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Everything posted by igotout

  1. Vertical, this thread is a great idea. Thanks! I have one if you use Outlook (not Outlook Express) It is called Spam Bayes It is a free add on program that filters Spam out of your email and puts them in a folder called Junk Mail or in one called Junk Suspects. The good thing about this is you "train" it by where you put messages you receive. It is almost 100% accurate for me. There are updates for it occasionally and you can check for updates from within the program. Spam Bayes PS - Speaking of Outlook Express, it is no longer supported by MSFT. Outlook Express was invented because the full blown Outlook 97 and following originally sucked and there were complaints. But now Outlook has come of age in my opinion starting with Outlook 2003. It is widely used solid and getting rave reviews. Switch if you dare, but only if you have XP. Outlook Express is fading fast.
  2. Joel calls it "The Limb of Ohio" :D--> :D--> :D-->
  3. This is on Doug McMullan's site. Apparently this was aired recently. To get it to work I had to pause it for a good while while an allow it to stream ahead into my browser cache. Otherwsie it was choppy. FOX Television - About the Way Cemeteries I got a kick out of ther PR front man talking about the "Great Growth" they have experienced over the last few years. Ha! :D--> And those so called muti-family dwellings he speaks about are a non issue if you have ever been there. One of them is Bo's old house (which his Dad paid for in full with his own private funds) and the other is the Corps Chalet, which we were promised we could visit any time we wanted to according to what I heard from the founder himself in a meeting. But anyway, this Presidents-Home-Corps-Chalet is not near there either. Why would be a bother for them to have an occasional visitor or two with someone from TWI such as their bored Bless Patrol security guys accompanying? "Sign Ze Papers", Doug and you can visit. Doug, won't you please "Sign Ze Papers?" :D--> They could have easily made this go away at the outset by just being a little nicer and cordial about it and with a little common sense. Now they are on TV getting all kinds of publicity and a man going to jail. Someone needs "PR for Dummies" www.dougmcmullan.com
  4. Again, what does JB have to do with my comments above? Witnessing to the BOD? Ha! Anyway, a dedicted website is a far greater witness than a looooooonnnng winded post or 50. You are therby witnessing your inappropriate web site impoliteness and seemingly making yourself more important than your content. Just my opinion. I do not have time to continue a discussion with you. So go ahead and say the last word here and be done with it. (I am witnessing to Greasespot members). :D-->
  5. Why does JB have to suggest it? What do YOU think of my comments above.
  6. Yeah, but what do you think of my idea of having your own website rather than such lenghty posts? It would be more polite and would draw less attention to oneself and ones agenda. I think most everyone would agree regardless of whether you are right or wrong. Please respond BRIEFLY. :D-->
  7. I second what Abigail said. Mike - if I were JB I would mark and avoid you for your long windedness. :D--> Sheesh! Sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt anyone over there cares about all that stuff. you have so much to say, have you considered starting your own website? It's not that hard to do and its cheap. It would be more polite to direct someone to your volumes of material rather than state it all on someone else's space. John R. CoolWaters - Don't worry. I did edit my post instantly after I posted it. I decided to shorten it. You must have been right over my shoulder. It still looks ok to me.
  8. :D--> :D--> :D--> Can you play games on it? And will it go on Greasespot? They need your expertise, Tom. Go back up there and get on staff. They need you to set up that card system.
  9. Oh, and Socks, here he is (from the Links section on JB's Family Tables site) http://www.gunnrunners.com/index2.htm
  10. Yes, Ex, and you can be in the midst! Just last night I had a vision of a young lady in a purple bikini on the beach saying: "Come over to Florida and help us!"
