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Everything posted by igotout

  1. Yes, I almost did tonight.
  2. Extension cable Dumb desingers. USB and Firewire ports should have always been in the front where they have belonged all along. I guess no one knew the amazing popularity that would happen with USB. Whether it is faster or slower, it is kicking Firewire's butt in popularity. And those USB key drives are here to stay too. Carry around 3GB on your keychain now! Someday it will be 100GB, mark my words.
  3. Gosh, I just don't know. Have never used a Mac. But I know Pawtucket is a Mac fan. Maybe he can chime in. I bet they are pretty good systems. I definitely like their 30" LCD monitors! Pictured here: 30 inch Cinema Display As one article said: "Apple 30” Cinema Display - Possibly Single Most Desirable Piece of Technology on Planet" I just wish they were not over $3,000 or I would run out and get one. Some day these awesome LCD's will be cheap. Problem is, I want one now. Where's my lottery ticket.
  4. Did I hear Mike or someone say something about "non mastering grads" Or was it "non masterbating grads" or??? I just skimmed and didn't have time to read the fine deatils. :D-->
  5. Well, I do not have time to debate or "master" anything at this time but I can only speak from my 25 year experience in TWI from a practical viewpoint. There is no question that this concept that we called "believeing" indeed was used as an open door for abuse, condemnation and control in TWI. I really got tired of hearing it! It made me sooooo mad to hear rantings and ravings about why a Corps friend of mine died in a car crash or the reasons another Corps brother of mine died at his workplace at Home Depot. Rosalie, Donna, Harvey, Reynolds, Howard, "big boy" who logs on here occasionally..... they all heard it..... and said nothing about these horrible insinuations and public trashings. Skyrider heard it too. And what about Donna's infamous audio clip about why a young girl, the daughter of an ex-way cleryman, died in a plane crash because she was "out from under the protection of the household"? You can find it on the documents section of this site. It is sick at best. To quote VPW: "You are where you are because of your believing." Tell that to the widows and children of these two fine young men and to the dad and mom of the daughter. (I'm believing you won't.)
  6. After much research on this subject I have found what I believe it todays BEST and most SIMPLE backup solution. It is Arco's DupliDisk Raid case. RaidCase After using it for a year I have found little to complain about. Pros: Unlike typical Raid this is just like using ONE hard drive. It hooks up to one IDE cable just like you were installing a single hard drive. Internal, fits in two drive bays. It backs up (constantly mirrors) one drive to the other constantly, 24/7 just like Raid 1. Unlike Raid 1 it supports dissimilar or even different sized drives. (Weakest link principle applies, however.) What sets it apart is there is no special hardware, drivers or software needed. It just does what it does within its self contained. Doesn't matter which operating system you are using because it is strictly a hardware solution. One of the best benefits is that you can easily remove one or both drives to take them off site. Think of a tape backups situation only it is a completely bootable hard drive. You can have rotating hard drives that just slide right in the case with the turn of a key. Hot swappable! In the event of a failure, or disaster simply put your backup drive in any modern computer and turn it on. Your computer boots up perfectly along with all your data. There might be slight adjustments to be made with differences in hardware such as differing video cards or sound cards or network cards if you use your backup on a different computer, but this is true of any backup scenario. Cons: A bit expensive. The mirroring process can sometimes fail for no reason. It is a bit sensitive. Happens to me a few times a year. However it alerts you audibly and visually when this happens. And it is simply a push of a button to rebuild the mirror again. No data is lost. It simply stops mirroring until you fix it. (I am not sure if this happens on typical Raid systems or not because I have never used standard Raid.) Conclusion: If you need mirrored, off site backup that is RELIABLE and easy check out this solution. Does anyone know of a better solution? Please post it here if you do. Personally I do not know of anything better unless you need the speed of RAID 0 But that is a different story entirely. Then a person might want to go with Raid 0+1. But then can you easily take your redundant backups off site as you can with this Raid Case?
  7. 7th Corps Website See this site I made. Send me pictures and info please. John R.
  8. I am sorry to hear about your loss, Mike. We send our heartfelt condolonces to you and your family members. If there is anything we can do just contact us. John R.
  9. Found one for you. Monitor not included. Alienware
  10. Then first you must rescue madam from Geerdom. Maybe call Ted Patrick, see what his rates are these days. I'll chip in. Just kidding :D-->
  11. She seems the same as ever. Very funny and energetic as always. And thankfully, no longer a Geerite. Which means she is nice, friendly and open to communicate with all, not just those who hold the current version of the "Holy grail".
  12. Looks like Harvey was trying to cover up something or stop something from "getting around". These guys have been so complicit. I don't know how they live with themselves. I call it HYPOCRISY. Reminds me of some of those religious authorities in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ". I think they all underestimated the power of the Internet as a medium of instant communication, that is until Paul Alxxn gave them a little taste of what was to come.
  13. How about a picture to liven things up? Tricia (9th Corps) and two of her co-workers. Spoke to her on the phone. She says hi. Lives in Germany. She is awesome. This is from 2003.
