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Everything posted by igotout
Yeah, her email address which is also listed on this site will surely be read by her.
The eye sounds like spyware (malware), the biggest problem plaguing computers today all over the world. THe IP address question just go to Google: Google site Why do you want to change you IP address?
Rosalie lives off grounds here in this manicured house and property minutes away from the OSC building and just minutes away from Mrs. W's Memorial service. She should have been there. The reasons why have been talked about in the above posts.
Nice try Temple Lady. And I am sure you have good thoughts and are a good person. But if you were in TWI 2 to see the VICIOUS disregard for good human beings and their lives you would understand that this is probably not the case. We know of a grown daughter in TWI who did not attend her own Daddy's funeral or visit him in the hospital because he was no longer in the Way and she was. Furthermore, he was a good man who had raised her with love and care. He left her a note on his death bed saying he understood. Later when she left the Way she was heartbroken that she had such a cult-like mentality. No, this goes deep into the depths of hatefulness and viciousness towards good people in my opinion. It is EXACTLY as Skyrider describes it. To use one of their own phrases, some of us "know that we know, that we know."
So that's where the ex - Reverend Barb Lally is hiding out. I heard they were mean as hell to believers for a long time. They supported LCM in all his legalism then quietly disappeared into the night with not so much as a goodbye or an "I'm sorry" and have not been heard from since. I have no respect for that kind of selfish person. And that is the kindest way I know to say it. The dozens who were mistreated and kicked out will have harsher words I am sure. To me that is a cowards way out. no phone numbers please
Sounds fishy to me. Are you sure it is not a Private Eye? :D--> Just Google your question. These days it is the fastest source of help, the miracle of Google.
Skyrider and others, well said. The facts speak for themselves. It is obvious. I do not know how they sleep at night. They suck! I am sure not many will be interested in attending their funerals, not even some of their own kids. Some of their tombstones should say "Good Riddance"
It allows you to stream mp3's and WMA's not share them. Otherwise they would be shut down fast due to illegal music file sharing and copyright issues. If you want to allow downloads of those file types, you must zip or rename them. Alternatively, you can convert them to any other format.
Of course they conveniently leave out the fact that her memorial service and visitation is this weekend is St. Mary's open to everyone. Seems very self- righteous and cult like. The way I see it they have not changed ONE BIT. Still hardened and calloused towards their fellow man in my opinion. This seems to be is a direct snub of the entire Wierwille family and freinds. But then again, what do you expect? In my 25 year experience this has been the case. They are faithful in carrying out their traditions. Also not even the slightest mention of Katrina. Most every Christian or charitable group acknowledges and mentions it on their sites and reach out in some way. Judging from thier site they do not appear to care one bit. How boring to have that "Dead Sea" constipation.
I gave a few to family members who didn't even have a computer, never owned one. But the hassle is hardly worth it shipping to another state, etc. Our schools wouldn't even take them. Heck you can find used computers like that in traders and other local classifieds for dirt. I saw one for $50.
WB, I would never sell you one. But I would give you one if I had an extra. CM I threw away a pentium 3 box last year with windows 2000 on it. To me it was worthless (except the monitor). And no, I believe the LEAST a person should be running with today is Pentium 4 (or equivalent AMD) with XP. When my friends or neighbors ask me to help them I do not do it if they have '98 and old crappy hardware. I help them upgrade first. Then I can help. Why? Because I just do not have the time it takes to handle that old stuff and those ancient annoyances, as this is something I do in my spare time as a hobby. But that is just my opinion and viewpoint. Millions are not there yet. Some, I think, are better off without a computer at all. I know several teens who do not care for them anymore. They would rather just use their cells. And for gaming they like Xbox and things like that. And some young people are revisiting using turntables and vinyl records. Interesting isn't it?
XP and P4 should be a minimum starting point for anyone these days in my opinion. Unless a few hunderd dollars is an obstacle. Ditch your old crappy hardware and OS. BTW Office 2003 is the best. But lets not start with software. One has to get to first base before he can go further. I think it is ill advice to tell someone to stick with WIndows 98. Unless their budget is down to the the hundreds of dollars that they can not afford. But I would still find a way.
WB if you keep yur monitor you may be able to get something from Dell for less than $900. Check their site. In fat I think you could get something fairly nice for $900. Get at least 512mb of ram and get a graphics card that is at least 128mb and get a hard drive that is SATA. All else is not that important for a budget, budget computer that will still have some good power and performance. Stay away from brands you are not sure about. Get a high speed Internet connection if it is within budget, and do not use AOL unless you think you need it for some reason. Whatever you get will be heads and shoulders above your current system. You'll wonder how you got along without it before. Check in here and I will help you with the transition betwen old and new.
