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Everything posted by igotout
She reminded me of my mother. She has lived a good and happy life for the most part and a long one too. Helped a lot of people in her own quiet way. Ted that was a good gift. It is my understanding that she has requested to be buried next to her husband, as it should be.
It has been said that the "WayGB", as they were nicknamed, has spied on people. Others have posted stories of their privacy being invaded. How does TWI know that others are not spying on them? About The Way If they weren't so mean all these years they wouldn't have so many enemies today.
Rascal, Furthermore, I believe it is a disgrace that some have chosen to stay with TWI at this point. It is as if they are and have been condoning all the evils you speak of. At this point they know better. Personally I would hate to be one of those men or women with absolutely no guts and no courage. I call them cowards. Some of them will go to their grave as cowards who stood for nothing and SUPPORTED evil. Few will attend their funerals I bet. What a LESS than abundant life! John Richeson Tampa, FL Former 7th Corps grad
I like CFF. Or should I say I like the people in CFF. I try to go to the Family reunion each year as long as they will have me but I do not attend much else. I usualy have a lot of fun and always seem run into a friend or two I haven's seen in decades. For whatever reason it seems to be the most successful of the __________ (insert your own term here). Some day at this rate they will be larger than TWI. I think their success is due to a growing number of young people and teens in it. But I think they are soon going to need new, more youthful and dynamic leadership. John & Wayne can't do it forever. They are getting a little old to front it in my opinion. But at least they are kind and welcome anyone, unlike some groups.
Skyrider, amazing how much can happen in 5 short years! 5 years have passed...... since we were kicked out for among other things suggesting that LCM be relieved of being president. (It happened a few months after we wrote to Rosalie.) 5 years have passed ..... and best I can tell TWI's numbers have since been reduced by 50%. 5 years have passed........ and real estate has skyrocketed, leaving behind those who fell for the " own no man anythng, except to ABS" line of logic. Millions $ have been lost in potential equity. 5 years have passed........ and we have never experienced as much blessings and prosperity since being kicked out. And a lot less to worry about. What will the next 5 years bring? Each man has to decide where he is headed in life. It is so short. Why waste it in a cornfield somewhere! Good to hear from you again! Love to the family. John Richeson Tampa, FL
Using FIOS at two locations now. It is undoubtedly faster than DSL and I only have t 5mbps. It's like connecting across a LAN. I like it. Paw do you need special cable to cennect between a Gigabit card or onboard to a Gigabit Router? CAT6??? or somethng like that? Is that cable a bottleneck between the two?
Sounds awesome. I could have used a portable one like that at this years family reunion. (That's Richeson Family Reunion). My many brothers and sisters usually have pictures galore they need scanned.
I like the Epson models of scanners. Good reviews. Have you noticed that scanners are not being used much anymore? Digital cameras have changed a lot of things. But scanners are great when you really need one.
1974 on the WOW field in Erie, PA a CORPS WOW Rover sent directly from HQ, name was Wayne??? of the Family Corps. He was known to run twig fellowship meetings all night, until day break. Seriously! I was in one of those cultish nightmares. We finished up at around 6am. I had to go to work at 7:30. He also tried and failed to heal Richard C*** of his blindness in front of the whole branch, even though Richard was not seeking healing at that time. He was so embarrassed as he was singled out and had to stand up. He also slept around while roving, even though his wife was with him. Several red flags, yet I stayed for 26 more years! Dumb me.
Hey Belle, I was at both those meetings and I remember his dumbass tirade about the binders. He was such an foot. I actually felt embarrassed for him. He seemed to me to be a miserable person who has wasted many of his prime years on ...... nothingness. Insanity comes to mind when I think of some of those old geezers like Moneyhands and Brooks who have committed their whole being to TWI, missing out on golden opportunities elsewhere.
I have downloaded and burned a few full length DVD's and also copied a few rented DVD's just to experiment with technologies and see if my burner works properly, etc. (Of course I destroyed the copies :)-->) I had no trouble making a copy that looks and sounds as good as the original, best I can tell. But after my brief experience I do not think Hollywood has to worry too much just yet. After trying it, we found that as cheap as DVD movies are these days, we would rather just go buy the dumb thing and get an excellent copy complete with packaging, notes, pictures, etc. and save all the hassle of the burning process. As the Internet hits more impoverished nations I think you could have a lot of pirating. But they are too poor to buy it anyway. It will be interesting to see how all this plays out in history. I see kids buying CD's when they really like one. Not that expensive i the greater scheme of things. Could downloading MP3's be losing its appeal?
