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Everything posted by Littlehawk
Paw have a prosperous and rewarding journey!
hey Lifty....glad to see you still posting.....we are starting to look like Lone Rangers........LOL
First Annual Southern Comfort Weenie Roast
Littlehawk replied to a topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
First of all......I want to share a heartfelt thanks to all that were there...I really had a great time as did Cory. He says ya'll needs to bring the kido's up to Knob Creek and he'll show em' a real fishing hole...LOL But most of all this weekend showed me once again how special the body of Christ is. We really are members in particular no matter what the name tag we wear and we really do have a calling. I realized once again that all we really have to look forward to is the return of Christ. Tess......thanks for the planning and preparation you put into everything and bringing Xena......she was most assuredly a hit with the kido's. Herb......Your the best buddy.....thanks for sharing your heart and life with Cory and I this weekend.......You needs to come visit us in the bluegrass sometime........I'll loan ya a pair of bibs......lol....but bring yer own straw hat ok Cam........Cory says he will have a fishing pole fer ya to use......so be sure to come too. Cathy......thanks for the splendid breakfast vitals.......and I volunteer you for the song leader at the next gathering of greasespotters....after all you did bring a guitar. And most importantly thanks for sharing those wonderful kido's wif me......they made me realize once again how special we all really are in God's eyes. This weekend brought to life once again for me how exciting it is to be alive and live in a free country. Not to mention the wonderful people we have the privelge of getting to know as we travel through this world. I would be tremendously blessed to be part of any future greasespot gatherings and look forward to it. I think sometimes we here at Greasespot and cyber world in general forget that we are communicating with real live human beings and most importantly brothers and sisters in Christ. I know this place is not supposed to be a religious forum and I don't mean to sound like I'm trying to lead a twig fellowship. But I said it to someone this weekend......we can still shake hands and hug one another jus because we love one another and are genuinely thankfull fot the fun filled fellowship we enjoy with one another. I think we as greasespotters should enjoy every opportunity we have to fellowhip with one another. This weekend showed me that it does'nt really have to be structured, reserved, catered or paid for in advance lol. Just set a time and place.....show up do what you like to do.....and enjoy. Once again........thanks to all that were there! PS....Cathy.......Tell Benji.....I gots a whole box of hostess twinkies I'll trade him fer that puppy....rsvp...lol -
First Annual Southern Comfort Weenie Roast
Littlehawk replied to a topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
I just thought that perhaps we could use a prayer concerning this gathering.....since many who were gona come have since decided not to........and now there seems to be a Lilly passing thru. Perhaps a prayer is also in order for those that can't make it because of pressing family matters. Perhaps ya's don't even believe in prayer.........thats ok ......its yer perrogative.....as well as it is not to read anymore of this post. But I'll be praying for a fun filled weekend of fellowship and good times and thankful that I'll be part of the first annual southern comfort weenie roast. A place where greasespotters can gather and share hearts without the confines of a keyboard and break bread together too. I know about a year ago there was a lot of chat here in the forums and in the chatroom about a gathering of greasespotters. Many ideas were suggested and alot of wonderful people stepped to the forefront to undertake responsiblites. And I for one think its a wonderful idea that we share our hearts and lives with one another wether it be one on one when the occassion affords us to do so or in a group setting. I thought I would bring this topic back to the top just in case someone might want to come and missed it. Once again.......its been my pleasure....... to just be a part of this little cyber family. Littlehawk.......Yer Friendly Tour Guide to tha Bourbin Regions of the Bluegrass! -
Oh!!!!!! Bye tha way Wacky......in answer to yer ? yea........come on down to tha bluegrass.......we can start that communal livin' project on 26 acres,,,,,,,,and if'n that ain't enouf' room.......we'll haf' to exxxxxxxpandd! to tha back forty!!!!!!
dear Wacky darlin'..........I thinks this is a topic worth bringin to tha top. Happy vacationingg while i'm chattin wif ya.....cause I can't seem to find ya in tha chat room........But I am kind a dissappointed that some of us ex wayfers cant find a chat place that we can uniter daily.......cause we really do have soemthin' in common to talk about.......and ain't that what chat rooms are all about. and not to speak about gossip and such........but most importantly of all ....tha common bond we all gots.......its called chatroom fever.....fer lack of more recognizant terminalogy........ but most importantly......we miss each other,,,,, now will someone please get on this!!!!!! so's i can find me way home agin' THANNKKS!!!!!!!!!! Littlehawk....yer friendly bourbin guide to tha tour regions of tha bluegrass...LOL.......did ya's catch that.......!!!!!!!!! But I still do miss chattin wif ya Wacky and I really thinks ya did goodd bringin this up! Now where is that thumb?
