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Everything posted by igotout
Happy Birthday Pawtucket. We are going to see Donovan live tonight. Wish you were here to go with us. I'll always remember when we enjoyed the Simon & Garfunkel concert together at the same venue when you visited a few years ago. John & Hope R.
Scare u into celibacy.. Boo! Goddann, I've heard of holier than thou, but this is scarier than thou.
You mean there are some youth still in TWI? I am quite surprised if so. I am guessing they are the minority fraction of a % that choose to do so. Most kids today are not only smart but well informed due to the Internet and social sites including their world of chat. They will find their own way. In my opinion it will not be TWI. I would think that most would absolutely be repelled by the very thought of it. Boring and old and stale and exposed a ll over the Internet. It is the opposite of what a young person has in mind. In all fairness, the same could be said of other church groups. The point is, today's TWI and youth are like oil and water.
That's one of my favorites. More inspirational than anything I experienced in TWI. With that kind of dedication, Kit, I doubt he had any finanical struggles he could not overcome.
Heartman and Dancing I not understand what you are saying. Speak in coherent sentences please. Can ya'll be more vague? "I don't know why you don't speak up for yourself. The negatives will come if you do, but so what." Huh? I don't know why I don't either. Maybe cuz I don't understand what the heck you are talking about. "The other comment on the taped announcement by John was that it was NOT annouced at the Fellowship meeting on sunday at CFF---his comments were cleverly edited in later in the sound room---why was that?" WTF?
I think Cathy Brubeck from our superior 7th Corps wrote that catchy birthday song. Bless her. What's that other one?? Happy, Happy birthday Frrom all of us to you Happy, Happy birthday may all your dreams (later changed to prayers thanks to LCM.....sheesh!) come true May you have happy birthday's All .... your..... whole .....life throuuuuuuugh (pause) Happy, happy birthday It's God in Christ in you! (Ex i got Mac's comp. I gotta wipe it all out start from scratch. Easy but take a littel time.)
It's the same Ken. Seems nice enough. Not sure about all your "boinking" allegations and other stuff. Maybe, could be a pattern. But trust me, he is NOT interested in boinking Ann. If you saw her you would know why. Maybe others in the group, what few are left now. I wouldn't want Helen's wrath if it were me. Talk about getting smacked! Socks, comment? You funny axssx Califorian .
Oh, and one more thing, Heartman. CFF has not gone down the tubes at all. In fact from what I hear they have more "members" than ever before. And with Gigou's having moved there starting to run things it looks to be a success in the making. Interesting Sara will be on board. They have a lot of ability. I look for TWI to make a modest comeback too after certain people die off (hurry, hurry ). They have more money than Jesus. They ain't goin nowhere either.
Heartman, There is more to this than you are alluding to. I know Tom and Ann very well and have known them for over 20 years. One of my employees used to go to that fellowship so I heard much more than you are stating. My empoloyee and others from the group now run their own CFF fellowship due to what happened in that one. Apparently Rev. Ken got Tom & Ann into a doctrine called Theophostics. Here area coup[le of links but Google it for yourself to see what it is all about. http://cicministry.org/commentary/issue79.htm http://www.theophostic.com Judge for yourself but to me it is downright strange and possibly harmful psychologically to it's adherents. It has to do with devil spirits and going back into your past to see when you first got possessed or some bs like that. (I am comfortably hopeless so personally I do not care for a healing. ) Sooooo Ann began "blending" this doctrine into the local fellowship, even promoting it, etc. Some were confused and thought it was CFF sanctioned because. Frankly I think that was Rev. Ken's goal and perhaps Ann's goal as well. Why would Rev. Ken be attracted to the C's??? I thought it kinda strange at the outset. Could it be because of Ann's recent inheritance and their new found prosperity? Why is Ann getting ordained by Rev. Ken? Why not Tom? I almost laughed out loud when I heard that. As I said, I have known them for over 20 years. I'll keep my opinions to a minimum. Personally, I believe if you dig deep you will find the love of money in there somewhere. I am not criticizing making money off something. I am guilty for loving money as much as the next guy, maybe more. How does this tie into CFF? Due to complaints from the believers in the fellowship, John and Wayne had to finally come out and publiclay state in writing thery do not condone Theophostics and it is not condoned by CFF fellowships and therefore they had to cease affiliation with Tom & Ann's group as a CFF fellowship. John also traveled here personally and spoke with Tom and Ann and others about it. Maybe he was being a spy or whatever....i think it is kinda funny.....the whole spy story. I do not know anything about that. They were not mean or angry or assholes about it like LCM used to be. Not at all. Far from it. I, too, have all the long letters composed by John S.. Very well written to Tom & Ann and to all the other believers in this area who may have been affected by his confusion. Very loving, very open. The letters clearly