  11. John Brxwn does not hide the fact that he is the Administrator and that he lives here in Largo. He has been in TWI since the 60's when he was a kid. (Socks you must remember his brother Ken and Ken's wife Sue.) Click here to read more: http://www.familytables.net/years/index.html We've already said hi and he kinda welcomed me and said hi back and said "see you around." He encouraged me to look at the photo section to see some familiar faces. Funny, last thing I remember John saying to me on IM right after we were kicked out in 2000 was something like "Why the hell don't you just stay the hell off the Internet and read the Word!!!" Slam! As he closed his IM and blocked me as did others of my local friends. Now they say "welcome" a few years later. That was mean and they owe me an apology. Maybe I'll see some of you there for some interesting and thought provoking discussions. Will some be banned or blocked? Will posts be selectively deleted? I do not know. But I have a feeling that my old pal John is going to have his hands full with this web site. Just ask Pawtucket!
  12. I read about Intel and AMDs Dual Core processor that's coming. Furthermore, you see all these Awesome computers with great power down at the consumer level. I am certain that as Jim states, you could do it better with modern and commonly available components today. I would agree with you, Jim. They probably have anciently written programs that have not been converted into something new. From what I hear, there is a lot of technophobia around there. Takes em forever to modernize. Snails pace. Therefore they suffer and lag behind. They may not know that big tasks of yesteryear are made simple today. Do they even have the STS's on CD yet? What about in downloadable MP3 format. Do they know what an Ipod is? Ha! Heck you could almost keep track of a lot of it with Outlook 2003. Ha!
  13. I'm no IT specialist but this type of system seems to be overkill for such a small group, half of whom do not even use computers. And isn't this an old server? Not made anymore? Doesn't it use OS2 or some different kind of operating system? Seems to me they could just use a couple of Dell Servers with Linux or Windows Server 2003 and simple networking concepts to run that tiny little organization. After all there is no networking or synchronization or VPN with the field. They just use faxes for that and Juno for email cause its so cheap or free. I know of a $200 program that could serve just fine for this tiny little organizations database. It is similar to ACT. Ha! Between that and the LATEST Office products, that appears to be all they would need. Maybe an email server and web server if they are going to do a little e-commerce. But really all that can be hosted by others pretty cheap. I am not sure why an IBM anything is there at all. Sounds like an incompetent mess to me.
  14. Oh, so that's how it works. Sounds like the wave of the future definitely. I bet they will do it with DVD's too. Do you have to use a special brand of CD or a certain kind that can be "burned" ? THis sounds pretty cool.
  15. Hey, where did the picture go? I was only kiddin! I won't photoshop you. I promise.
  16. Hey you guys! SimonZelotes on the right, Rocky on the left but who is the best lookin one in the midst? Thanks for the pic. Oh, if you only knew what some of us can do with Adobe Photoshop....... Pictures on the Internet (Allow time for this demo to load) I hope you enjoy Florida Simon
  17. Hey, damn you all for not taking pics. Didn't you have revelation of these computers in the future? The word "WEB" is only used 4 times in the bible. Two of those refer to spiders webs. But the one in Judges..... ...and went away with the pin of the beam, and with the WEB. Class.... its as plain as the nose on your face! Could it be any more clear? Tricia Byr ne was the only one among you who had forth-telling of the future. She actually took tons of 8mm video. Imagine how much fun we could have with those. I offered to convert them to DVD. But alassss. She told me she lost all of her films when she moved to Gartmore! See, the adversary stole those films. Maybe they vanished into thin air because someone revealed plans for them in the future. Your jobs are to find (by revelation) those films. And while your at it, find Osama Bin D*ckhead and let Bush know.
