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Hi Belle! How are you. Come visit! Yeah, I was there for that "clicking" tirade of Bob's at Bradenton at WAP AC on the field, my 2nd (or 3rd) time taking that thing. It was as if he was wanting us to behave like trained dogs on command. Context - it was after a long session at the end of a long night of "heavy" teachings. We had been given a handout to add to our syllabus. After the session was over naturally everyone was clicking open their red syllabi to insert the handout. Big deal! How dare us click when not told to click! :D--> Another case of a leader who mistook their own anger and tired frustrations as something God directed him to say (yell), justifying it in his mind as being correct behavior. It was not. What a big baby! That was the same class where he insisted that each of us write LCM after each weekend to tell him how much we enjoyed the teachings and to share in detail what we learned from it. I'm really sorry I wasted those weekends. I would have rather been home cleaning my pool or watching a game or something constructive. :D--> Sorry for the derailment Skyrider.
Hey Catcup. I'll be seeing your hubby this month I think. Hope to see you next summer again. You guys are awesome!
Spy Software Quote: "RemoteSpy can be installed simply by copying the monitoring executable generated from your configuration to any pc. Simply copy the file to a disk and run the file on the pc you intend to monitor. The installation is completely stealth and runs instantly." Quote: "Will a firewall stop RemoteSpy software from working? "In most cases a firewall will cause other products to be blocked however, RemoteSpy uses a special feature to send the logs to our server. A firewall in most cases will not stop RemoteSpy from transmitting recorded data." I am sure sophisticated private detectives use some of these tools and maybe the FBI too.
Norton Antivirus 2003 scans outgoing email for viruses. If properly immunized spyware can be all but eliminated. Those are the culprits that like to dial out or reach out and bring in friends. Soem people use a Router plus Zone Alarm or some other firewall, maybe windows own built in firewall for ultra protection. Personally I have had no problems just using the Router only as Galen suggests, along with AV and Spyware protection of course.
I was "assigned" Tampa, FL when graduating 7th Corps in 1979. I asked to come here. We were allowed to request if we wanted. Permission granted. I am still here. :D--> I have only moved 3 times, the last being 15 years ago. Dumbass TWI leaders asked me to move a few times. They moved on, but I stayed. I have a good tan by now. :D--> But where do I retire to?
HCW - thank you for your heartfelt and well written posts. I, for one am going to copy and paste it in to a Word Document to have on file. I was on the very 1st LEAD group in the mountains near Gunnison. Ours was experimental, and we too, were exposed to some hazards. Being naturally adept at climbing, I was picked with a few others to do a 400' rock climb one morning. A few moves scared even me and I LOVE heights and climbing. One slip and cartain death would have been the result. Though there was a SINGLE safety lead line, there were some close calls while transitioning from point to point while unattached. I feel we were put at risk, none of us having had any training in rock climbing, etc., including Steve our instructor. Afterwards they asked me to be on LEAD staff but I politely declined (I don't like camping :D-->) Obviously the hitchiking was dangerous in many ways. I hitchiked a LOT, at least 8 times, in the Way Corps. It was tiring. Our 7th Corps brother, Ken and his wife were in one of the later groups. He was killed as he walked in the path of an oncoming semi truck one evening as Evelyn watched. We were all shocked and had sleepless nights of disbelief and pain. In addition to your wonderful friend Rochelle, your sharing of this chilling incident helps me to remember and comemorate a great man, Ken, who was also a casualty while participating in TWI's LEAD program. It also helps me feel compassion for his wonderful wife (who is still in TWI and that's OK in my opinion). She lived at the Wierwille home for a while after this incident. Personally, I would have preferred sleeping at an attorney's office for a few days but that's not the point of this thread. In memory of our friends who have lost their lives or were seriously hurt while participating on TWI's LEAD program, thanks for this great sharing. John R. Tampa, FL
SP2 has a built in firewall. But I prefer to use a router and not use the software firewall built into XP. With SP2 you will have all the patches and fixes for all the security flaws that were open on XP since it came out. That might help. You shouldn't have to run Spyware catching software all the time. If you take preventative steps after getting rid of it.
What the Hay, it was the horrible way in which the mostly Jews were slaughtered at the Nazi Death Camps. It was no myth. Read about it online, or visit or read accounts of survivors and you may understand better. I do not see anything wrong with wanting to tell that story and to comemorate forever the lives of all those innocent men, women and little kids whose lives were painfully snuffed out like brushfire. It was pure evil and only 60 years ago! I was reading that one tour guide at Auschwitz said no birds or animals go on those grounds to this day! In 60 years we will no doubt be telling the details of Sept 11th, though there have been incidents with larger losses of life. Yet, in some ways I believe it pales in comparison to the Death Camps.
