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Everything posted by notinKansasanymore

  1. I enjoy listening to this guy when he is on the PBS evening news. There is another thread on GS, called "If I see another gay couple on TV" or somesuch. When (not if) I see another gay couple on TV, I'm going to say to myself, "There's another couple who've paid too many dues, and spent too much suffering, to put up with it any longer." You know, interracial marriage was only legalized in this country in the 1960's. Women only got the vote in the 1920's. "Separate but Equal" was so recent that many of us can remember "colored" water fountains and segregated schools. Heck, schools in my town weren't desegregated until my eighth grade year. We should not allow our culture to say "If you're not just like me, you can't have what I have." That's not what America is supposed to be about. I agree with those who say that a constitutional ban against gay marriage would be wrong. Our constitution is for freeing people from prejudice and bondage, and not for the institutionalization of prejudice and bondage. "Live just, and fear not."
  2. I need to clean the bottom of the aquarium, but I'm afraid that I'll clean away some of the babies; they're too little to see very easily. Beyond that, they're really ludicrously easy to keep. Amazing Sea Monkeys are the ultimate low-maintenance pet. Not once has even one of them gotten a leash and waved it in my face. Not once has even one of them demanded to sit in my lap as I'm trying to read the newspaper. It's Amazing. "Live just, and fear not."
  3. Too bad! You missed the kids killing another television with squirt guns (peripheral fire during a heated battle; they weren't aiming for the TV) (we won't be hiring THAT babysitter again). It was resurrected with a blowdryer. I had a little talk with my son. "This is the second television you've killed, and you're only seven." Even he saw the point. He's so much like my Dad that it's uncanny. You could have gone to see The Passion of the Christ with us, but we had to buy tickets several days in advance. The theatre was so quiet when we walked in, that I was shocked to look up and find that there were almost no more seats together; it was a sold-out house. E-mail and let me know when you'll be in town the next time, okay? We'd love to see you. "Live just, and fear not."
  4. My husband and I just went to see the film, with our next-door neighbors. I had to leave during the torture scene. I couldn't keep my eyes open during the nails, or the lowering of the cross into the hole. I had known that I didn't want to see this film, because I am an extremely visual person, and I can still see the pictures in my mind from hearing Chip Stansbury teach about these historical events, something like twenty years ago in the BRC. I knew that I couldn't have pictures from this film popping back up in my head for years. I already believe that they could never show the horribleness of the accuracy, not with only an "R" rating. At least the Jesus in this film was still recognizeable as a human being. I like the part about it being Mel Gibson's hands which hammer the nails. He said "Who nailed Jesus to the cross? I did." He is speaking as Joe Everyday Believer. We all did. As other posters have said, I connected very strongly with Mary's suffering, as a mother. I disagree with the poster who said that he or she saw no power in this Christ. I saw power in every look, every glance. To have been able to speak a word and end the torture at any time, but to hang in there because all of the Old Testament prophecies had not yet been fulfilled, is amazing strength of will and power. I cried when the man who helped him carry the cross told him "almost there," and then looked up at the hill with an expression of "I don't know how I'm going to get him up there." I was struck to the core by the man who pierced the side of Jesus, and then knelt in the shower of blood. I loved the "Pieta" at the end. It's a film that many people should and will see, at least once. I don't know how many of them, however, will be able to see it twice. I'm proud of Mel for making it. "Live just, and fear not."
  5. A tiny little truck pulled up, and little sea monkeys in t-shirts unloaded several little blue porta-potties. Something is obviously going on. "Live just, and fear not."
  6. What do you call fifty lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A start. Why don't sharks eat lawyers? Professional courtesy. (These were told to me by a lawyer; coincidentally, the same guy about whom I wrote in the "Atkins Warning" thread in the Open forum.) "Live just, and fear not."
  7. I am about to feed our Amazing Sea Monkeys, and just wanted to share this moment with you. * Okay, done. They're happy little Amazing Sea Monkeys. "Live just, and fear not."
  8. Thanks! We did have a bit of weather, but didn't have to make a run for the basement, or anything. All of the school busses in town were held at the schools, with the children who ride them still in their classrooms, because the district didn't want full busses on the streets in case anything happened. They held all of the children for more than an hour that way, until the cells had passed over. It was kind of serious, but in the end, not. In this area, it can go either way, so it's good to be cautious. Since I pick up my children from school, all it meant for us is that we didn't make our planned trip to Walmart, but came home instead, so as to be nearer the aforementioned basement. "Live just, and fear not."
  9. Just tried to post something that didn't work. Well, okay. Spent the day with 5-year-old girls at the children's activity museum, the Omniplex. Facepaint, waterplay, the Grossology exhibit; you get the idea. Just now getting over it. :)-->
  10. They don't exactly swim around in formation yet, but the little guys have gotten pretty good at stringing chairs in there. I'd say that their needs and their wants are parallel; they need food, and they want to swim around in tiny little circles all day, scooping it out of the water. When all of the food falls down to the bottom, they like to swirl around on the bottom of the tank and toss the food up into the water, where they can filter it with their feathers. I can't tell if any of them have manifested yet, but lately, a small green-and-white striped circus tent has appeared in the tank, and old, nearly broken-down cars are starting to arrive, and park in a field near the tent. What do you think they're up to? "Live just, and fear not."
