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About peahead
- Birthday 02/02/1962
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Your idea will never die if it is real. Think of yourself as a thought in the mind of God. Would God forget you? Can God forget anything? What I am saying is maybe life is reversed from the way we perceive it, your body may be lost but your love is hid in God. If that is true then in reality we are not human per say, we are conscious energy using form for our experience. That would mean our thoughts are more real from Gods point of view than our bodies. If that is the case then your idea if it is real can never be lost even if all the material substance of the universe melts away. peace
Socks, Socks, I use the library and the Job links here in Palm Bay Florida. I don't exactly understand what you are trying to say. Because I think these girls were really up to no good you people have a hissy fit. I don't get it. I am simply stating my opinion I thought that was what this forum was all about. Not one of you has said anything that would lead me to change my opinion. I absolutely agree with this quote All religious establishments are nothing more than the ambitions of idiots with good intentions who think they can do God's job for Him. The Way International is no exception. Evil is at the very core of such things. All religious establishments are nothing more than the ambitions of idiots with good intentions who think they can do God's job for Him. The Way International is no exception. Evil is at the very core of such things."
Abigail, That is great. I couldn't have said it better that is extreme I love extreme. how do I read the rest of his posts?
Dizzydog, You said, “It seems your idea of good is different from mine.” Do you think? Yes my idea of good is completely different from yours as I have pointed out. I do not believe the girls were doing any good. As a matter of fact I think just like I was used to do evil by the Way when I went around telling people about Jesus and running fellowships the girls were being used by their dumb A** parents to keep there stupid ideas alive in their children. If the girls believed they were doing good fine it does not matter because only God knows the truth and there intent means nothing. You are the one who said something about soldiers not me so I simply told you what I think about them by using the present military action in Iraq. A real soldier understands that God must come before country or you are just a murdering thug no matter how much infrastructure you build for the people you don’t kill. Do you think you are competent to define what is good for another human being or even yourself? I do not believe I am. If you are capable of telling me what is good for me to do maybe I should worship you.
Dizzydog, You used a lot of words and definition but you failed to say anything. I think what the solders are doing democratizing the middle east is just plain wrong no matter how many new power plants they build or schools they open. The war is unjustified therefore the people who fight in it are also unjustified and murderers when they kill someone. You said, quote “Did anyone do anything good while they were involved with the way? Then you answered yourself with, “Of course.” That made me dizzy dizzydog, of course I would disagree with you since good is a subjective opinion. God is the only one who can objectively say if what you did in and for the Way was “GOOD” or not. I believe a lot of “GOOD” people are going to find out how all the things they do which they think are beneficial and “GOOD” are in actuality very detrimental. You may be just such an individual.
Belle, If you are arguing it is with yourself not me. I have said from the beginning we disagree. I made the mistake of thinking you had an interest in hearing my opinion since your heart is filled with such goodness and all you know.
I don't believe that, peahead. Maybe you're just too hurt or have been too mistreated to see otherwise. In TWI sometimes I did things because I was told or "strongly suggested" to do things. Other times I did do things just because I wanted to make someone's day, help someone out or just do something nice for no particular reason. I still do nice things just because I want to. There's no motive or expectation on my part when I do those things. When I would go out witnessing in TWI, in the beginning, I did think I was helping people and I was so excited about what I was learning that I shared with people regardless of what TWI wanted. As things began getting more legalistic, I can't say that I really did witness. I would walk around and act like I was, but I wasn't about to bring people into a group that was making me so miserable. I share jokes by e-mail with friends of mine. I like to laugh; I like to make others laugh and I like to share laughs with friends. If you want me to share jokes with you every once in a while, just pt me with your e-mail address. :D--> I don't know what to tell you, but I'm very sorry that you feel there is no altruism in the world. It must be a pretty miserable existence to live like that. Belle, You answered everything in your first sentence. “I don't believe that, Peahead.” People would rather believe fantasies about themselves than the truth that is why churches will always prosper and evil will always be called good and good will be called evil until the end.
Belle, Can you say you were doing “GOOD” when you were in the Way or were you being used by the Way to do evil? I didn't say anything about the goodness in someone’s heart. I don't even know if there is any good in someone else’s heart but I can tell you that there is none in mine.
Al, On this topic I didn’t but I certainly do want to discuss religion that is why I joined G spot.
Washingtonweather, I don’t know why people do what they do only God does, but it is stupid to ignore the possibility that the boy scout helping the elderly is being used by some religion to advance their agenda and that the boy scout himself is not exploiting the elderly but being exploited by Christians. If you were in the way you no doubt went witnessing were you doing good or being exploited willingly to do evil? If anyone bought into the BS you told them and came to your fellowship then you did evil not good and you are deluding yourself if you think otherwise.
Vickles, I am not a fly by night poster. I don’t use my own computer. I use the library computer and can’t get here very often or use it very long. Religion is the problem, both the girls and the people that sued them were wrong. The difference is the girls were acting on their fear in some ridiculous effort to feel right about themselves the lady they wronged was just hiding from her fears. You do know that Jesus is not a Christian and he is never going to be one. The simple truth is, neither God nor His son have a religion and the bible is not a religious book. If people don’t decide to face their fear and find the truth and they keep buying into these stupid religions they will find out that being “GOOD” is determined by God not by some religion or some radio talk show host and after 6000 years of telling people I don’t think God is going to bake them a cake and try to win them over. Parents who teach their children to be religious are raising tomorrow’s evil doers and tormented souls. It really doesn’t matter if its Muslim parents or Christian. But I really don’t want to turn this discussion into a religious debate.
Vickles, We disagree then. I don’t think they were just trying to be nice at all I think they were being religious. This is clearly implied in everything I have heard about the story. Christian fundamentalism is what is wrong with this country and its youth not selfishness at least that is my opinion.
Vickles, You think that what the two girls were doing was a good thing? Instead of baking cookies why didn’t they just go to their room and pray for all their heathen neighbors. God loves um you know the bible tells me so….Ned Flanders must be these girls father.
I feel bad for the 2 girls. They will obviously spend a large portion of their lives trying to crawl out from under all the Christian religious nonsense their parents are teaching them. I hope that other teenage girls aren’t that pathetically religious. “Let’s bake cookies and be nice to our neighbors and give them some” We are going backwards into the dark ages.