I agree he did TWI a service, Evan. Linda, you are not a dumbass! No way. Ha. I find my self being one, however, on a regular basis. When I wrote that I was thinking of those top leaders like LCM, Region coordinators, Limb Cooordinators, Don, Howard, etc. How they all fell for it so easily! Those of us in the lower ranks are not to be blamed as I see it. We wanted to help but were caught in the middle of a power struggle, worse than a nasty divorce.
Socks, I am not that talented with art. My employee did that for me, in fact he designed a lot of this site. He has never been in The Way.... kinda funny. He has a natural knack for art, having had no previous training or classes. I taught him about computers and gave him the tools. He took to Adobe Photoshop like it was nothing. I believe he did this image with Adobe, not sure. Took him about 30 minutes. Sheesh!
Excathedra, As I recall after the "....ed off patriarch show" that night, some of us went back to our hotel room and analyzed it (over much beer, wine and pretzels). :D--> It took us about 5 minutes to realize it was such BS, embellished with Geerisms throughout. Most of it was about him and his deeds, written in the first person, unsigned, not on video, not VPW's words at all, as it did not even fit with the way he spoke. Talk about a cult mentality! Some people are so easily persuaded, just because someone in authority says it. Dumbasses. However, we also knew TWI was fuXXked, because of soooo many who fell for it sooo easily, hook line and sinker including top dawgs. Divison city! The beginning of painful splinters a plenty. Let the scheming, conniving, and survival mode begin! How can I get my share of the scattered pot of gold? Er... I mean.... How can I keep teaching and moving God's word, and helping people operate the principle of abundant sharing with out having to send it in to the corrupt HQ? I know... we'll have a meeting. We'll remain faithful to the Word in spite of it all...., and I'll remain the leader.... Yeah, that's the ticket! To this day some are living off the scattered REMAINS of that splintering effect. I say they need to get a real job instead of pretending to have one. Some of us after that wacky weekend, however, just went home and went back to work on Monday as usual, albeit with a bit of a hangover from partying so much with friends.
Socks :D--> :D--> :D--> You make me feel embarrased for them. I mean, your kids could probably write better, I'm sure. Now lets discuss that Ice Age.... Yawn, Snore, zzzz, Oh, you would have loved his discussion on the Pangea and how it happened almost overnight (instead of millions of years). And Eve was such a dyke, we were taught! How did Adam live with her? :D--> :D--> :D--> Quality biblical research! It was so boring and useless that my bible became dust covered while sitting there. :D-->
Excathedra, :D--> :D--> :D--> You make me laugh. Yeah, I heard about his "marriage counseling" too. There are sooooo many stories about him and his psycho ways. Especially in Gartmoore from what I understand. Maybe that explains his mysterious absence on the Internet. This is in spite of the fact that he has a quiet and from what I hear, profitable franchise ministry called Word Promotions. Is he trying to hide? Is he afraid of having a presence on The Internet? Heck, even TWI finally caved in and did a website. For the life of me I can not understand why anyone would hold ANY respect for him nevertheless send him a dime for anything. I almost start laughing out loud when I think of grown men and women who consider him the man of God in our time who holds the "secrets of the gas pumps today". :D--> Oh, God... what a hoot! Ha, ha, ha.
From what I understand, the DSO thing is nothing to worry about as someone else stated. But it sounds like you have deedper problems, with Spyware returning and such. Fisrt, what is your Operating System. (Plese don't say Windows 98) Also if it is XP have you upgraded to Service Pack 2? Please do. Are you on broadband or dial up? With proper precautions it is possible to have NO spyware, to even eliminate the threat of it for the most part. It takes some work but actually it is rather simple. ALL of the solutions regarding Spyware have already been posted here. They are also posted all over the Internet. You must use a combination of solutions. My favorite being preemtive programs that place thousands of known spyware sites into your Restricted Sites of your browser. But one thing that is little talked about and most overlooked, is that when combatting spyware, unplug yourself from the Internet until you are clean. Same with Viruses. As I have said, Spyware is worst than viruses in my opinion, for the average user (not businesses). It is ruining the efficiency computers all over America, rendering many obsolete until they get rid of it. I have seen computers with hundreds of individual pieces of spyware on it. Spam is nothing compared to the damage Spyware does. They need Spyware legislation in addition to Spam legislation. Ask any computer technician ANYWHERE. What is the most common problem they are needed for these days...... I think we all know the answer. But on the positive side, it is possible to make it all go away and never bother you again. And if you do get some, which would be rare with proper precaution, it is easily detected and eliminated.