  18. Sorry to interrupt. But if you guys have any old or recent photos of 7th Corps, College Division, Emporia pictures, or others, I would be grateful if you could send them to me for my collection. I have posted some on this site. 7th Corps site I will put them on CD for you and return the originals along with a CD. I'll be sure to take good care of them and return them quickly. Thanks, jrich7@verizon.net
  19. Do you have a link? I sure like the name. Don't burn too many CD's these days. But am definitely getting into burning DVD's (for my own personal usage of course). Could it be that we are seeing the beginning of the end of CD burning? I see less and less burning these days with my teens and others including myself. I-Pod and similar products are all the rage. No CD needed. MP3's just seem so much more convenient. Won't be long before you just plug a small unit into you car stereo dashboard and listen to gigs of MP3's. Maybe with those popular USB keys. And it is already possible to listen to your computer MP3 collection over your home stereo via Squeezeboz and other devices. I'll bet TV's and Amplifiers of the not to distant future will come with Ethernet hookups in the back. I think someday soon we will be saying goodbye to CD burning but not so fast to purchased CD's. What do you think, Socks. Miss you guys. Oh, and btw, saw Rodger Sayah's guys doing a floor yesterday. Still out there doing that business. What do you think of this little site I did. A friend helped me with the artsy part of it because he has a knack. Neither of us have had any training or experience other than just using Front Page on our own and doing stuff ourselves. Always appreciate your suggestions. 7rh Corps Website
  20. I prefer the X Connect for less cable clutter. Are you sure the X Connect series has light(s) inside or is it just "UV Blue" as it states. I really like the fact that it has the see through sides. But I wonder if those fans are LED lit? I hope so. If it has lighting I will definitely place an order! It will match my acrylic case perfectly. Click the Image Gallery at the bottom of this site. X Connect Power Supply
  21. Sounds like Spyware. Are you getting pop ups when you are not even on the Internet? Is this XP or 98? If XP be sure to upgrade to SP2 which turns off a couple of dangerous services and installs a built in pop up blocker too. If 98, I would ditch it somehow. And be sure to UPDATE Adaware to the latest verison and update it even then. Also use Spybot. Unplug your internet connection while combatting Spyware until you are clean completely.
  22. Thanks, those are great and often overlooked. BSD's almost always seem to indicate some sort of hardware conflict or failure. But I have no clue what all the gibberish means on the screen. In my opinion the big ones on there that are most likely are a bad or overworked power supply and overheating. We tend to think the software is the problem when sometimes it is a hardware problem. Notice no mention of hard drive failure on there. Interesting.
  23. They (John S. with LCM's full knowldege) dropped us from active Corps. I still have the letter stating the reasons, that we would not move and that Hope stayed in contact with copped out Corps. Both were lies but that is a different thread. Later John S. apologized, after he left, which I thought was cool. When Paul & Phyll G made us Corps Alumni a few months later I told them that it was just a label and that it is not even clear what it means. I told them that if they could clarify exactly what the hell it was, I would be more motivated to live up to it. I almost laughed out loud when they met with us the following year to drop us from being Corps Alumni. They did not like my attitude when I said "good". I told them I hoped they were finished giving me titles and then taking them away when I did not ask for them in the the first place. So I think my status went from AC to DFAC to DFACA to D. Active Corps, to Dropped from Active Corps to Dropped from Active Corps Alumni to Dropped when they finally gave us the boot. Ha! They can "drop" dead. What a bunch of anal retentive morons! I am embarrassed for them.
  24. A couple of quotes regarding insane micromanagement. _______________________________ In business management, micromanagement is an example of poor management where the manager over-manages people unnecessarily. Instead of giving people general instructions and then allowing them to do their job, the micromanager monitors and assesses every step. The manager may be motivated by concern for details. The effect, however, may be to de-motivate employees and create resentment. ______________________________ Then there was the F?rprinzip, which was applied during the war. The philosophy of this system is that each organization is seen as a hierarchy of leaders, where each leader has absolute responsibility in his own area. Hitler, of course, was the final authourity. The hierarchic structure, in practice, led to micromanagement (unnecessary over-management of details) and inability to formulate coherent policy. Albert Speer once noted that many Nazi officials were afraid of making decisions unless Hitler was present. Sound familiar? Hmmmmm. Let me "check back" with leadership before I buy that new couch or go the beach for the day or allow my child to spend the night at her friends house (these are real examples btw). One guy I spoke to calculates that he lost over a million dollars due to trying to adhere to this dumb-foot full time revelation. Sold his propserous business (and then tithed a big chunk to The Way......hmmmmmm) and went full time on staff to go back into the Corps, only to be released shortly thereafter. Skyrider, I agree that there are to this day those who have never recovered emotionally or financially from this Tsunami of Evil.
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