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Everything posted by AHAT
All our best to you'uns from we'uns in the AHAT family. Myself all the way down to the Boo Boo. Wish I could bee there.
The last time I walked on water, I was mopping my kitchen floor.
(((((((((((Excie)))))))))) and ((((((((David)))))))))))): My condolences to you both. Ex, Check your PT's
last I heard........(at least 6 years ago). He was in the Washington, NC area.
I talked to my construction guy and he said that for the amount of work to be done, he thought that was an excellent price. He also remarked he wouldn't want to do the work himself.
He definitely needs to be at the weenie roast in Oct.
Interesting bit in PARADE magazine today..... Someone asked Walter Scott how along Cruise's gaga infatuation with Katie Holmes would last. His answer: Until he either marries her or admits it was a publicity stunt.
I'll have to decline but I'll be thinking of you guys.
Happy Birthday ((((((Oak))))). Hope to meet the lovely soon-to-be Mrs. Oak soon.
(((((((((((((((Herb)))))))))))))))) I don't remember complaining about any stiff joints at the last weenie roast. Although I have put on a few pounds since then. I'll call soon. :)-->
My dear ((((((((((((((EXCIE)))))))))))))) Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I luv ya peach.
HB Vickles..............Many happy returns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GAWD!!! I really am the red-headed stepchild!!!!
I think it is interesting that others would tell someone to let go of their bitterness when they have yet to walk a mile in that persons shoes. Every person here is at a different stage in their recovery---yes, I said recovery. This site here is a place where we can share our experience, strength and hope. I'm reminded of the time back in 1980 when the Town Aldermen in MA voted not to let Jane Fonda film On Golden Pond there because of her actions during the Viet Nam War. She proceeded to go on national TV and "apologize" so she could get on with her career. Even as a naive 16 year old I saw that there was no repentance and she was just telling them what they wanted to hear. Now that she has become a Christian herself, I have seen true repentance for her past. Not so with TWI. Many people in TWI have suffered varying degrees of hurt at the hands of many of those in "leadership roles"--in the name of God. There has been no acknowledgement of responsibility or wrongdoing by anyone.
Dan, I was in Jeff Houston's family and as far as a mug goes look in the weenie roast roll call thread fer a couple of them there. Memories? HMMMM...........I know we hung around the softball field a lot. Were you part of the group of us that took over the Elvis room at Chuck E. Cheese and were dancing on the tables? I took Kelly to my company christmas party. Boy that was a long time, 2 marriages and 4 kids ago.
Dan, I remember you when I was WOW the same year. I worked at Bojangles that year............haven't eaten there since.
Hey everybody............ Thanks so much for your good wishes. I had a great day. We met my best friend and her girl at Shoneys and we ate til we were full. It was a really great time. My kids all gave me hugs and kisses. I couldn't have asked for more.
In 1982 I was a senior in high school and working in a radiology office. I had just taken the class. There was a boy named Cameron that came in periodically for X-rays. He was about 6 or 7 years old and had cancer. The cancer had stunted his growth so he was very small--about the size of a 4 year old. He was a very sweet boy and I used to take him in the darkroom with me and he would help me develop his films. Right after I took the class, I prayed to God for this little boy that He could heal him somehow. Later that year I left that job and went on the wow field. Fast forward a year or two later and I was sitting at the ROA and listening to a teaching entitled What God Has Done For Me. The gentleman who was teaching was named Dr. Ron Chard (I think). He was sharing how he had seen a patient that was referred to him. He met with the patient and with the parents and said that he believed that the child would be all right because God would take care of him. The parents response was "Finally We've found a Dr. who believes in God too!" A few months after that another patient was referred to him by the same Dr. He said, "I'm sending this patient to you so you can bless him." When asked why he would say that, the other Drs. reply was, "Remember that patient I referred to you a few months ago? Well his parents came back and said that Cameron will be fine because Dr. Chard blessed him. You know what? He is fine." Dr. Chard went on to say that God had healed that boy. I was floored. Here I was, just really experimenting with prayer, and I find out down the road how effective it can be, even for a brand new christian who didn't know anything. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.
I last saw Micahael and MJ at MJ's sisters wedding in Charlotte, NC. That was at least 6 years ago. Michael ran my pfal class in Spokane, WA circa. 1982. At that time Mikes sister and her kids were living with them. I think her name was Kitty Canan?.
HB and many happy returns!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine is Thurs. I'll be 41.
If'n I was there I'd eat all the pineapple on all the pizzas......................YUM
This is soooooo great. I'm so pleased for all of you. My hubby was screamin for a boy until Camille was put in his arms and that was all she wrote. I'm so glad that Mommy and baby are doing fine. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How AWESOME is this?! Congrats to you both. Soooooooooo ya gonna honeymoon at the weenie roast, HMMMMMMM?
Suz, Your maiden name sounds soooo familiar. I have no idea but maybe we have friends in common. Who knows.....................sigh.