I think he has info posted on the Cortright website which you can access from here.
Garth......thanks for correcting the url addy for the gathering place of cyber-hippie chat addicts. Wacky.......you might try customizing your away message at the chatroom to say something like.......Hi.. this is Wacky and I am presently looking for loppy ..please help me find him..so's I can return to chatting!
I just thought this topic needed to be pinnacled once again for some of the addicts like myself! But; while I am on this topic...........I would also like to say that I miss chatting wif many of the new found chat friends I've found here at greasespot. And would like to invite many of the wonderful people that post here in the forums that never visit chat to come join in the fun! Since finding the greasespot cyber cafe about a year ago I have met many wonderful people in the chatroom. It's not near as scary a place as one would imagine. I also believe food fights in the chatroom are more fun than some of the verbal brow beatings that I see take place here in the forums. I don't think the chatroom here is as user friendly as can be........but neither are alot of other things in life. I am not a hostage to conformity or old age, and I don't believe anyone here is either. I think we are living in a generation that is just now starting to learn the power of the internet......so why not enjoy chatting with those you share ideas, arguements, expectations, fears, and most of all......scared memories. And a little loving chat fellowship once in awhile does the soul good too, I might add. Now thats my spill about chat......../join greasespotcafe.........at www.yahoo.chat.com Littlehawk.....Your friendly tour guide to tha bourbin regions of tha bluegrass!!!!!!!!!!
I too wonder about them Janet.....if'n ya hear..let enquiring minds know. Perhaps you and I know one another also Janet......I knew Alan in the early 70's also.....I lived in a Way Home with him in Va Beach.
Greasespot Cafe -- Names we're known by (and icons)
Littlehawk replied to Kit Sober's topic in My Story
I am LittleHawk......cause I was tha runt of tha family growing up amongst a whole bunch of big Hawkins. And if'n ya's a wonderin about the e-mail addy...tha Cry stands for Cory.......my youngster.........don't tell him I am using his e-mail addy...lol! -
I jus read this thread and am blessed to see so many ex-wayferssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss wif's pets. My aligator of four yrs died yesterday,,,,,,,,he now has a burial plot next to ole' Hanky......my Australian Shepherd of twelve yrs. Now I do still gots a mule named Sara......and a horse named Red Skelton. Tha cats name is 8-Ball cause he is all black wif a little white speck on his chest......he also weighs in at 32 pounds. Really he keeps the stray dogs out of tha yard....lol I also gots three nice beagles fer huntin rabbits! And two ole' blue ticks that are supposed to tree coons....LOL! But me favorite pet is a Twenty pound Tom Turkey wif a 10inch beard. The only one I ever seen rooast on tha tier poles in tha barn. Outside of all that......I got a twelve yr old kido.......that loves turtles.......But we ain't figured out to get this 30 pounder into tha aqaurium yet! I also got a pond full of crappie and blue gill....they are my favorite pets.......especially when they come a dining!
go to the chatroom.......I have seen whole pages deleted with all sorts of icons to cover many of them up ....LOL
Hey Lifty............Hope all is fine wif you and yours.....jus thought I'd drop ya a howdy...after all we needs to get our replies catching up wif tha views.
Dot......this is a great cookie recipe. I was a cook in the Navy...and have to agree wif RG on tha substitutin'.........Now do you have any good Banana Puddin recipe's to go along wif it. Cause it goes good wif the cookies!
Danny....you might try www.classmates .....Ray's email addy is there on the Way College of Emporia thread.
Ex10th..........I too would love to hear from them. I knew them both well. If'n ya make contact pass along this too em' cryhawkins @aol.com.....thanks! I never knew they were married......I thought Kristy married someone from the 5th Corps. And David someone from the 8th Corps. Oh well,,, I left TWI in 81......and only recently been in contact with former friends through greasespot and the internet.
Great Ideal Paw !!!!! I also wanted to toss out this question? Is there a reason for not having a WOW Forum in the Connecting place here along with the Corps, State, and Friend Tracker threads. Jus wonderin'........ Littlehawk...Yer friendly tour guide to the Bourbon Regions of tha Bluegrass.
is this tha romper room fer journalist???????
Hey Lifty.......glad to see ya are still hanging about these parts too ! Perhaps more will join in in due time!