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Everything posted by Littlehawk
Ron,,If memory serve me right I think I give 2350 fer tha tuba..I'd have to ask Cory if'n he wans to get rid of....He still wakes the neighbor's cow's up wif it sometime. I'll ask him tho if'n yer interested.
Ron....ya nee to start up ya old website...Dark Side of The Moon....or just bring itwif ya to tha Gun Shoot down on Knob Creek!
Rascal....I promise not to use me torch to start campfires anymore,,,,only original green cards! Johnny Lingo....I could use that spanish pfal,,,,I have some new neighbors that thinktheir sombero's fit in wif me mules...but they keep forgetting to close tha gate. I t makes fer a bad deal early in the mornin',,,,specially when I am running a little late fer work....I gotta go chase the mules back in. I think my new neighbors need to read tha 5th chapter!
Hi Shell....You couldn't have received any better advise than what these guys are telling you. My only little tidbit I would throw in is the trumpet is easier to play whileridin horseback or mule preferring yer fancy. Now if'n ya need a deal on a clarinet, trombone, saxophone or tuba ..I gotta a deal fer ya. Cory quit em all, took up guitar playin and now is in boot camp writin love letters to his girlfriend and me occassionally ,tellin me he is thinkin about takin up piano lessons!
I don't quite understand this thread....I thought it was a note to women of Greasespot,,,????? The only deal I ever got at Sam's Club was on a set of Michelin Tires.
Cat..its been great reading ya posts! Correct me if I am wrong,,but I think I need to ride by Brook an Market down in tha Derby City an say hi to some of ya kinfolk. I don't need a frigerator, washer or dryer but I bet they got some real nice coffee pots there! Have a great time in school...hang in there..,it'll be worth every minute. Love Ya !
Congrats Evan...and Most Certainly Christine! I pray it was day that will go down in the infamy of you memories to be cherished forever, and yes Sudo said it appropriately; Evan ya do have a way wif words! Congratulations from the Littlehawk household...Your tha bestest! God Bless Ya !
amen Abbi! And Socks...I love yer antedotes! I see ya speak from a man thats been happily married between E and G and remebers how to turn on tha light! My girlfriend and I just broke up after a year of dating. So's I fer th taking ladies, I hope ya'll like going mule ridin! Only those that know me will undestand tha pun...but its fer real...I just bought two more mules...I need someone to drive tha oter team,,,and not spill tha guitar & pear juice.
Hey Evan long time no chat since tha moon rising over tha onion fields of Texas. I wish ya daughter tha best! I am sure if'n she is anything like you she will do fine in life. My son is going into a 22 week program away from home and yer asking a question here helped me reflect. I thought of an old fisherman's prayer....Keep us O' God! The sea is so big and our boats are so little! Failure always keeps us humble and Success keeps us trying! I am gona send me kido off wif this verse: O' magnify the Lord with me, Let us exalt his name together. Psalm34:3
LOl Sudo,,,,now I know yer in charge of tree dancin,,,and I promise to load ya wif pear juice when ya go huntin
I probably got no bussiness saying anything here, but I did'nt want ya'll to think I was being unattentive. I once heard this said about marriage,,,,its not so much finding the right person as it is being the right person. Socks , I think described that appropo! Jar..thanks fer yer story,,a whole lot of heart there,,,made me think about somehting...back when I tried window cleaning,,,ya clean windows to see in and out! There's always someone else in the world besides yourself. And after two marriages I have come to realize not all good wives have good husbands! I still believe life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it, so perhaps there's hope fer me. Thank you's fer sharing ya hearts on this thead.
Satori,,,,I don't mean this to be facecious....but as a single dad I gotta ask, ya been on a date lately? Or perhaps yer happily married,,,,,germs are like termites! We often forget where the source lies!
Ya'll make me feel excentric or somethin'...a few years ago I did some remodeling in me house, an so happens the kido that had never been a wafer assked me why I had all them books. Fer startin a fire I replied, I thought of the timeDr veg talked about a book burnin in Germany,,,,glad I still live in tha bluegrass state an book burning is still allowed, althought I did give away some 1971 n 72 way ragazines,....I still have a whole box full of SNS Tapes circa 72-77 ifn anyone is interested, don't really know why I kept em other than they don't take up much space in tha garage. Let tha campfire begin!!!