7th Corps Site Shows what I did. Made an image. When you click on it to send mail look what it says in the send To: Field. Works for me. And here: http://digitalcolony.com/02/maskemail/inc/genEmailMask.asp7th COrps Site
And I learned window cleaning in The Way. Had it not been for The Way I would have never learned that revelation and guidance, so it mus be snow inspired and profitable. Funny, my competitors were never in the Way. They must do false window cleaning.
Love ya Mike. Takes all kinds to keep life fun and interesting :D-->. Don't go. You are truly a hoot. You have every right, I suppose, in an open forum.
I don't have any difficulty believing that Dr saw some things before seeing Bullinger. Why would Bullinger be the all seeing, all knowing Grand Poobah, and no one but him can see things? some things???? Hmmmmmm, could you be more vague please? :D--> What proof do you have? Anything in writing? Get real, Mike. It is OBVIOUS by now that PFAL was NOT original and NOT VPW's revelation. The mass marketing and SHaklee / Tupperware / multi level marketing of PFAL was, however an original and useful idea until the age of the Internet. Hey, its a free country. If you can get away with plagiarism and blatant copying of other mens works and sell it, more power to you. That's what businesses do. But it was DEFININITELY implied, if not outright stated that after the alleged gas pumps, a man got revelation from God and found these truths ON HIS OWN from the bible. Therein you have the lies and dishonesty, in spite of the fact that PFAL may have benefitted some who believed the dishonest implications. If you believe that I have some land in the Everglades I would like to interest you in. But Mike - you win. I do not wish to bore others with this almost embarrasing conversation about these works. I do not have time for a debate about this.
I believe I heard VPW in a private Corps sharing one night say something to this effect: "When he discovered Bullingers works he stayed up all night reading it because he found someone whose research agreed exactly with what he had previously come up with." Though it may not have been stated implicitly, it was definitely implied that he came up with it independently of Bullinger. I do not believe it. I believe Bullingers works were copied and implemented into PFAL. In earlier days of TWI the general thinking and implications across the population of "older" grads was that God taught "The Doctor" the same things that Bullinger came up with, BEFORE he even discovered Bullinger. Hogwash!
I believe it was because of their belief in this concept: Myth of The 6 Million Jews First time I visited Headquarters in 1974 a little book printed in black and white by this same title was avaible at the small bookstore they had at the back of the BRC. I remember seeing it and being intrigued by it. Now I believe it is hogwash. Here is a gem from this publication: "In spite of all the international commotion and the vast barrage of irresponsible print which has flooded the world on Eichmann since May, 1960, there is not the slightest substantial evidence that Eichmann ever deliberately ordered even one Jew gassed in a German concentration camp, to say nothing of having ordered and supervised the extermination of six million Jews." And here is a phrase I heard LCM say on several occasions in recent years. It went something like this didn't it Skyrider? Quote: "The Jews of today are no more God's chosen people than the Apachee Indians!!" How insulting! Perhaps this is why The Way has been accused of being anti-semitic. Shame.
Updated 1/22/05 Some Sections of this site are "Under Construction" There will be progressive changes over the next few weeks _______________________ Hmmmm. We'll see. C'mon Johnny. You were on to something good, something revolutionary and different within TWI. Just like in the old days you speak of so fondly, only with modern tools. Don't cave in to fear now. You only live once. Dare you even TRY to make a difference? We'll see. John R. Tampa, FL
I can't help it, every time I view this picture I laugh out loud. :D--> :D--> Thanks to Joel who took it during the ice storms there recently. It is just priceless. God has a sense of humor, I think, to keep us all laughing. I think even those still in would laugh if they have ANY sense of humor at all.
Steve is right about Weatherbug Weather BUG Vertical is right about the most recent version of Ad Aware
Hey, Socks. What do you think of that picture of the billboard? It was from a couple weeks ago, ice storm. Ha! (Comment over there) Show your wife please.
Hmmm - I can right click on a picture and "Send To Mail Recipient". What was the problem? Was the SEND TO missing when you right clicked? If so, that is another issue, I believe, and one that is easily fixed. Were you able to manually attach a picture to the email? I would give Outlook 2003 a try. But always go to Office Updates and apply the latest updates. It is automatic for the most part. No you do not have to uninstall OE. Just go to Internet options and make Outlook your default email client. Those Power Toys are nice, especially the famous Tweak UI. I have used Tweak UI for years.