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Everything posted by Littlehawk
I think we need to think about this daily. I love living life and I see so many that don't and it saddens me . Regardless of what we/ve all been taught one thing we need to realize don't get above your raisin.
Hi Steve and Cindy! Long time no chat, I don't spend much time here anymore or on the computer as Cory grows older we find other interests. I wish you many more years of bliss together. You truly are a wonderful couple and I pray we shall get to visit again someday. Watch out drinking pear juice, it can become addictive lol. Love ya! Littlehawk , Your friendly tour guide to tha bourbin regions of tha bluegrass!
Hi Cindy, I trust all is well with you and yours! Your son is definitely persuing a rewarding career. Speaking of knives, you are located near one of the finest cutlery manufactures; "Chicago Cutlery" makes some fine knives. I have a fish filet knife that I bought direct from their factory 25 years ago that still filets crappie as nice as any knife on the market. Sullivan University here in Louisville is one of the finer culinary arts institutes around too I might add. If'n ya'll decide to ever check it out in person give me a shout, I would enjoy visiting. Perhaps I could muster up a little pear juice fer the occassion. Littlehawk.....Ya Friend from tha Bourbin Regions of tha Bluegrass!
Hi Psalmy.....Many good suggestions here. I sort of liked Rhino's. I have always repaired my own vehicles when convenient and cost effective to do so myself. One litte bit of info I learned is that mechanics are alot like doctors. Cost is all that generally seperates them. And You usually get what you pay fer! I have found when hiring out the maintenance or repair of auto's it's generally cheaper in the long run to go to someone speciallizing in the needed repair. Someimes locale plays a role and one might be better seeking a dealership. I would reccomend that if your going to take it back to the same repair facility that you insist the guy take a little test ride with you. Sort of like when the old doc says open and say ahh or thumps yer knee checkin reflex's. And the 100,000 mile tune-up is not a bad idea. Someitimes vehicles with age might require tune-ups more often and somewhat more extensive tuning. I drive a truck at work that has 360,ooo miles on it. I no longer change the oil, just the filter occassionally. I add enough oil on a regular basis that the oil stays clean enough. Some of the experts say that a vehicle that is over ten years old cost more to operate than a newer one. I have never been one to buy into that because of all the variables involved such as; who is repairing, maintaining the vehecile and the type of use or driving its being used for. Good luck and I hope you enjoy many more hassle free miles.
This has certainly been an enjoyable thread to read. I think sometimes reflecting upon the things others don't know about us helps our vision of who we really are. 10. I took tap and ballet lessons as a child (Never learn't tree dacncing tho.) 9. I still hold the season batting average record in my high school. 8. I still love to go slick-legging ( a term used for dancing around these parts.) 7. One of my distant relatives was President McKinnley. 6. My great-grandfather was a preacher. 5. I still chat frequently with my first high school sweetheart. 4. I fell asleep while running a camera filming PFAL in Columbus. 3. I was a cook in the Navy and still enjoy cooking. 2, I was pronounced dead upon arrival to the hospital ( Due to an auto accident after a 4th of July Celebration.) 1. I still love riding mules and working them as I did today gathering firewood. Littlehawk...Yer friendly tour guide to tha bourbin region of the bluegrass!
Belle.....I have had Direct , Dish, Cable and once an antenna that I had to climb the hill and sycamore tree behind my house to turn when I changed channels. I prefer Dish over them all. From the sound of your troubles its probably a simple thing to fix. The guy that installed it should be able to fix things. I had Dish for over six months when I happened to open the instruction manual and realize I could program the remote that came with it to operate my tv . I had been using the tv remote to turn the tv on and off and the dish remote to change channels. After following the simple steps outlined in the instructional manual I now only use one remote. I wish you the best of luck and Happy Viewing. Nascar Season starts soon!!!
Hello Belle....I knew you was a woman after mine own heart! You do laundry, clean and other chores (one of which I am sure is cooking). Your sure welcome at my house and I will even turn on NASCAR after the dishes are done. Your friend from the pear juice regions of the bluegrass! PS> You won't have to babysit!
Hi Hope,,, And a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and yours. I had a good laugh remembering some of my slave labor days. However on a side note I have found some stuff I bought off a tv commercial to be great for cleaning ceramic towel. Its called "Clean Shower". I don't know if its avbilable in stores. Its made by Automation,Inc located in Jacksonville. Try http://www.cleanshower .com for ordering. Don't your favorite window washer know how to use the toothbrush? LOL. Nice to see ya....would love to visit wif ya'll next time yer up around tha bluegrass.