I am sure there are other ways to do this but the one that I like is no-ip.com www.no-ip.com For this to work you have to have a small program running in the background (as a service) which constantly monitors your dynamic IP and updates it at their servers to give you your unchanging IP address in the form of something like johnathome.no-ip.com I use a static IP address for PC Anywhere access between computers and to be able to listen to our entire MP3 music collection from any computer in the world with an Internet connection (and speakers of course). I suppose you could also host your own website with this little program in action. Any comments?
Pawtucket, I thought I would try it out for a while before upgrading to the 15/2. I am headed in that direction I am sure. What do they do, take a monkey wrench out there and open up the pipe a little bit wider? Ha. For $50 that's a good deal. Same price I paid to get Road Runner initially in 1998. Do you suppose there is stil a bottleneck with the cat5 or router? I supppose even the network card itself could be a bottleneck between the pure fiber optic signal and the screen.
I do not like wireless period. I use it when I have to but we all know how flaky it is at times. That being said I think it is the hot technology of the future, at least according to some IBM neighbors I have. I think in the future we will have lightening fast wirless anywhere you go nation wide, even in cars and planes, kinda like cell phones. Can you hear me now?
I switched from DSL to Verizon's high speed Fiber Optic Internet service which gives me up to 5Mbps. Same price. And for $10 more a month you can have up to 15Mbps. And for $200 a month you can have 30Mbps!! FIOS It is definitely faster than my previous DSL connection, but I am not sure of the exact speed. I do not rely on those speed tests. I like to just use it and see what it is like in a normal day to day environment. Every user has reported that it is noticeably faster than DSL. When you click on a site it is almost instant. Downloading of files is fast too. I hear Road Runner has gotten faster too lately but I do not like the shared bandwidth with my neighbors. One thing I definitely like about FIOS. No more modem! It is hooked up on the outside of the house. From there they install an ethernet wall jack inside. So Cat 5 cable goes from your wall directly to your router, no modem in between. They give you a crappy Linksys non-wireless 4 port router too but I just used my own and it works fine. It also requires power, plugged into an electrical outlet, because it somehow contains a battery backup. Not sure why a battery back up is needed but it's part of the install. There is still copper involved through the Cat 5 cable and I think the router itself is a bottleneck as well. Not sure about all that. Nevertheless it seems pretty fast. We sure have come a long way from dial up! Anyone else using it yet?
No, we usually sneaked out and went to Sonic for burgers and fries on those days. :D-->
I, too, had tremendous fun in the 7th Corps. But I think part of it was because some of us did not follow the expectations of the program in detail as outlined. In other words we were rebellious not "religious", which made for great fun in that environment. I had a wide variety of experiences, some good, some bad. Got to make friends with people from all over the world, got to do things such as LEAD, hitchiking, organinc farming, digging ditches for slaves wages, ROA, roast a pig, sleep at the Sidney Mansion, eat 3 meals a day with hundreds of the same people, listen to maniacal lunch time rantings, etc, etc. It was a unique experience and one which I do not regret. But again, those who were more honest than me and really, really adhered to the letter of the program, I think, were more miserable in some ways over time. It was almost like if you were a bit corrupt and rebellious and even dishonest (for example aerobics points, budget books, etc) you had more fun, especially The Way Corps. Probably shouldn't have been that way but it was. 7th Corps site
Rico's Debt Teaching to WC - Transcription/sort of
igotout replied to Belle's topic in About The Way
Its all so lame. Words, words, words, but no real concrete and solid solutions. Do not heed their financial advice. In my opinion TWI has cost the believers MILLIONS in lost equity due to this obsessive preoccupation with debt. In the last few years I was in it was STRICTLY enforced to be out of all debt. We were confronted regularly about our so called "debt" and what we were going to do about paying it off. They were referring to our real estate debt. I knew better than to listen to or obey their lame foot logic. It just did not fit with reality. We quietly refused to pay off our mortgages even though we could have easily done so. Their advice of course was to liquidate. If I had done that I calculate that I would have lost over $200,000 because of the ensuing real estate boom. The money was invested elsewhere. By refusing to obey their twisted logic, those investments have generated enough that now we are debt free. But we gained a bundle doing it the right way. BY USING DEBT WISELY. They are just soooooo dumb when it comes to finances. What they should have been teaching instead was that everyone should go IN real estate debt as fast as possible and get a mortgage that was within their means. This would have been 6 or 7 years ago. If they had told eveyone to go in debt there would now be millions in excess equity at the hands of thousands of thankful household believers, eager to share their 10%. The only thing they got right was credit card debt which is a no, no. Any idiot knows that. They screwed up bad and gave bad financial advice. There is no getting around it. If you want Bible stuff to back it up just read the parable of the talents. They should have been teaching that instead of 28 pages of THEIR WORD. -
Wouldn't it have been nice to have gone in manageable debt to purchase your dream home just at the very time when they were telling you "No Way!" It would have nearly doubled in value by now. You may have lost tens of thousands if not a hundred thousand or more in some areas by obeying that false and unbiblical logic. I thought Christians Should Be Prosperous??? John R. Tampa, FL
Ha, ha. :D--> Mike that is so funny. Thanks for making me laugh. Wonder if they will ask you to close it down? I also like you email address domain name pat@twisucks.com :D-->
Just out of curiosity, who are the current region leaders?