  11. My little girl got "Amazing Sea Monkeys" for her fifth birthday. I am the official Amazing Sea Monkey Feeder of the household. Every other day, I give them a little bitty scoop of Amazing Sea Monkey food, and they gobble it up. They are dormant until you follow the instructions and tell them "Lazarus, come out." They will live for two years after you wake them, if you feed them every two days and give them more water when it evaporates. I always let the water sit in a cup overnight, so as not to chlorine the little guys. You have to prepare the water for them in the first place, and there is an addiditive in the package for that purpose; this takes twenty-four hours or so, at the beginning of your Amazing Sea Monkey experience. We may be easily amused, but what can I say? We think that they are Amazing. They have little Amazing Sea Monkey Babies from time to time. The whole gang can best be seen if you put their enclosure near a light. I'm not sure about keeping it there fulltime, however, as they need a pretty constant room temperature for optimum health. There are wristwatch-sized containers in which you can take your Amazing Sea Monkeys for a walk, but I always considered those to be kind of cruel. I just leave our Amazing Sea Monkeys alone in their tiny aquarium, feed them, and take them to the light when the children wish to be Amazed. "Live just, and fear not."
  12. I keep checking in to see whether you guys are done with all of the gay jokes. Can you be done, please? --> "Live just, and fear not."
  13. eeeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuu. "Live just, and fear not."
  14. What kind of shoes do bananas wear? Slippers. What kind of shoes do mice wear? Squeakers. :)--> "Live just, and fear not."
  15. Hi, Excathedra! "Live just, and fear not."
  16. Hi, Jardi! "Live just, and fear not."
  17. How do you catch a unique rabbit? You nique up on it. How do you catch a tame rabbit? Tame way. You nique up on it. :)--> "Live just, and fear not."
  18. It's taken me years to get back one thing that I lost at TWI, and I'm only working on it, not cured yet. Seems that my world-view philosophy was severely affected. I became a mini-Nazi. I was influenced very heavily by the following doctrines: Ultra-conservative rigidity of world-view. Hatred and fear of homosexuals, the Roman Catholic church, outright denial of the truth of the holocaust; sexual promiscuity as an accepted practice. Superiority of men over women. Children viewed as an impediment to the freedom a woman should have to serve God, rather than as a blessing from God. Abortion as an accepted practice. Obey the man of God, right or wrong. Never trust a Townie. We are inherently better than everyone else, because we are the only ones in the whole wide world with the absolute truth; everyone else is going to hell, or at least misled, or unsaved, or otherwise not as pleasing to God as (((((me))))). Outright disgust, mistrust, and superiority complex regarding any church, faith, lifestyle, or belief system which wasn't exactly like mine. Sure, I'd like to have my twelve years back. But the most damaging things about TWI were philosophies and prejudices which I carried away with me, and have chiselled out of my heart, psyche, and interpersonal interactions day by day. "Live just, and fear not."
  19. Nine inches of snow! If only the cabin was still there to look picturesque! You are very right about protection for the remaining trees. That much snow is good news, because when it melts, it'll really help the regrowth. "Live just, and fear not."
  20. Thank you. "Live just, and fear not."
  21. The computer's rebuilt, joy to the world. How have you folks been holding up without me? I've missed checking in on you as much as I usually do. You know, just to keep my young people awake. Say, I must be getting old. What was J.J. Martin's wife's name? She was one of my favorite folks, and I can see her face in my mind, but can't bring her name up. I'm frightened, reading of Jim Martin's wife, Ellen's, very recent passing. love, niKa "Live just, and fear not."
  22. Hi, ya'll! So much to read and catch up on, and so little time. Computer at home is still compromised, so I'm at work. Office hours are over, and I'm outta here! I't going to be almost 70 here this afternoon, and I've got a date at the park with my kids. Loved the picture of Trish and Hegotcandles. "Live just, and fear not."
  23. So, are you saying that the knees USED to have navels, but that something cataclysmic happened, something that happened right in the space of that comma, and the knees' navels vanished? Anyway, I thought we were talking KNEES, not FACES. Does this mean that we need a a spin-off of the church of the KneeNavelites? "Live just, and fear not."
  24. Now, Simon, you can squeeze the word all you want to, but you're missing the very jot and tittle of the heart of the matter. It doesn't matter than his knees are boney. What really matters is whether or not his knees have navels. Personally, I don't think that Fellowshipper's knees have navels, and if you think they do, then you'd better just go on over to the First Church of the Navelites, because they will be glad to have you. Oooooooh. You think that you've communicated something to your people, you think that you've revealed something to them, and then they come up with some so-and-so like this. Makes me want to take all of my commentaries and haul them down to the Gehenna, where the fire never ceases . . .. "Live just, and fear not."
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