state that a person has every right to teach according to the dictates of their hear and mind and that they do not condemnn anyone for doing so. The letters clearly state that the C's including Rev. Ken are always welcome at CFF. But the letters also clearly state that CFF does not teach or condone Theophostics. Heartman if you would like send me those PDF's and I will post a link to them. Frankly the letters are a bit boring. Not juicy and dripping with venom like the ones LCM and Geery used to fire off. That's about it. I am amazed at how readily some on this forum have jumped to conclusions on hearsay. Come to think of it, I have done the same thing many times so I probably would have done the same had I not known more . Anyway, I do not believe this is not as it appears. Heartman's view seems a bit skewed. They have been dealing with this for a year. It is done and it was an isolated thing from what I know. Sorry for the blabbering post. DISCLAIMER: I am not a member of CFF and do not attend CFF fellowships nor do I give them money. I do not care for the group particularly. But I know many in it. I have attended a few of their annual family reunions to meet people from the past. My PERSONAL opinion is that of all the spinoffs they are the best one if you are a spinoff kind of guy. (Which I am not.) John R. Tampa, FL
You do not seem clear on what you are rambling about. Linda I am glad you fixed your OUTLOOK EXPRESS. See ya'll later. I do not want to bicker. It was nice while it lasted. I need a looong break. I'll resume after I have Vista and Core Duo up and SLI running in about a year or so after I build something along these lines. Bye
"Yeah, a business man, what does that mean." You wouldn't know.
I didn't say you Bluz. I said you. Sorry, sheesh, lighten up. Many bash MSFT here and elsewhere who steal lots from them at the same time. Their OS and products are dirt cheap as is other software except perhaps Adobe which a lot of people steal too. I didn't say u did. Didn't say I did. And yes, they allow multiple machines. You just have to call. I told them what I did and they did not mind. What a great company. A company who has also given what .....over $27 billion to world causes so far? Same with Warren...most of his fortune to be GIVEN away. Incredible and great imo. Gates Foundatioin The current version of OE sucks except as a newsreader but there are many better newsreaders out there. (Do people still read newsgroups???) To my knowledge the current OE is no longer supported. Why not use Outlook. It's simply better. Maybe a new version of OE in Vista. I was not aware. To quote an article: After spending two days with the Outlook Express development team it was apparent that they have been listening to our complaints, suggestions and feedback, and have devised some exciting new approaches to solving long-standing issues. The Outlook Express that will be included in Windows Vista promises to be a great advance over current versions. A new and less confusing name (Windows Mail), a far more stable and robust file system, a powerful and award-winning junk-mail filter, a completely new face on the Windows Address Book, and built-in access to the Microsoft public news server are just a few of the changes we will see. Although the final version of Windows Vista is still many months away, what I have seen so far in Windows Mail is very encouraging and has convinced me not to give up just yet. I plan to continue my long struggle to make Outlook Express, or rather Windows Mail, the best possible email and news client for Windows. Soooooorrrrrrry!! Don't be offended and leave so easily over one post clash which is misinterpreted entirely. You'll clash plenty on Greasespot trust me. For what it's worth I am not a trained technician like you seem to be. I am a hobbyist and a businessman, self taught. If you leave, do it for a bigger reason than me. I'm not worth getting yourself flustered over. Others need you more than they need me. Look to the greater good. In fact, I think I will take leave too. Just too busy. See you around I hope. John R. Oh, and Screw u Greasy Tech. I did not steal. But if u wanna be a rat it will go nowhere, trust me. I have all my receipts. In fact I purchased my last software, 4 versions of PRO, one Server 2003, 5 CAL, 4 versions of Office 2003 and 2 Front Page 2003, directly from the Microsoft Store via a friend who worked there. Dummy. Ha!
I would ditch Outlook Express in favor of full blown Outlook. OE is dead. No longer supported, no longer being updated. Hasn't been for a while Outlook 2003 is way better. Can't say that about Outlook 2002 and previous. But 2003 is outstanding. Office 2003 is quite a bargain in my opinion. You can install it multiple times, contrarty to popular belief. I just installed mine for the 5th time with no argument from Microsoft (one of the greatest companies in the world in my opinion.) How much have you "stolen" from Microsoft? How many copies of their past software have you installed on multiple computers including Windows 98 without paying for it? How many billions have you given to charity? Then quit complaining about how evil they are. Anyway back to topic. You can in stall Outlook, open it and get it set up for your email and such. Make sure it is working. Then simply Import from OE into Outlook. Once you do that you can go into Windows components in Control Panel and uninstall OE for good. Not sure why a serial number would be asked for after Windows Updates unless there is stolen software or unless it is a false detection which has been known to happen.
