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Here I go again building a new computer. I tried buying one off the shelf to save time but I just couldn't find what I really wanted. I do not consider myself an expert at this but I certainly enjoy it and will post here what seems to be new today and what I learn along the way. I might need help too! When finished I'll show off a few pictures. I am copying the look and feel of this clear acrylic case as shown here called Bushido: Clear case I already have the case and it looks sharp with lights embedded into the acrylic itself. I decided to go for an Intel Motherboard with a 3.2G 800MHz processor, this one here: MSI Intel Motherboard Yeah, I know AMD Athlon is somewhat faster but I do not care for their company at this time. Both are outstanding anyway. This motherboard has it all. Many of the features I may never use, but they are there. One new feature I like is, Quote: • Online update BIOS/Driver/Utility. • Live Monitor auto-detects and suggests the latest BIOS/Driver/Utilities information. Finally! Oh, and this board has PCI Express slots.
So many choices of email, so little time. :D--> I'll probably get Gmail soon for my 4th!!! email account. Nice to know it can be a pop3 set up. I gotta say I like Outlook 2003. They finally seem to be getting some things right. So that is what I use now along with a free little Outlook plug in that someone told me about... maybe Zixar.... (where is he these days) called Spam Bayes. Just do a Google search for it. It is awesome in filtering Spam. Oenophile... did you find and recover your data?
No, John runs the site and does his own emails. Going to school AND working full time to try and support his family consumes most of his time. He doesn't have much time or patience to deal with anything else but a nice little Way site. He never meant for it to be open to anyone other than those IN TWI and mostly the young people. He has a teen son. Heck if those teens want a lively group of teens to hang out with and socialize with they should check out www.cffm.org. For whatever reason they have a nice thing going there with a lot of youth involvement from what I hear. Apparently John consulted with Moneyhand who is very anal and analog indeed. End of openness. Fair enough. It's JB's site and JB's decision. Snore.....ZZZZZ......ZZZZZZ..... Ho, hum. I am falling asleep just thinking about it. Life is so short. Thank God it is available to have fun again instead of being in a tiny little boring analog fantasy world.
" The main complaint I have against Norton's anti-virus app is that it is a memory *pig*, " Agreed, Garth! I am switching from that piece of crap soon. I like Computer Associates EZ Antivirus 2005 Hardly ever notice its there. None of these huge foot downloads and upgrades and in your face reminders. Though I have not been able to turn off auto protect, it does not seem to slow things down from opening. And it scans when a person is logged off unlike Norton Anti crap, and it works works with 2003 Server unlike NAV.
Gosh I don't know. Haven't used Gmail yet. But Pawtucket has. Maybe others. I hear Google's free email is going to be pretty good and you get this huge mailbox too for staorage of all your years of emails.
Yeah, Belle, good points. No openness or frank discussions of the real truth. Cherished child you make a very good point about the lack of posts relative to its time online. In my viewpoint it show deadness and a boring spiritual life, just like most of our twigs seemed to be like in recent years. And Belle, yeah, from what I understand Moneyhand did NOT like the fact that Greasespotters went on that forum at all. Still very strict and one sided and mean from what I can see. Gosh, I am happy to know that absolutely nothing has really changed much in the last 5 years except fewer people. Now I know I haven't missed much. But thank God I did not miss all the fun I have had on this and other sites including Waydale. I have not had this much fun or met this many new contacts and friends since the "old days". :D-->
Yes, it is still there. You just have to find it. Don't worry. First are you taking about Outlook or Outlook Express? Which were you using that has your addresses. Mine are located here: C:Documents and SettingsJohn RichesonApplication DataMicrosoftAddress Book In a file called johnricheson.wab Now who in the Helx would know to look there!!! Look for a similar path on your computer. You can import those addresses into your current "Outlook" setup. If you want to just avoid email clients and email set up all together you can just use online email. THis may be especially attractive to you if you have broadband (high speed). I almost feel like swithching myself to some type of online service such as Yahoo, Hotmail or others. They do a great job of filtering Spam and Viruses. No more setup, no more Outlook quirks, no more failures in downloading or sending. Just think! I recently read of a computer expert who ditched Outlook in favor of an online service. Guess he didn't want the headaches like what you are going through right now.