  14. JL, "BIG BOY" probably goes on here more often than he goes on THE WAY DOT ORG. After all, it is more interesting and informative. We should get the word out to those who are still in that this is a site that is FREQUENTLY visited by cabinet members at TWI. They might want to see what all the fuss is about. Then again, many of those still in already vist this site regularly just like JL does. I have a couple of questions: Why doesn't The Way dot Org have their own open forum for discussion and sharing? It seems they would want the household believers to communicate one with another...... or do they? As cheap as it is these days, why isn't high speed Internet access available throughout the campus of TWI? Why isn't Instant Messaging encouraged amongst members throughout the country? It took years for them to even use email. Don't they know by now that they can no longer pretend to "believe" that everything is ok? Their best bet is to allow open and honest communication and suggestions among the ranks. But it seems they have never done this in the past. Why would they start now?
  15. Ok, I added a few more. See Links too.
  16. I've been geeking in tongues since I was a child. :D-->
  17. Then I would go with a large CRT if space permits. It will actually be a bit cheaper and better quality too if you get a good one. I don't think BB sells Dells. But they have some pretty good HP boxes (which I personally do not like but they may be OK for most.) It would be fun for him to have one with a side clear window and sound activated lights inside. But I think you will have to order online or go to a computer store for that. Best Buy has Alienware but they are overpriced IMO. Here is a site I am interested in for my next one. Look at this clear case with neons. Acrylic Computer Here is their home site: Vicious PC He'll need good graphics 128mb or more for gaming. Or you could get the All IN Wonder card and watch TV on screen too. Sound is important. Best Buy has good computer speakers. Get 4 or 5 (for surround sound abd DVD playing) and a good sub. Logitech has one of the best. Or if no room get the famous Klipsch 2 satelites with a sub. They are the best 2.1's in the world and are not expensive. Pentium 4, 3.0 or higher processor, I like Intel. Hard drive will be huge already but I recommend 120GB minimum size, with 8mb cache, partition it later, use some of it for storage. Memory is important, 512 minimum. XP home is OK. Have I bored you enough yet? Call me anytime.
  18. Will this be Mom's computer or the boys? :D--> I didn't sell it to you (just so people know). I helped you order one from Dell. Will do so again for you anytime. Just call. Please? I recommend Dell over Best Buy. Although one thing I like about BB is if something goes wrong they are right there. Plus you can try before you buy. Flat screens are more expensive and not quite as good as the big ole heavy CRT's. But they are very cool and look fine for most things. If it is for you I would get a flat one. If it is for the guys, spring for a 21" or 19" CRT. You can get a monitor at BB and a system from Dell with no monitor if you want. Here is what I want for Christmas by the way: 6 monitor combo
  19. Thank you, Noah, for that insight. I would have been there but I had a conflict that was unavoidable on those dates. I'll attend next time. Realistically, I do not think you will get "hundreds" for a gathering of this type. But go for it. It will take a lot of promotion and effort. But if even 25 to 75, 100, come that is a sure good time. (Heck, I'd go just to see Valerie and Dave and a few others.) But the strong suggestion I have is to open it up for not only 7th Corps but something like a "7th Corps and Friends Reunion". Welcome not only all 7th Corps but friends of 7th Corps, spouses, people who may have left or got kicked out of the Corps, the 9th Corps who we were with our last year, our elder 5th Corps, etc. It is difficult to pull such a diverse group together to come all the way to LV. But I think there will be better response if promoted well and in an open format with lots of activities we can do together or independently. I think Las Vegas is an excellent choice of locations, cheap place fares, choice of rooms, lots to do, etc. We had a ball when we were there. Looking forward to going back. Oh, and tell Paul and Valerie they can use my site if they want. It is still under construction but plenty of space for "announcements". Go to it here: 7th Corps Website John Richeson Tampa, FL
  20. Raf, I would be glad to meet with you and you to help mediate a solution between you. I mean, one of you has to take the first step. Otherwise you might end up getting a divorce from you. (Me and you could work out a reasonable fee for my services. But this could involve maaaaaany sessions.)
  21. Good - now we can tell people that the internet address for The Way is: www.thewayinternationalsucks.com I'll change my database immediately. :D-->
  22. :D--> :D--> :D--> Priceless and hilarious.
  23. Sounds like a lot of "busy work" to me going on. But where is the fruit? Are they doing any outside charitable works or helping the community in any way? I do not see what good they are doing at all. They need some serious reorganizing and further downsizing and outsourcing. Seems like it takes em forever to make a simple decision. In my opinion it shows lack of capable leadership. I can see their big smiles now, confessing the positives and........ staying in denial about very serious organizational issues. Afraid to take drastic measures. That place could be run on half what they have if there were some outside workers who were hired and who were paid a decent wage. Get rid of the zombies and bring in some good old hard working unbelievers. :D--> But really....to run what? It's not a viable business model as I see it. I'd just sell it and get it over with. Probably nothing but a daily pain to run anyway. I wouldn't want any of their jobs. Except the ones who are coasting off the hard work of others until they coast into retirement.
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