My friend from the Bronx was quite a womanizer himself in his younger days in rez. Regarding a few of his conquests he says "Yeah,I motorcoached her."
Seth - are you using Pro or Home or whatever Vista calls it? In the highest level version I am sure it has remote desktop again. But do they allow more than only one concurrent user to connect IN to your computer at the same time using two different profiles? Similar to the way Server 2003 does? Do they still call it Remote Desktop or are they going to call it Terminal Server? Thanks, John R.
No what I meant to convey is that PinkLady's husband is in denial that ANY of the sex stuff took place. He just refuses to hear it and he will never come on here to read more. Pinklady can concur. As for CG.... I'm sure he denies it too. Maybe a "magical snowstorm" blinded his eyes from ever seeing it. Dictionary definition for your consideration: Facilitator one that facilitates; especially : one that helps to bring about an outcome by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance, guidance, or supervision Oh, I'm sorry, they do have an Internet presence : First hit on Google: Piracy Second hit on Google: Info about CG
Oh, and Pawtucket. I have a suggestion that you integrate a "TWI Spin Off" section on the forums somehow. This will help those coming in the future who will most certainly be leaving in due time. It will give them a place to share and receive healing. Just a thought. Thanks. JR
Hi Pink Lady. They suck! They are nothing but self righteous jerks in my opinion. I know several of them. And I was in the Corps with CG. And I know you and your husband. He is simply wrong. He can read all the bible he wants and refuse to believe the sex stuff went on in TWI among top leaders but it did. Much of it on the motorcoach. And who drove that coach for years??? I'll let others comment, some probably know names and incidents. I hope they tell their stories. Maybe one day your husband will end his denial about it. This goes to show you the true colors of some of those Geerite spin offs. They seem all nice, etc. But when it really comes down to it. They are nothing but a CULT in my opinion. Your husband needs his head examined. The kids do too, but kids are vulnerable. Why is not this Florida group DEMANDING that the children make contact with their mother and stay in contact with her? You are not a drug addict, alchoholic, or even abusive in any way, shape or form! You have been nothing but a good mom all these years. That is cult like behavior if I have ever seen it. Maybe you should take your story to "News Channel 8" or how about "8 on Your Side". The media around here just might like this new twist on helping a citizen who has been shunned by her own family...and for what??? In my opinion the Geerites are nothing more that a similar version of TWI II, the most legalistic and sickening version of Christianity you could find anywhere. For example, we know of two daughters who did not even go to their own fathers funeral because he was no longer in TWI and they were. HE was a good man. Later when they left TWI too, they were heartbroken by what they did and that they did not join him at his bedside when he was dying. It's been said many times on here and I'll repeat it. CG and his franchisees should join up with TWI. They are very similar in nature and behavior. Why are they so reclusive? What have they got to hide? Where is their Intenet presence? Where is the fruit of ther work? Where are any of the new people who have actually joined and stayed with this group? Are not most of them ex-TWI? How original!! Heck even the Scientologist Headquarters here in Tampa Bay has a website. Parents be suspicious of any group that does not have a website and a CONTACT US section with phone numbers! There is so much more. Be glad you are gone. You are MUCH better off indeed. See you soon. We love you.
Yes, 32 stories "on the edge". We was havin fun that day.
When you was in The cult some call the Way Ministry Did you believe you were a Wierwille-light? Sometimes I think I believed I was a Wierwille not a Wierwille-light. But studies have shown that Wierwille-lights are just as bad for you as regular Wierwilles (no offense JP & Sara and friends). I was addicted. It was hard to quit. Sometimes I still have cravings. John R. And Roy, no offense man, but quit blowing your holy kisses my way, unless you are a pretty and young female. (Under 30 is good.)
Skyrider, could this possibly be the smallest Corps in TWI history? Heck even the 1st Corps had a handfull. And our group (7th) had over 350 I think.
In spite of these things it is possible to avoid malware without even having to use a protective type program running 24/7 in the background using up resources. It has to do with using programs that place known spyware sites INTO your restricted sites zones in your browser. It has worked well for me. It almost seems to me that I couldn't get spyware now even if I tried. For example if I tried to go to that Bonzi Buddy site(s) I would be blocked from even viewing the page. It is still good to be cautious, however.
Sometimes I feel like it Greasy...... sometimes I really, really do. Stuck in a rut I guess. Same with my Intel Procs. AMD is probably better but somehow I keep going Intel. (Although I hear good things about their Core Duo.) I am probably not the type that would ever use a Mac either.