igotout replied to Steve!'s topic in About The Way
Goey, and with today's technology it could all be effectively run with just a handful of capable managers, no doubt, each armed with a Dell Pentium 4 and some basic knowledge of the Web. But technophobia seems to be the norm in the very fabric of TWI. Wasn't until recent years that they started drifting away from Howard's advice that the "fax machine was the greatest invention ever!" and began using cheap Juno email. (Doubt if Howard cares for email.) I think they may still be fawning over their phone system that they researched for several years before making a decision. Ha, ha, Ha, Gawd, they are so behind, in sooo many ways.... .....because the top leaders have no clue. -
Wow that's quite an upgrade Jim. I use Server 2003 in a small business environment. It is one I "made" piece by piece from scratch about a year and a half ago. Click here to see a picture of it. Server 2003 Custom Made Computer But honestly, if I had it to do over again I would just use XP Professional as the server. Unless it is a big, big company with lots of users which we are not. 2003 is too proprietary. For example some simple applications will not work on it. Software makers when writing their products do not think in terms of Server 2003 necessarily. No market for it. Same with hardware. For example ATI said their graphics cards are not supported on Server 2003. (Yet they work if you configure it correctly). You are limited, and have to do a lot of configuring of things to get it to work correctly as XP does right out of the box. Here is an invaluable article for you. Have fun. http://www.msfn.org/win2k3/
Just out of curiosity, who are the current region leaders?
igotout replied to Steve!'s topic in About The Way
Well, to me it looks like a plan for these "workers" to take care of the assests of a wealthy 501c corporation largely controlled by one elderly woman for the next 5 years. And for very meager pay. Doesn't sound like much fun. Thank God I didn't fall for that when I had the chance years ago. Some need to get out now before it is too late. They WILL have regrets if they do not act soon. John R. PS - Belle (and Skyrider if you are reading), by now I am sure our friends Paul & Pxhyl G would have easily made that list as one of the RC's....it was in their past plans obviously. But things seem to have changed for them. THey are not nearly as ambitious as in previous years. Quite the contrary! Whey do some wait until they are in their 50's to wake up. Ha! And they used to yell at me for being spiritually unaware, spirit of slumber, etc. In hindsight I do not think I was the one who was fooled. Now they are playing "catch up" and working their buns off to do so. Not sure if they ever will. Meanwhile I'm ready to "retire" in a couple years. -
Just out of curiosity, who are the current region leaders?
igotout replied to Steve!'s topic in About The Way
Hmmmm, Belle, yeah I do not see Joseph & Paula listed anywhere. They need to get honest with themselves and come home before they are old a gray and lost. Maybe they are starting to wise up. Heck their home in O that they sold to go "full time" has surely doubled in value as you would know. And that's not to mention where they would be in their careers and Joe in his business by now. We all make mistakes and I still love them, but IMO they made a big one there. Think about it....what did some of the other "leaders" on that list give up to take on a new assignment? For example, Moneyhands? Not much at all. Yet Joe & Paula sacrificed much and uprooted their family, etc., ..... and for what? John Richeson Tampa, FL for 26 years -
And Belle, lets not forget another aspect that I think is overlooked sometimes. Some of them are just damn lazy and unproductive. They think just because they are "busy" all the time they are not lazy. But they ARE still lazy and in a muddy rut. You know the type. There are people like that in all walks of life who never amount to much and who never really produce much "fruit". That's ok if a person wants to be that way. But I think it is a waste of one's life.