Cost is a factor in some cases I know. But think of it as an investment. Your time is valuable. The time and aggravation you will save is worth it and in my opinion will save you money in the long run. CM, yes I have already saved a couple of my "old" computers that are Pentium 4's. Forget anything less than a Pentium 4, except to use it as a doorstop. And keep in mind the gaming kids need a more powerful computer than the boring stuff us parents do. Xbox and the Internet will indeed be faster with an upgraded computer with a decent graphics card. What kind of graphics card is in that old Win 98 system? What kind of memory and how much? What speed hard drive? It is not the size of the drive that matters as much as the speed. Drives from that era are ancient as were the motherboards. Yet I remember paying on average $2,000 for the hot new pentium 3's computers back then. I am sure millions still have them but that doesn't change the fact that they are seriously outdated today.
WB, aside from all the good tips WW is giving you, which are good ones, the best thing you can do for yourself is ditch that computer and Windows 98. Its prehistoric. XP is sooo much better and todays associated hardware is miles ahead of yours and cheap as dirt. I am not sure why anyone would NOT do that. Less headaches, better performance.
I have not used dial up for 7 years but from what I recall it is going to be lousy for any kind of streaming although it will work. But streaming TV I would guess that it would not work very well at all. Unfortunately even in this great country some areas are still stuck with dial up. Bt someday it will all change. The faster broadband connection you have the better for things like this.
Here is a link to all my music collection (thousands of MP3's), all my photos (several thousand, all my videos and even recorded TV programs. I can listen, view and watch from any internet-connected computer in the world. It even allows me to create playlists and watch designated slide shows of my photos. Orb (Watching your personal home TV on the Internet is in its infancy now but in years to come I think it will be prevalent.) So if you want to allow me to listen to your Music collection to see what I missed while in TWI you will need to give me access. If lots and lots of people are given access to listen to your music you will need a fast file server (computer) and fast Internet connection for all that bandwidth to stream across to multiple locations. Likewise if you want access to listen and watch content on my computer I would have to give you specific access. Sun used to say "The internet is the Computer". I think they were right. It is getting that way with faster conections and wireless. *By the way I can easily save the pictures I view as actual copies of the jpegs. But you will not be abe to copy those MP3's you listen to. That would be illegal and Orb would be sued and shut down quick. If you are talking about allowing your MP3 files to be downloaded and shared by others, that is possible but again illegal and there is risk of a lawsuit. You could always post a LIST of your MP3's in your thread for discussion.
I should read here more often. Here you go, for anyone who is interested. 7th Corps Website John Richeson Tampa, FL
Yeah, finished but had lots of problems with brand new hard drive corruptions. Haven't had tme to post much about it or deal with it because of being so busy at work this season. Will post pictures soon, now that I have the problems solved and found out the cause. Dream Machines look great and have lots of toys but in real life, day to day usage they can become Nightmare Machines if components do not play well together.
So lets be clear. You are saying that the installation of an AOL CD (which has magnets in the case) caused your friends computer to receive loads of viruses. Therefore you call it Virus Central? Well I doubt that is true. But I have heard that it is possible to receive viruses as soon as you connect to the Internet if it is high speed although this was in times past. I think the prevalence of viruses has slowed. Not real sure. But I seriously doubt AOL had anythng to do with it. In fact I have heard they do a pretty good job of blocking both spam and viruses. As much as I would NEVER install AOL on my computer, I think AOL 9 can be useful for some families who want excellent parental control over what their youngsters can access on the Internet. I asked what the hell you were talking about because sometimes I do not know what the hell I am talking about and I just need a little clarification. It seemed incredible and still does. :D--> Take no offense. Let me know if your friend has further virus probs and if they seem AOL related.
No wonder they are being sued by Mr. Peeler for millions due to their financial improprieties. They need to be held responisble to the fullest extent of the law. And in some ways I believe they could be PERSONALLY LIABLE for damages they have caused. PERSONALLY LIABLE. It is not out of the question in todays agressive legal environment. Just look at what has happened to some of the men and women in corporations who were involved in financial scandals. I hope those who are in or who WERE in top leadership positions have no personal assets that could be at risk. Personally I would not want the risk of being in any top positions with TWI. If it were me I would quietly and quickly disassociate myself from the whole mess kind of like the Lally's, Licht's, Mosqueda's, Panarello's, Skyrider, and many others have done. There is more peace of mind in leaving than staying in my opinion.
Are you talking about the ubiquitous AOL Cd's? But they do not contain magnets or viruses that I am aware of. I am not aware of any ISP offerings that contain viruses. That would be all over the Internet if so. Haven't heard about that at all. What is the NAME of the product(s) you are speaking of? And I mentioned magnets because I have always been under the impression that magnets can corrupt data. I know a big one can on a hard drive but I am not sure about a CD. I would think so. Why would there be a magnet in a cd case anyway?
Oh, and another curious observation about their site. I do not see ANY links to any other sites or Christian organizations or bookstore or material, recommended reading or even anything else remotely Christian. That fact speaks loudly. I doubt you ever will see any. Beware of anyone who is so closed minded.
Hi Royal Gorge. How's the family. Will be in O next weekend. They WANT to stay small. Ha! How boring! They will indeed get their wish. As the old farts die off or get shipped off to alzheimers units or rest homes I do not believe there will be any younger ones to take their place. I can not understand really why ANYONE would waste their time and their life there. Only thing I can think of is no guts, full of fear, stuck in a boring rut or outright laziness.