Maybe this bears repeating that I posted a couple days ago on the other thread: Quote: You might as well forget about going on this site ever again. It will not happen. What did you expect from The Way International? Openness? Real truth? Answers to questions? Ha! John's experiment lasted a while but its over. This site will be closed forever to anyone who is not an active member of The Way. Frankly I am surprised it even opened at all to any one else. Don't waste you time registering or emailing John because you will be ignored in much the same way you are ignored by TWI in all other ways. Get it through your head.....they do NOT want you or your comments. Probably never will. John Richeson Tampa Bay, FL - home of Yophotoman (Formerly in Yophotoman's branch area here) Kicked out in 2000 for speaking up too much. PS - Disagree or agree all you want but its his site and he has every right to do with it what he wants. PS - John is and never has been a Branch Leader. I do not think he is even a twig Coordinator and has not been for years but I may be wrong.
1.) Guys, get clear and face the facts please. TWI doesn't want you and that web site does not want you. Furthermore they do not care if you return or not. THEY DO NOT CARE. The latest spin to cover that fact seems to be "we do not care about numbers anymore, only quality". In my opinion that is a convenient way to cover up the truth of what I said above. Why should they care? They have all your money in $millions of ABS to last their lifetimes as well as valuable properties. 2.) Mike the fact that NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE seems to accept your viewpoint including JB or RG should tell you something, man. I think it is time to be introspective and try to refocus on things more important in your life. You deserve better. I hate seeing what is developing in your life. You are wasting your time and wasting your life. One day you will be dead and will have not changed a thing for the better in this world including your own life. And you might be very lonely along the way. Seek counsel from human beings who just may be wiser than you, and can help you, I urge you.
I did not say he can or cannot do with it what he wants. I said he has the RIGHT to do with it what he wants. If grown men in thie 50's choose to be in subjection to their local leadership instead of making thier own decisions regardless of the outcome, so be it. Personally I could not live like that. But some like it that way, I suppose.
You might as well forget about going on this site ever again. It will not happen. What did you expect from The Way International? Openness? Real truth? Answers to questions? Ha! John's experiment lasted a while but its over. This site will be closed forever to anyone who is not an active member of The Way. Frankly I am surprised it even opened at all to anone else. Don't waste you time registering or emailing John because you will be ignored in much the same way you are ignored by TWI in all other ways. Get it through your head.....they do NOT want you or your comments. Probably never will. John Richeson Tampa Bay, FL - home of Yophotoman (Formerly in Yophotoman's branch area here) Kicked out in 2000 for speaking up too much. PS - Disagree or agree all you want but its his site and he has every right to do with it what he wants.
Well one night some of us "lewd fellows of the baser sort" (along with a couple of likeminded females of the baser sort, one of which posts on this forum once in a while :D-->) just had to get the hell outta there and go have a few beers. Those few beers led to an all nighter of partying, laughter, dancing and pitcher upon pitcher of that lousy 3.2 beer from one place to another. As daybreak approached we knew we were toast if caught. What to do! In true stealth mode and headlights off we parked a good distance away and snuck back onto campus, stifling our laughter and "sushing" each other. We couldn't go into our dorms for fear of getting caught and were in no condition to split up at that point. We somehow staggered our way to the top floor of the Anderson Library. It wasn't long before the crowds began walking past the library on their way to breakfast. One by one we went downstairs and went right out the main doors of the library as if we had gotten up early to study God's Word. We blended in with the masses passing by on the sidewalk. It was ONE of the most hilarious and enjoyable nights I ever had in the Corps. (Recommended for Advanced Class "Special" grads only :D-->). Here is here we were. Someone here may remember that night. Ha! :D--> :D-->
Hey, HCW or any others who may want your L.E.A.D. story in a PDF document (without any comments), I took the liberty. Click here to download it. In this format you can share it on any computer or email it to others. LEAD ACCIDENT STORY Thanks, John R.
Hey, HCW or any others who may want your L.E.A.D. story in a PDF document (without any comments), I took the liberty. Click here to download it. In this format you can share it on any computer or email it to others. LEAD ACCIDENT STORY Thanks, John R. Tampa, FL
So you have an external hard drive I take it, correct? Is it USB? I am sure it is, correct? And you say when you plug in your external USB hard drive into your oldie to copy data, the external drive is not being recognized? Is that right so far? Well that could be a number of things especially if the oldie is Windoze 98. I think your easiest thing is to just do CD's if you are already familiar with that process. But if it were me, I would network the 2 computers together and take it from there, copy one to another across the network. But that technique is too much to go into here. Just be sure to keep that other computer and its hard drive intact until you get through this and get all your data over. However, those external hard drives are nice to have for backups.
