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Everything posted by Littlehawk
Reikylady,,,perhaps I speeled that wrong,,,forgive me,,,but like you I realized at Steve an Cindy's wedding.....greaespotters are a special breed. People to love and cherish......not just because they are from a relious cult bonding...but because they are for real in terms of humanity. I guess thats what keeps me checking out this website,,,,loved ones seeking out what's right in this crazy world! Who know's....perhaps some real answers will be discovered here someday,,,if not in the doctrinal tribunal in Suzie's kitchen tip's. Or perhaps it might be in the friend finder coming true' or perhaps it could be found out in tha chat room!. As to why I am really here, I guess it's because I still like whatI am doing! Once in my life I didn't feel that way,,,,thats when I departed from the Way.!!
Happy Belated Birthday to ya Donner....Pray yer day was special.....puter been down....thats why I ain't been around, but truly did pray fer ya to have a special day and believe ya did,,,am truly grateful to know ya,,,GodBless!!!
Psalmmy my dear an you too Pat....I gots twenty six acres fer em to run on.....bring on tha cats....me place is sort of like a restin home fer ole' animals....me twenty six year old cat gets along fine around here, and yer always welcome here too! My best wishes fer you an tha cat....hope all works out fer ya......just box up up tha cat an snd it my way if'n ya can't come.....I'll see that its treated better than garfield 1
ckeer.....if'n ya was around in the early 70's......I ran the first pfal class ever ran at the sub base training facility in New London around 73 or 74. I got my dolphins aboard tha USS. Woodrow Wilson SSBN 624 Blue Crew, I am sure Galen can relate.
Hi Krys...reminds me of tha saying,,,,,,dont get above ya raisin! Life really is small when ya take away all the disguises ain't it?
Hapy Birthday Psalmmy ,excuse me pellin......I speel it in Happy Birthday style,,,,,Hope ya had a rootin tootin birthday bash that almost rymes wif pat and I pray he is well too.....Love ya's......appy Birthday gal!
:Long time no greasespot southern comfort wenie ridin together and long time me being here either, but circle city is only a 100 miles from me plae s well! Hope ya had a great birthday, sorry I missed it! Congrats on tha new bread winner, no doubt ya deserved it! I have some AARP aplications,,,,,,,save ya some money on insurace, tha course of all evils. Happy Birthday girl,,,,yer tha best,,,and really its only 100 miles between us! Cory says Happy birthday too and ya can ride his 4 wheeler also, ifn' ya don't like ridin mules 1
Happy Birthday Radar!!!
Suz, great to see yer havin fun! You can call anytime yer in the area, cell will get me most times except late in the pm. Perhaps you need to encourage George to git his pilot's liscense so we can have a Greasespot party in the wild blue yonder, I'll bring plenty of pear juice fer tha flight . I have new teeth now so please bring the peanuts, I like mine still in tha hull, it helps wif rufage fer tha landing jitters one mught acquire after too much pear juice. If ya wanna stop over fer an overnight stay I can acquire front row parking accomadations for vehicles or planes. I live right across tha creek from Knob Creek International Airport. The county recently painte big white lines across the roads to mark deer crossings. They even now have city drinkin water. Hotel accomadations are right across the creek, travel to an fro are means of 4 wheel ATV's or mules, dependin on amount of luggage involved. The luxury suites range in size from school bus to volkswagon and whether knot security is involved; ie dogs,guns, and concrete block foundations. You an Yours are always welcome here ! Littlehawk.
George,,,,,,Ya had me going there fer a minute,,,,,sobbing an all; till I re-read yer post,,,,,You siad Christ Allmighty,,,,I thoguht ya was agnostic,,,,,Glad ya had a happy holiday season so fer! Drop in at me place fer some new years cheers and I promise ya'l have somethin' to remeber !
Valerie....you still look sweet as ever....am glad ya had a great trip to tha Holy Land, I went there several years ago wif me Mom, who is a devout Baptist, and had a great time as well,. Even brought back some Dead Sea water and sand , along wif some miniture wooden camels. I had a great time camel ridin' even tho they are'nt like mules! Great pic's and thanks fer sharing by way of Sudo,,, he makes a mean stew also!
mister P I hate t bust ya bubble on that one, but you should lof n to Walmart's projected bulding sites. The company I work for does the site excavation for future Walmarts. They have targeted K-Mart stores. The last two we have built were adjacent property and needless to say soon aftr the opening Wally World's doors, soon after K-Mart's cosed.