Ya don't strain cowboy coffee. If flossing is a deal, then just throw in a few eggs shells after the proper boling time, it will help the grounds settle to the bottom of the pot.
Perhaps the WayKGB were trying to get in.
Hey Ron, Howdy from the Knob Creek valley of the Bourbin Region of tha Bluegrass....a place where machine guns and spot lights are required as necessary huntin tools. I use a big old asphalt torch to start fires and another tool I find quite useful is a twitch. A twitch is used to help a mule understand their role in life. Its a rope attached to twenty six ounce eastwing hammer designed fer thumping or twisting them into a big smile.
I have been in and out of both chat rooms while reading through some of the forums for about and hour now. Something I noticed.....no one seems to chat much anymore. Another thing I noticed with even having both chatrooms open the flashchatroom reloads twice as fast as does Live Chat. I wondered if someone here has figured out how to make the Live Chat load faster. Perhaps its my old wore out Gateway.
Hiya Psalmmy,,,,Hope yer recoverin quickly!!!
After trying for sometime to enter the flashchat room I finally succeeded. I found it to be somewhat different to navigate than what has been here in the past. But not too difficult for someone as computer illiterate as myself. Sharon, I found the easiest way to enter flashchat was to install the website address in my favorites window and enter from there, rather than the forums. Clicking on the link here in the forums was causing my browser to stop working. I also found the room to load faster using the aol browser versus internet explorer. I hope this works for you.
Belle...I am sure the Jar gifts will be cherished by your love ones. Here is a few quotes that have stuck in my mind over the years. Character is doing the right thing when no is watching. Every flower must grow the dirt. Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there. Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars. He who limps is still walking. Do not follow where the path may go, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Silent and Listen are spelled with the same letters.
Belle...I can see that I needs to take ya down south to the Carribeans,,,,I use to dive fer them conchs and make my own fritters,,,I gots a secrect recipe, and I did'nt learn it in tha bluegrass neither!
I hears ya Digi,,,,we often get caught up in everyday living and perhaps it takes a Holiday Season for us to reflect not only what we have accomplished but what we about to set and do. I wish you and yours tha best! Sounds like ya got a plan,,,congratulations,,,I pray someday we can share our enjoyments together. I still like to travel,,,,I don't look like Santa Claus or act like Rudolph anymore but I might drive through ya neighborhood sometime. And pray tell if'n yer ever through mine you's stop and sit a spell wif me and mine!
Thanks Hap,,,,I just went there,,,,,sorry nobody was there! Look forward to chattin wif ya agin
Belle,,,,here is a salad recipe ya might like, Its called Taboli....a Lebanese Salad made with Bulgar Wheat 1 !/2cuptaboli wheat (often called bulgar wheat)..found in Oriental food stores 2bunches of green onions chopped...not too finely 1 large green bell pepper, chopped fine 3 large cucumbers chopped fine....peel if'n tha skin is tough 3 or4 large tomatoes,,chopped but not mushy,,,,Roma's are the best 1 bunch of parsley chopped,,,or at least a 1/2 cup of dry parsley 2 tsp of regular salt 1tsp of black pepper 1/2 tsp of garlic powder 1 cup of virgine olive oil....sometimes Mazola Oil works better depending on the freshness of the wheat 1 cp of real lemon juice,,,I often squeeze my own. Measure the wheat and cover it with water to soak while you chop the vegetables. It should soak all the water and soften while you are chopping the vegetables,,,should make about a 1/2 gallon. After soaking until the wheat has absorbed water Mix in a large container all ingredients. Marinate at least 4 hours stirring occassionally. Cover and refrigerate. It will keep 3 or 4 days in the frige and make a great salad with seafood or any type of meat. Its a colorful salad wif texture and I have never found a kido to turn it down!
MarryPoppins,,,great recipe,,,,Belle if'n ya kick it up a notch as old Emerald says,,,,substitute tha sherry fer good vintage red wine and always use white icecle white radishishes and throw in a little horseradishes wif it and soak tha cuccumbers in lemon juice in tha frige the day before usin