One couple we know here lied and said their house was a rental when in reality they had purchased it. They were busted and were kicked out. Another friend of mine here and his wife bought a house, moved in and had her parents put the mortgage in their name. They worked out an elaborate "rent with option to buy" contract, wherin the "renters" paid 100% of the mortgage and that 100% of that payment was accounted for them towards the pay-down of the mortgage. The "renters" would own the house when it was paid for. The "renters also paid 100% of all upkeep. My friends did all this to comply with TWI's mandates. It was acceptable with leadership because the mortgage was not technically in their name. Absurd! Of course the minute they left TWI they put the mortgage in their name and continued with their usual payments. An older married couple here was in our fellowship. The wife attended fellowships faithfully. The husband did not come to anything in TWI but he did not mind her going. He was a grad but did not stick with it. She did. They bought a new car on credit and the wife was confronted about why did she accrue that debt. (She was hoping they would not ask but her daughter ratted her out.) She went home had her husband put the loan in his name only. Upon showing this to leadership it was acceptable because the debt was not in her name. She was in compliance. More absurdity! These are only a FEW of the twisted stories. I am sure there are many others. I am sure there was also a lot of information which was hidden from the "inquisitors".
Skyrider, I reacted to the legalism in an even more direct manner when leadership here began inquiring about my debt(s). I lied. :D--> It was my way of reataliating I suppose. How dare they ask questions regarding our finances? What does that have to do with The Way and bible fellowships. When they began this absurd thinking pattern I had 5 houses at the time, all rented out. They never knew and I never told. I had them for years and all were profitable. I just didn't have the energy to try and convince them of their insanity, and knew if I even tried I would have been released or put out of the household unless I sold those properties. (Galen, we are talking TWI II & III here. These problems did not exist in TWI I). When pressed, I told them my only debt was my primary residence and that it was all but paid for. (another lie). Yet they still argued that I was being stubborn in not paying off my primary residence because they knew I had the means to do so. True. But I lied again and said the funds were "tied up in the stock market at this time." :D--> They did not like it at all. Bob Moneyhand even called us "foolish" in the context of that verse, "Oh foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you?" I am sorry for those who were honest and had more integrity than I. They were better men and women than me, but indeed some have suffered consequences and financial losses that can not be regained! Some DID sell their American Dream home(s) to get out of debt, some moved, others to this day did not buy a house against their hearts true wishes. They have watched as that same house has doubled in value or MORE in some areas. They way I see it, untold financial losses have happened to the collective masses of believers who succumbed to the famous no debt policies in TWI. After much analysis of this and having been exposed to it first hand, it is my personal opinion that the reason for the push to have all believers to be completely debt free is simple. Because they would then be able to give more money to TWI. End of story. PS - It had a reverse effect...... those inexperienced dummies!
Skyrider I agree! (This post is too damn long. Skip thru it if ur in a hurry). As a computer hobbyist (nerd) since the early 80's, I have enjoyed watching this all develop at a snails pace and then rapidly. I've been on the Internet since 14k? (I think it was) dial-up modems. I also remember when there was very little (and slow) Internet connectivity to certain sites and email was not used very much at all except in corporations. Even Microsoft did not pay much attention at first. The phenomenon of The Internet began to take hold, to grow exponentially. Computers got faster and faster to the point that the weak link of the whole computer was the darn 56k modems. Dial-up still hindered the real usefulness of it somewhat. (No offense to you that still use it or are forced to.) Along came BROADBAND!!! - though it cost $60 a month at first around here (we were one of the early test beds for Road Runner) I knew a huge breakthrough was about to happen. This thing was fast! And always on. A revolution was beginning because now it was getting practical to the level of the everyday user. Trying to communicate the awesome usefulness of the growing phenomenon of the Internet, email connectivity, chat technology and personal websites to my TWI leaders was like talking to a brick wall. It was worldly, who needs it? Its devilish. What happened to writing a personal letter? We're not going on the Internet. What's the profit? Were they afraid of this growing power? Personally, I believe so. It was beyond their control, and they LOVED control. Their purposeful ignorance was a big mistake. Paul Allxn said it best. They were technophobes. To this day, In my opinion they are still waaaay behind and in my opinion it is too late to salvage their wreckage. Do a Google search on The Way International. That pretty much tells the whole story. Today people all over have high speeed, instant connectivity to one another all over the world. As I have said before, it is a breeze to get kicked out or leave TWI today. No big deal. Go home and go right online and find more fellowship here that we had in TWI. And many "offshoots" and awesome church groups to choose from if that is what you need and want. The choices are fantastic. TWI is fading in the brilliant light of other great christian organizations that are simply better in every way. In my opinion it is time for them to quit. It is the end of an era. They will NOT recover in their current format, as I see it. The Internet is still changing and revolutionizing the entire world, yet only a fraction of the world's population has this luxury at the moment. As it gets into the hands of the common man in some of these third world countries, they, too will be able to freely and anonynmously expose hidden evils and quietly bring about change for the better. Sound familiar?
