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Everything posted by notinKansasanymore

  1. Alphafeline: What part of the Golden State? niKa "Live just, and fear not."
  2. Okay, I just did that. If it works, you can buy me a beer for finding the kiplingest guy in the 9th corps. "Live just, and fear not."
  3. Rock, how was the thingy last night? Ah, Kent and Alexis . . . good luck finding them; they're cool folks. I may have heard somewhere that the Kipmeister was down in Florida, but that could have been decades ago. I always thought he was nice; he was one of the most honest people that I met while in twi. "Live just, and fear not."
  4. Daryl: God bless you, brother. What courage you have. I hope that you are in, or find soon, a sweet relationship; nobody should have to be alone. More power to you. Love, niKa "Live just, and fear not."
  5. I dunno. Could lead to dancing. ;)--> "Live just, and fear not."
  6. P.S. You know, that's odd. That's just what my husband says sometimes. Then, for some reason, he just smiles. Guys are so weird. "Live just, and fear not."
  7. Okay, I just found the keeeee-yuuuuutest pair of strappy RED sandals. I am ready for SPRING! When is it coming, by the way? "Live just, and fear not."
  8. Sorry, Rock; don't sport any tattoos. I did have a toe ring, but the teenager borrowed it . . . you know how that goes. "Live just, and fear not."
  9. Tom, that's better than Strange; that's FANTABULOUS! My absolute best to your Mom, and to you, and to your whole family. Yippee-ing and clapping here, too. :D--> :)--> :D--> :)--> "Live just, and fear not."
  10. Rockamundo, I private topic'd you. "Live just, and fear not."
  11. Oooooooooooooh. I'm so bummed. But here I am, at work today, wearing my OU Sooner sweatshirt and ballcap, lovin' em when they win, and lovin' em when they lose. I just like it SO MUCH BETTER when they win. Thanks, guys. (sound of weeping) :(--> "Live just, and fear not."
  12. It's halftime, and we're down by seven. Ooooooooooooooooooh, I CAN'T STAND THIS! "Live just, and fear not."
  13. I have known a Dweeb, and I have known Simon. Simon, you are no Dweeb. (Did this sound even vaguely like Lloyd Benson's retort to Dan Quayle's suggestion that Quayle was like Kennedy?) "Live just, and fear not."
  14. Two things I'd like to call to your attention for tomorrow: 1) the Mars lander will try to land, and I hope it doesn't crash. 2) the OU Sooners will play for the National Championship, and I hope it doesn't crash. As you were, Sports Fans. "Live just, and fear not."
  15. Still praying for your Moms . . .. "Live just, and fear not."
  16. Tommy, I'm so sorry that there is trouble. I'm thinking of you and your Mom, and praying for you both. love, niKa "Live just, and fear not."
  17. This is cool. My neighbors just had their first baby, a big, healthy son. The dad is a professor of Middle Eastern history, and he met his wife while on his annual tour of that area, about a year and a half ago. She was serving the poor as a Unicef doctor. They're both in their mid thirties, first marriage and first child for both. I just love it when people find one another, and when things actually do work out for them. It's great that there's going to be another really nice person in the world. "Live just, and fear not."
  18. Cooooooooool. Break out the caviar and the champagne! This wallpaper puts me in a PARTY MOOD. Onlookers should not be shocked by dancing. "Live just, and fear not."
  19. Okay, lurkers: that was a JOKE. Meant to be HUMOROUS. niKa made a FUNNY. Well, my husband is still pretty COOL! "Live just, and fear not."
  20. My husband is quite a bit Polish. He's rather godlike; is that what you meant? "Live just, and fear not."
  21. Heee heeeee. I just read a quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger: "Gay marriage is something that should happen between a man and a woman." * Ah, I can feel my understanding opening, like a sunflower to the sun. "Live just, and fear not."
  22. I'll give up . . . no, I don't want to give that up. Okay, how about . . . bullfighting? It's a deal; I will never bullfight again; that hobby is history. But if I ever get to Pamplona, the deal's off. I'll also volunteer to give up eating beef. This means a lot, coming from a Texas-raised kid. I'm thinking about our becoming a fish-only family. What about you? "Live just, and fear not."
  23. This thing says that I need a hobby, but I honestly don't know when I'd find time to do one. Crochet, anyone? Scrapbooking? Yes, they sound nice . . . what are they? "Live just, and fear not."
  24. Hi, everyone! The kids are running around, my Mom is visiting, everything's groovy. Happy Aftermath, everybody! "Live just, and fear not."
  25. Thanks, Excathedra! That was great. Love, niKa "Live just, and fear not."
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