I thought this thread was about something other than food. But after reading the thread I began to recollect some wayfer memories of food. While in the Corps and on Staff I had the opportunity to experience the atmosphere from the other side of the plate so to speak. I worked in the kitchen at all the different locale's. Some might remember the fondue dinner tent at the ROA one year. I was asked to coordinate that and was responsible for the fond memory or nightmare you might have experienced. Funny, but the only memory that sticks out to me was trying to light someones fondue pot and spilling hot grease all over them. I was always fond of the Sunday sack suppers. They made for great bartering material. I did love watching people enjoy the homemade bread and pastries I often made at Gunnison. I think we often remember the food and the etiquette associated with wayfer days is because it was so adnormal to what we experienced before those times and are experiencing now. Now as my god ole' cous' used to say after each prayer...please pass tha taters.
Just a little tid-bit of info that I am surprised has never been mentioned much about our 38th President. He wore a campaign like button alot after he became President that said "WIN". It stood for , whip inflation now.
Tom, Be sure and take along yer digital camera and bring back plenty of pic's fer tha gallery. And also, don't forget your lift list!
That sounds like a great Christmas present Tom. Do you have a stuffed Arnold or a manequine of Mr Ziffel to watch them with?
LOL....WhiteDove thats pretty good. Those rules might even work for some friends as well.
Thanks for the wonderful wishes! I had a great day. I hit the lottery for a hundred on the way to work which put a smile on my face. I shared a delicious pork barbecue rib dinner with my son, brother and parents. My first birthday in over twenty years sober, so hopefully I can cherish it for many more. Once again thanks to all, yer wonderful friends , alot that I've had the pleasure of meeting and many I hope to meet someday. God Bless and Happy Holidays! Your friendly tour guide to tha bourbin regions of tha Bluegrass State.....Littlehawk!
Talk about something that turns PFAL ...
Littlehawk replied to GarthP2000's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Call me awfull...I was wondering what the Vietnamese take on this story is? Or perhaps McDonald's. -
Chinny, your wonderful family are in my prayers.
Hi Peg....nice to see your return and glad to hear all is well. Lifty keep up the good work. Shortly we'll have eight pages! That might help the orating ninth pay more attention.
hey griffp, welcome to greasespot. I have some old pic's of ya down on the ole' onion ranch. Ev is even in them, but he had his britches intact. I was tha bus driver on that trip. I always wondered who tha rat was on tha trip too Ev. The thing I remember best about that journey if memory seves me correct was hitching home with Kristy Mc......h.
Highway, probably something to do with free rent.
Hold on man, she's only window shopping !
Highway 127 through Kentucky, Tennessee and into Georgia is the longest Flea Market, Yard Sale drive in the world. You can not only see alot of native culture, but its even for sale at bargain prices.
Sudo...just bring ya camera....an ya can post sme pic's of good wine,,,it'lldrink wif any kind of eats!
Sudo....jusst had a litle talk wif Cory.....he says we shouldmake it...so's I am gona work on theboat this week.....if'm I don't get it going I'll split the poontoon rental wif ya. It kinda iterferes wif me squirrle huntin trip....but like Cory says.....I invited ya to tha bluegrass....wouldn't be nice not fer me show up....I'll be there eventuallly equppid wif pear juice an all. Threw a deer shoulder into thawing tonight wich I am sure will make good fer some vittles. Good Lord forbiding I shall see ya there. But promise me .....no tree dancin'...anole coon huntin buddyof mine lives close by .
Cowgirl.... an old indian trick about growin maters in a danger zone when yer dealin wif kidos an varmits...... plant them in an upside down 5 gallon bucket and hang emup to grow upside down...I recomend rutgers ferthis techninigue they makes tha best juice.///// Happy mater growin! Its really true love! PS ,,,thats what ya could have done wif them sprouts that got bit off.. I don't recomend crusin mcdaonalds fer empty pickle buckets tho...togrow em in
Cowgirl...I just asked my son if'n he knew tha tune....he said yes and I could follow along but tell her ...she'll have tacome to ky to hear it. cause we ain'tsmart enough yet to put it to cd and wire it to er' He also said lickin therm cd's ain't bad....just remember to take out ya bubble gum .