Wayfer Not - obviously this affected you and hurt you even after all these years. I am not sure if people know the depth of pain and hurt some experienced. It was even worse in the latter years which some refer to as TWI II. The rejections were fierce as I saw it. Several ex-TWI reverands, ex-limb leaders, committed Corps people I have spoken to used phrases like "worse than a divorce" and "devastating" and one simply said "John it was horrible, worst thing that has ever happened to me". I am not talking about recent years as much as the times before email, NO internet, NO forums, no easy or fast way to re-connect at the most critical time when that heart needed some relief from the pain. Your best friends..... gone Your ministry that you once loved.... gone Your daily fellowship and social life.... gone. For some, their job.......gone. For some even a spouse..... gone. It didn't need to be that way. It could have been handled with love and respect and dignity and follow up. I am truly glad I did not treat anyone like that during those years. If I did I would be seeking them out to apologize.
HCW - send me thos pictures or even those negatives and I will return the originals to you along with a cd with the imnages burned on it. And I'll be glad to post her picture here or elsewhere for you. I am sorry this thread contained some dumbass posts from some mean, miserable people. Did you save copies of all your posts, all your writings about this incident and about Rochelle? If so, send it to me in a Word or Notepad document and I will piece it together for you in a web page document that can be posted in its entirety if you would like. Just an idea. I am reachable and in the book. John Richeson Tampa, FL (not New Jersey :D-->)
When some of us signed up for it long ago there was no one that said this is a "lifetime of christian service" and that you would always be subject to go where TWI desired to send you and in whatever capacity. It was as absurd to think that as it would have been for you to think that once you graduated WOW you would forever be a "WOW-Vet" and with that comes a lifetime of WOW-Vetting as directed by TWI. As you pointed out, Skyrider, this evolved. Many of us thought you do your three year (not four year)program, and then you graduate, at which point your are qualified to be a twig or branch leader, going where YOU felt there was a concern, interest or need. It was a big world and the Word was far from being "over" it. Quote from LCM when we were in res: "Not all of you can be branch leaders or Limb leaders. Some of you ought to go out there and start businesses or go to college!!" Some of us did, thank you very much. But it evolved from that into.....go full time and give your life to The Way Corps!... and be under our direction day and night. And if you don't then you are not Corps. You are drop kicked out with no reasonable explanation or comfort or reassurance. Most of the time with not even a thank you. Notwithstanding the full-time Corps fiasco failed miserably as was discussed on another thread. Yes, a fine example of the slow process of LEGALISM forming at a snails pace year after year, right before our blinded eyes. And we all silently wondered why we were not truly happy with our lives.
Being kicked out of the Corps was devastating to most. Overnight all your friends and your environment of commitment was gone. Add to that the circumstances of this story and it is a tradgedy. Back then there was no Internet forum to share on, no way to stay in touch except by snail mail or once a year at the ROA. God bless Rochelle and her brother AL wherever he may be.
Yeah, Belle. I was one of the ones who spent the night in the room sleeping on a cot "guarding the room". Brooks and Giles idea for me to do so. They were "funny in the head", as was I for being there at all. I suppose I was conditioned.
Wow, that's very informative and very technical. Also useful. These people seem to really dig deep to find these exploits. Seems most of the vulnerabilities are of course, in IE. Mozilla is gaining in popularity by leaps and bounds, I read. Thanks
Well, I think this post from yet ANOTHER of the many women Satori has ....ed off over the years says it best. From November 2001: "Dear Little Man with Big Words....Bite Me!" I laughed for a week. :D--> :D-->