I like the idea of roving between the groups who will have me so I can see more old friends. I am one for the fellowship, not so much the "research" or "teachng". Whoever has the best refreshments will probably see me more often too. And there could be an annual "convention" say... in Vegas. Each group could have their own booth with books and materials, etc. Guest speakers coupld be the reps from the most popular groups, even Rosie. With your past entertainment background you would need to be the MC. You can dream it and gell it since it is your baby. In the next life I hope I can go anywhere like we were taught. I would spend some time in heaven of course, but will want to vist old friends in hell, purgatory, limbo and the New Earth as well. Probably end up hanging on earth most of the time I bet, maybe the New California with you guys.
:D--> Socks, if you ever come to Florida..... you better visit us I promise to keep all hurricanes away