Alot of great insight here. Just add my two cents worth as a single dad on tha grocery shoppin'....I do lots of huntin fer wild game and coupons! The other day I took 80 dollars worth of coupons and cashed them in for double and brought home a big basket of groceries. And I also recommend saving a minimum of 10 percent of yer weekly income for future fun an excitement. Put in an lucrative stock or 401 or whatever excites yer fancy , but save. But day today living requires shopping at discount stores, buying in quantity where feasesable to avoid spoilage, take adavantage of discount resturant meals occasssionally (sometimes its cheaper to eat out- and good fer morale also), take advantage of all discounts,,,,,,,sometimes it requires more than one trip to the same store in one week. Most stores run adds for a week at a time......go everyday for a week and buy the limit each day,,,,,you'll be stocked up fer tha next two months,,,,ya know what I mean! And I might also add,,,,CUT UP ALL CREDIT CARDS! Except fer one, keep one wif no interest rate attached, just in case ya are out of town visiting someone and wanting to rent a car. I know of neary a car rental place that will rent ya a car without one. And another thing I reccomend to anyone getting car repairs or home repairs,,,,,get three estimates,, and don't rely on friends or relatives for advise on either,,, your judgement will most likely be best !!!! HaPPY sAVING!!!!!!!!!
Cindy,,I been so busy lately I don't even know what day it is,,,,,,but wanted to wish ya a Happy Birthday!!!!! And wish ya many more. And T-Cat I pray ya had a fantastic day as well! Birthdays are special days for all, sometimes love ones ferget them, and sometimes proprietors forget them, but one thing fer sure , if'n ya live to see another one then ye BLESSED! Happy Birthday's to Ya!
I'll try waterbuffalo....I am not very puter literate.
Great photo Cowgirl. I seen a sight like that once while in the Navy pratrolling the North Atlantic. Nowadays I see a similar one just over my back ridge coming from the practise firing range at Ft.Knox Army base. Thanks for sharing the picture ,it helps keep my eyes focused on the fact that perhaps there really are spiritual starbursts for us all to enjoy!
Paw , is that Kicking the stall all night like that old favorite country tune of mine, walking tha floor over you?
PS ...Belle,,,,I agree wholeheartdly wif ya's on the family deal,,,,that same poet went onto write : Make new friends, but keep the old, those are silver, these are gold.
Belle,,,,I tought you might find this interesting. I live out in the sticks so to speak, a couple years ago we just went to touchtone push button phones. Soon after this, an add came out in tha local paper and caused me to wonder if'n online datin didnt start way before the puter age. It read: SHM seeks SHW who can sew, cook,harness a mule, bait a crappie hook; and don't mind staying barefoot in the summer and pregnant in the winter. P.S. Must be able to carry firewood. So, I have to tend wif you, profiles have alot to do with,it and Steve I gots to agree wif you too,,,,looks do play a role. Why' after I shaved my beard for the first time in over twenty years an got some new teeth , my boss even gave me a raise in order to pay for my new found date and I to go out. I found her on the internet too of all places. And to think three years ago I could barely turn on the computer. Belle" I wish you and all best of luck in tha cyber datin scene, listen to ya heart. And like a poet once said : And new-made friendships- like new wine, age must mellow and refine. Littlehawk....ya friendly tour guide to tha bourbin regions of tha bluegrass!
An Paw or whoeveer thinks up them greeat names.......I apologize fer being irrregular.....I been busy wif tha mules. I am gona have to keep abreast thos I can see. Love ya's!
I,m a thinkin ya needs to bring a fiddle down next to Knob Creek an do some pukin' an pluckin wif' tha kido an I .
Weenie Roast Roll Call & Post-Roast Thoughts & Pictures
Littlehawk replied to Oakspear's topic in Open
Tom yer sharp.....I missed that,,,,,I thought I had taught all weenie roasters the art of fire startin by now! -
So where do ya'll eat breakfast Garth?
And that in my opinion is better than not feeling it all!
Wif our spiritual upbringing we should all feel like prophets,,,,,perhaps Socket is just feeling it more than most today!